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1、连带责任担保书 (中英文)GENERAL CONTINUING GUARANTYIn order to induce _ (Name of Company), a _ (State) corporation, and any other Co-Buyer or Participant as specified in the Agreements (Buyer) to extend and/or to continue to extend financialaccommodations to the Seller specified below, or pursuant to any other

2、 present or future agreement between Buyer and Seller (hereinafter collectively referred to as the Agreements), and in consideration thereof, and in consideration of any loans,advances, or financial accommodations heretofore or hereafter granted by Buyer to or for the account of Seller, whether purs

3、uant to the Agreements, or otherwise, theundersigned officer(s), authorized agent(s) or third party guarantors of Seller(hereinafter collectively and individually referred to as the Guarantor) hereby, jointly and severally, guarantees, promises and undertakes as follows:为了促使 (公司名称),一家(州名)公司,和协议中列明的任

4、何其他共买方或参与者(买方)根据如下,或根据买卖双方任何其他现有的或未来的协议(以下一并简称为协议)向卖方提供及/ 或继续提供资金融通,并考虑到买方迄今为止已经或今后将要向卖方或为卖方利益支付的任何贷款、预付款或融资,无论其是否与协议有关,下列签字的卖方职员、经授权的卖方代理人或卖方的第三方担保人(以下一并且各自简称为保证人)均据此连带担保、承诺及保证如下:1. Guaranty of Obligations.担保债务Guarantor unconditionally, absolutely and irrevocably guarantees and promises to pay to B

5、uyer, on order or demand, in lawful money of the United States, any and all indebtedness and obligations of Seller to Buyer and the payment to Buyer of all sums which may be presently due and owing to Buyer from Seller whether under the Agreements or otherwise.担保人无条件地、绝对地和不可撤销地担保并承诺,就协议等项下卖方对买方的任何负债

6、、债务以及卖方应向买方支付的应付和即将到期的全部款项,担保人将依照指示或要求,以合众国的合法货币向买方支付。The terms indebtedness and obligations are (hereinafter collectively referred to as the Obligations) used herein in their most comprehensive sense and include any and all advances, debts, obligations and liabilities of Seller, heretofore, now, or

7、 hereafter made, incurred or created, whether voluntarily or involuntarily, and however arising(including, without limitation, indebtedness owing by Seller to third parties who have granted Buyer a security interest in the accounts, chattel paper and general intangibles of said third party; and furt

8、her including, without limitation, any and all attorneys fees, expenses, costs, premiums, charges and interest owed by Seller to Buyer, whether under the Agreements, or otherwise) whether due or not due, absolute or contingent, liquidated or unliquidated, determined or undetermined, whether Seller m

9、ay be liable individually or jointly with others, whether recovery upon such indebtedness may be or hereafter becomes barred by any statute of limitations or whether such indebtedness may be or hereafter becomes otherwise unenforceable, and includes Sellers prompt, full and faithful performance, obs

10、ervance and discharge of each and every term, condition, agreement, representation, warranty undertaking and provision to be performed by Seller under these Agreements.这里的术语“负债”“债务”(以下一并简称为债务)应按照各自最广泛的含义被使用,债务包括卖方先前、现在和今后,基于自愿或非自愿发生的所有预付款、负债、债务和责任,不论债务如何产生,(包括但不限于,卖方对已用自己的帐户、动产文书或一般无体物向买方提供担保利益的第三方之

11、负债,并进而包括但不限于,卖方在协议等项下欠付买方的全部律师费、支出、费用、保险费、运费和利息),不论债务是否已经到期、是否必然发生、是否已清算、是否已决,不论卖方是单独或与他人连带承担责任,不论债务的追偿是否已经或将会受到时效法的阻碍,也不论债务是否已经或将要无法强制执行,卖方应当即时、充分和善意的履行、遵守和完成全部条款、条件、协议、陈述、担保义务和这些协议项下卖方应当履行的条款。2. Continuing Guaranty. 第二条 连续担保This General Continuing Guaranty (the Guaranty) is acontinuing guaranty wh

12、ich shall remain effective until this Guaranty has been expressly terminated and relates to any obligations including those which arise under successive transactions which shall either continue the Obligations from time to time or renew them after they have been satisfied. Any such termination shall

13、 be applicable only after written notice to Buyer, and only to transactions having their inceptionprior to such date. No termination shall be effective until such time as Buyer is nolonger committed or otherwise obligated to make any loans or advances, or to grantany credit to Seller. In the absence

14、 of any termination of this Guaranty, Guarantoragrees that nothing shall discharge or satisfy its obligations created hereunder exceptfor the full payment and performance of the Obligations with interest.本通用连续担保书(本担保书)是指在被明示终止前始终有效的连续的担保,其担保的对象是任何因连续交易而生的义务,这些连续交易的内容或者是对原有债务的不时延展,或者是对原有债务履行后的更新。对担保的

15、终止应在书面通知买方后始适用,并且仅适用于在终止日前已经开始的交易。买方不再有义务或有责任向卖方提供任何贷款、预付款,或给予卖方信用的时间即为担保终止的生效时间。除非本担保书终止,担保人同意,其债务只有在已充分偿付款项并付清利息的情形下方为履行。3. Rights are Independent. 担保权利独立Guarantor agrees that it is directly and primarily liable toBuyer, that the obligations hereunder are independent of the obligations of Seller a

16、ndthat a separate action or actions may be brought and prosecuted against Guarantor,whether action is brought against Seller or whether Seller is joined in any such action or actions. Guarantor agrees that any releases which may be given by Buyer to Seller or any other guarantor or endorser shall not release it from this Guaranty.担保人同意由其直接并主要地向买方承担责任,本担保书项下的义务独立于卖方的义务。担保人可以被单独提起诉讼,不论该诉讼是否对卖方提起或卖方是否参加该诉讼。



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