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1、书面表达 2019 九 书面表达 共1 题 计 20 分 即将毕业 请以 My favourite teacher 为题 写一篇英语短文 短文包括以下内容 1 老师的外貌 性格 所教科目等 2 以事例描述喜爱的原因 3 表达对这位老师的感激和祝福 要求 1 要点齐全 并适当发挥 2 文中不得出现真实的姓名与校名 3 卷面整洁 书写美观 课适当加2 3 分 4 词数 80 词左右 开头部分已给出 不计入总词数 My fvourite teacher It s time to graduate from junior high school I d like to write something

2、about my favourite teacher 九 书面表达 My fvourite teacher It s time to graduate from junior high school I d like to write something about my favourite teacher Of all the teachers I like my English teacher best She is a lovely and outgoing girl who loves singing and reading She is of medium height and ha

3、s long straight hair When I was in Grade Seven I was so shy that I was afraid to take part in the English competition She encouraged me not to give up any chance to show myself to others Thanks to her I changed my attitude and won the first prize I will never forget the wonderful time we were togeth

4、er Best wishes to her 2018 81 书面表达 某校正在开展 走进新时代 争当合格中学生 的演讲比赛 请以 We act we improve 为主 题 写一篇演讲稿 谈谈中学生除了学习课本知识之外 还应该做些什么 演讲稿应包括 以下内容 1 学会自立 诚实友善 举止文明 2 培养习惯 发展兴趣 不断创新 3 关心他人 和谐相处 懂得感恩 4 要求 1 要点齐全 并适当发挥 2 文中不得出现真实的姓名与校名 3 卷面整洁 书写美观 可适当加2 3 分 4 词数 80 词左右 开头部分已给出 不计入总词数 We act we improve Ladies and gentl

5、emen We have entered a new era As students it s our duty to study hard But to be a qualified middle school student I think we have a lot of things to do 答案 We act we improve Ladies and gentlemen We have entered a new era As students it s our duty to study hard But to be a qualified middle school stu

6、dent I think we have a lot of things to do First we should learn to be independent and honest We re supposed to be friendly to others and behave politely in public Second we should have good habits Habits play an important role in our life We d better develop our interests and the ability to create

7、Third we should care more about others and be thankful to all the people who have helped us Value the time we spend with our family and friends in our daily life Last but not least I think we should exercise more to keep healthy In a word the more we act the better we will improve 解析 这是一篇给材料作文 以 We

8、act we improve 为主题 写一篇演讲稿 谈谈中 学生除了学习课本知识之外 还应该做些什么 结合所给材料 可知本文主要考查一般 现在时 人称为第一人称 注意主谓一致问题 句子结构主要为系表结构和动宾结构 注意一些常见句式的应用 比如 I think First we usually learn to Second we should We must not 等句式的应用 写作中注意多种句式交替运用 不要漏掉 任何一个写作要点 注意叙述顺序符合逻辑关系 可能用到的词组 learn to do sth be supposed to do be friendly to sb play an

9、 important role in had better the ability to create care more about 等等 高分句型 1 We should care more about others and be thankful to all the people who have helped us 我们 应该更加关心别人 感谢所有帮助过我们的人 care more about 更加关心 be thankful to 对 感恩 who have helped us 为定语从句 修饰 先行词 the people 2 In a word the more we act

10、the better we will improve 总之 我们行动越多 我们的提高就 越好 两个比较级的句子叠加 表示 越 越 2017 九 书面表达 共1 题 计 15 分 96 15 分 现在各行各业都在为建设美丽中国 实现中国梦而奋斗 请根据下列图示 谈 谈以下几种职业怎样做贡献的 作为学生 你又该怎么办 Students study Building Beautiful China Building Beautiful China 要求 1 短文需包含提示要点 并适当发挥 2 文中不得出现真实姓名和校名 3 语句通顺 结构合理 书写规范 4 词数 80 词左右 短文开头部分已给出 不

11、计入总词数 Now all the Chinese people are making their efforts to build beautiful China and achieve the Chinese Dream 考点 S4 图画作文 分析 高分句型一 In order to produce enough vegetables and fruit they are busy growing plants 为了生产足够的水 果和蔬菜 他们忙于种植 in order to do sth 为了做某事 表示目的 高分句型二 I think we should study hard to g

12、et rich knowledge so as to make contributions to our country 我认为我们应该努力学习获取丰富的知识 为我们国家做贡献 think 后是省略了that 的宾语从句 动词不定式作为目的状语 so as to do sth 为了做某事 表示目的 解答 Now all the Chinese people are making their efforts to build beautiful China and achieve the Chinese Dream In the fields a large number of farmers

13、work hard every day to improve our living levels In order to produce enough vegetables and fruit they are busy growing plants 高分句型一 农民 Meanwhile in hospitals doctors and nurses always try their best to save patients day and night Besides they also take good care of the old 医生 In our daily life we ca

14、n see many policemen in the streets on duty to protect people 警察 As for scientists they concentrate more on scientific studies to invent something useful and raise our living standards 科学家 As students what should we do to build our country I think we should study hard to get rich knowledge so as to make contributions to our country 高分句型二 学生 点评 考生首先要认真阅读前面的提示认真审题 确定文章的中心 注意文章文体 人称 和时态 要求介绍 同时应选用合适的连接词或过渡词 使文章具有一定的连贯性 温馨提 醒 考生必须认真查验是否有漏写情况 有无拼写错误及标点误用等


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