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1、人教版六年级英语下册期末试题及答案共三套目录人教版六年级英语下册期末试题(一)人教版六年级英语下册期末试题(二)人教版六年级英语下册期末试题(三)人教版六年级英语下册期末试题(一) 题号听力部分笔试部分总分一二三四一二三四五六七得分一听力部分(共30分)一听音,选出你所听到的单词。(5分) ( )1.A.big B. long C. small( )2.A.tall B. taller C. shorter( )3.A.older B. shorter C. longer( )4.A.thin B. thinner C. heavier( )5.A.head B. leg C. size二、听

2、录音,判断图片与所听内容是(T)否(F)相符。(5分) 37码 11岁 13岁( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )三、听问句,选答案。(10分)( )1. A. Im 51 kg.( )2. B. It was fine, thanks.( )3. C. Im 1.57 metres.( )4. D. I cleaned my room.( )5. E. I wear size 37.四听录音,写单词完成句子。(10分)1. Who is _ than you?2. His shadow is getting _ and _.3. I _ a film last night.4. Your

3、feet are _ than Mikes.5. I played football the day before _ .二、笔试部分(共70分)一选出划线部分发音不同的单词。(5分)( )1. A. cleaned B. washed C. played( )2. A. nose B. dog C. old( )3. A. name B. sane C. bag( )4. A. me B. leg C. be( )5. A. fly B. baby C. by二按要求写单词。(10分) 1.foot (复数)_ 6.do(过去式)_2.ton(缩写形式)_ 7.good(比较级)_3.hea

4、vy(比较级)_ 8.tall(最高级)_4.get(现在分词)_ 9.have(过去式)_5.big(比较级)_ 10.too(同音词)_三单项选择(15分)1. ( )_are you? -Im 1.61 metres.A. How long B. How tall C. How heavy2. ( )You are _ than me .A. short B. small C. shorter3. ( )Tom is 1.6 metres , and Mike is taller than him. Mike is _ metres .A. 1.5 B. 1.7 C. 1.64. ( )

5、 What _ are your shoes? - Size 38.A. long B. size C. heavy5. ( )Whose shoes are bigger?_A. Me B. My C. Mine6. ( )Chen Jies fish is smaller than_A. Mike B. Mikes C. Mikes7. ( )Did Amy_ boating last Monday?A. going B. go C. went8. ( )How _ your weekend ? It was good.A. is B. was C. did9. ( )I watched

6、some childrens shows _ TV .A. in B. on C. at10. ( )What_ Mikes grandpa do last weekend ?A. do B. does C. did11. ( )_ hands are bigger ?A. Whose B. Who C. Whos12. ( )My arms are longer than _.A. you B. yours C. your13. ( )_you _TV last night ?A. Did ,watch B. Did , watched C. Do , watch14. ( )I staye

7、d at home _ your grandma .A. with B. and C. to15. ( )Did she play ping-pang last weekend ?_A. Yes ,she do B. Yes , she did C. No, she doesnt四用所给词的适当形式填空。(5 分)。1. John is _ (strong) than Mike .2. My mother is _ (cook) dinner .3. What are you going to _ (do) next weekend?4. She _ (go) to school by bus

8、 .5. We _ (drink) tea yesterday afternoon.五给问句选答语。(10分)。( )1. How long are your legs ?( ) 2.Did you read books last night ?( ) 3. What are you doing ?( ) 4. what are you doing to do tomorrow ?( ) 5. What did you do yesterday ?( ) 6. When did you go to Beijing ?( ) 7. Whose bag is bigger ?( ) 8.How h

9、eavy is Zhang Peng? ( ) 9. What size are your shoes ?( ) 10. How tall are you ?A. Im dancing .B. I stayed at home and watched TV .C. 78 centimetres .D. MikesE. Im 1.61 metres .F. No , I didntG. I am going to see a film .H. Size 38 .I. He is 45 kilograms .J. Last weekend.六阅读理解。(20分)(A)阅读短文,判断句子正(F)误(

10、F)。(10分)Jenny was so busy last Sunday .She cleaned her room on Sunday morning. Then she played computer games with her brother. In the after-noon, she visited her grandparents, and helped them wash clothes. In the evening, they watched TV together. ( ) 1. Jenny was busy last Sunday.( ) 2. She played

11、 computer games in the afternoon.( ) 3. She visited her uncle in the afternoon.( ) 4. They watched TV in the evening.( ) 5. She helped her grandparents wash clothes. (B)阅读短文,选择正确的答案。(10分)。It was Saturday yesterday. I got up at 6:00. I washed my face and made the bed. After breakfast, I washed my clo

12、thes and did homework in the morning. Then I played football with my friends in the afternoon. In the evening, I watched TV with my mother. I went to bed at 8:50.( ) 1. Today is _.A. Saturday B. Sunday C. Friday( ) 2. At 6:00 I_.A. got up B. had breakfast C. washed clothes( ) 3. We_ in the afternoonA. played basketball B. played football C. did homework( ) 4. _ watched TV with me in evening.A. Mother B. Father C. Brother( ) 5. I went to bed at _.A. 6:00p.m B. 8:50a.m C. 8:50p.m.七作文(5分)1.题目:My weekend.2.要求:写一写上个周末你做了什么?字数50.句子完整,无语法错误。 _


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