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1、中考英语完形填空训练专家 9Many people go to school for an education. 1 learn languages, history, geography, physics, chemistry and maths. Others go to school to learn a skill sothat they can 2 a living. School 3 is very important and useful. Yet no one can learn everything from school. A teacher, no matter how

2、much he 4 , can not teach his students everything they 5 to know. The teachers job is to show his students how to read and how to 6 . So much more is to be learned7 school by the students themselves.It is always more important to know how to study by 8 than to memorize(熟记)some facts or formula(公式).

3、It is 9 quite easy to learn a 10 fact in history or a formula in mathematics. But it is very difficult to use a formula in 11 out a maths problem. Great scientists, such as Einstein, Newton and Galileo, didnt learn many things from school. But they were all so 12 that they invented so many things fo

4、r mankind.The 13 for their success is that they knew how to study. They read booksthat were not 14 at school. They worked hard all their lives, wasting not a single moment. They would ask many questions as they read and they did thousandsof 15 .1. A. Students B. They C. We D. People 2. A. make B. do

5、 C. have D. get3. A. education B. degree C. lesson D. task4. A. teaches B. knows C. learns D. practises5. A. manage B. expect C. fail D. want6. A. study B. play C. think D. work7. A. From B. in C. within D. outside8. A. heart B. students C. us D. oneself9. A. not B. actually C. seldom D. known10.A.

6、real B. true C. certain D. great11. A. setting B. working C. making D. doing12. A. famous B. popular C. successful D. modest13. A. experiment B. reason C. result D. way14. A. kept B. showed C. expressed D. taught15. A. duties B. jobs C. experiments D. records名师点评本文讲述了自主学习的重要性。也就是说对于学生而言应该学会如何学习才是更重要

7、的。而对于教师而言,不仅要教学生文化知识,更应教会他们如何学习,正所谓“授之以鱼,不如授之以渔”。答案解析1. B。they指上句中的many people。2. A。make a living意思是“谋生”。这里表示学一门技术来谋生。3. A。school education 意为“学校教育”。4. B。意思是“不管他懂多少”。5. D。表示学生想知道的东西 。6. C。老师不仅教学生文化知识,更应该教会学生如何思考。7. D。指应该更多的从校外获取知识。8. D。study by oneself自学。9. B。actually副词,“事实上”。actually easy 表示“真的很简单”

8、。10. C。certain这里指“某一个,固定的”。11. B。work out意思是“解出”。12. C。上述的这些人都很成功。13. B。reason和for搭配,表示“ 的 ”。14. D。 语 ,表示“学校不教的 ”。意思是他们获取了很多 外知识。15. B。这些 学家都 了很多实 。38About 70,000,000 Americans are trying to lose weight( ). That is almost 1 out of every 3 people in the United States. Some people eat 1 food and they

9、hardly have any fats or sweets. Others do running, exercise with machines, take medicines, or even have operations. 2 you can see losing weight is 3 work, and it will also cost a lot of money. But _4 do so many people in theUnited States want to lose weight?Many people in the United States worry abo

10、ut their look of the body. For many people, looking nice also means to be 5 . Other people worry about theirhealth as many doctors 6 overweight is not good.Most people want to find an 7 way to take off fat, and books of this kind are very popular. These books tell people how to lose weight. Each yea

11、r a lot of new books like these are 8 . Each one says it can easily help people take fat away.Losing weight can be 9 . Some overweight people go to health centres, like La Costa in California. Men and women 10 several hundred dollars a day at these health centres. People live there for one week or t

12、wo, 11 exercise,eating different foods. Meals there may be just a little. All these work for losing weight. _12_ 4 days on the programme, one woman called Mrs. Warren lost5 pounds (2.27kg). At $ 400 a day, she spent $ 320 to lose each pound. But she said she was still _13_ to do so.Health centres, b

13、ooks, medicines, operations, running and exercise machines all _14_ a lot of money. So in the United States, losing weight may mean losing _15_ too.1. A. less B. more C. nice D. fast 2. A. For B. So C. Or D. And 3. A. good B. useful C. hard D. easy 4. A. why B. what C. how D. when 5. A. high B. shor

14、t C. thin D. fat 6. A. talk B. say C. speak D. tell 7. A. dearer B. harder C. shorter D. easier 8. A. taken B. given C. written D. copied 9. A. cheap B. expensive C. easy D. safe10. A. pay B. cost C. take D. have 11. A. making B. taking C. playing D. using 12. A. Before B. In C. After D. At13. A. so

15、rry B. angry C. sad D. glad 14. A. need B. have C. use D. get 15. A. health B. time C. food D. money名师点评这 文 讲的是 之一的人正 ,他们想 了一 重, 也 他们了不少的。答案简析1. A。为了 , 些人很少的currency1。2. B。“上文,知这个fifl。所以 so表示 。3. C。 人们不不 很多 人 的事,是一 的”。4. A。文讲的是人们 的 ,所以 why。5. C。 很多人都为想要自 上 就,正是这点很多人要 。6. B。这个词中 say 以 说。7. D。人们都 简单。8. C。 为很多人都想 ,所以就 人 这 的 来 。9. B。“文知 是一 很 的事。10. A。 表示 的个 词中, pay 和 spend 的主语为人,这里 spend, pay。11. B。 take exercise意思是“


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