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1、Unit 4 祝福篇1. 祝福论文通过Dear Shirley,Congratulations on doing such a good job on your graduation paper. I read it twice and learned a lot. I eventually understand why you got A . I especially liked the way you paced yourself on this huge work. I remember you have prepared it in March and then work on it

2、steadily all spring and summer, which impressed me most.Yours sincerely,Bill亲爱的雪莉:恭喜你毕业论文取得这么棒的成绩!我拜读两次并从中获益匪浅。终于明白了你为什么得A。我特别喜欢你踏踏实实地完成这项大工程。我还记得你从三月份开始准备,然后足足用了整个春天和夏天才完成。这令我非常感动。比尔Dear Bill,Thank you for your congratulations. I am also very happy that my graduation paper have passed and got an A.

3、 Ive prepared this paper for a long time. I am glad that my achievement can be affirmed by the experts. Thanks for your reading my paper. Its my pleasure to make a explanation if youve got any questions about my thesis. I want to discuss some points in my paper, because I dont do well in these ways.

4、 I hope that you also can write a good graduation paper.Best wishes!Yours sincerelyShirley亲爱的比尔:谢谢你的祝贺。论文通过,而且取得A的好成绩,我也很高兴。自己准备了这么长的时间,成果得到别人的肯定,我感到很欣慰。也感谢你能阅读我的论文。如果你有什么疑问或是不懂的地方,我可以随时向你讲解。论文中的一些观点我也很希望能和你一起再探讨一下,因为有些方面还是做得很不足。也希望你在以后毕业时写出好的论文出来。祝好!雪莉Dear Bill,I am pleased that you can read my pap

5、er. I get a lot of help in the writing of my graduation paper. Thank you very much. The questions you asked in our discussion are very instructive for me. I have explained these questions in detail in my paper. I hope this can help you. You will graduate the next year. If you have any problem in you

6、r paper, you can ask me at any time and we could discuss them together. I think you are a very inquiring mind person, your paper will achieve very good scores.Best wishes!Yours sincerelyShirley亲爱的比尔:很高兴你能阅读我的论文。在论文的写作中,我得到了你很大的帮助,在此向你表示感谢。你在我们讨论时提出的问题对我很有启发,我在论文中对这些问题做了详细说明。希望能够解答你的困惑。明年你也要毕业了,如果在论文

7、的写作过程中有什么问题,我们可以一起探讨。因为我觉得你是一个很有钻研精神的人,你的论文一定会取得很好的成绩。祝好!雪莉2. 祝福演讲成功Dear Lisa,Your speech this morning was exactly what we needed to hear about Global Environmental Protection. Each slide was clear and concise, and every point refers to current environmental problem. Furthermore, your handouts of th

8、e final conclusion will help us strengthen our surrounding environmental protection.Well done!Yours sincerely,Eric亲爱的丽萨:你今天上午的演讲恰恰是我们需要听到的,关于全球环境保护的问题。每张幻灯片都很清晰而且简明扼要,每一点都谈到了当今环境问题。另外,你最后一段的总结演说更是有助于加强我们周围的环境保护力度。干得好!艾瑞克Dear Eric,Thank you for your listening to my lecture. I prepared this lecture fo

9、r a long time. I collected a lot of materials in this field. I also consult some experts in some questions. The environmental problem is more serious than before. The purpose of this lecture is to call for more people to do something for the environment protection. If everyone can do something, the

10、world will be better. I also hope you can drive the friends in your side to protect the environment.Wish you all the best!Yours sincerelyLisa亲爱的艾瑞克:非常感谢你能倾听我的演讲。这次演讲是我花了很长时间精心准备,收集了很多的相关资料而成的。在有些方面还咨询了一些专家和学者的意见。因为现在环境问题越来越严重,我们每个人都要做出自己的努力来改变环境恶化的问题。我这次演讲的目的就是号召更多的人加入到环境保护的行列之中。每个人出一份力,世界会变得更加美好。希望

11、你也能够带动身边的朋友来一起保护环境。祝愿你一切都好!丽萨Dear Eric,Thank you for your encouragement. We have same points and attitudes in environment protection. Owing to many peoples assistance, my speech could move on smoothly and fluently. I just mention a small part in my speech that the environmental problems are getting

12、more and more serious. A great many underlying problems have not got consensus, for example, the problems of GM food. If some experts can do some related reports, then people will be aware of these problems. The purpose of this lecture is to show the great change brought by environmental degradation

13、. I hope we can communicate later.Best wishes!亲爱的艾瑞克:谢谢你的鼓励。看来我们在环境保护方面有共同的观点和态度。这次演讲得到了很多人的帮助,才能如此顺利地进行。环境方面的问题越来越多,我在演讲中只提到了一部分,还有很多没有提到。一些潜在的环境问题,像转基因食品的问题,到现在还没有得到大家一致的认识。这些方面还有待相关的专家来做一些报告,可能会更加明确。我的目的就是让大家看到环境恶化给我们带来的巨大的变化。希望以后我们能有更多的交流。祝好!丽萨3. 祝福乔迁之喜Dear Mr. White,I am glad to know your new h

14、ouse address. Its a wonderful thing that you have a house of your own eventually. You are very happy for living a new life in such nice surroundings. My wife and I have the intention to visit you and your new house recently.Im sending you a tea table for your living room. Please accept it as a token

15、 of my hearty congratulations on changing your residence.My wife and I wish you everything goes well!Yours sincerely,Tom亲爱的怀特先生:很高兴得知你家的新地址。你终于有了自己的房子,这真是太棒了。现在你一家人得以在舒适的环境中开始新生活,多么令人开心啊!我和我太太很想在近期约个时间登门拜访,顺便参观你的新居。我寄给你一张茶几用来装饰客厅,作为恭喜你乔迁之喜的贺礼,敬请笑纳。我和我太太祝你一切顺利!汤姆Dear Tom,Thank you for your wishes. We

16、 have already received your present. My wife and I like it very much. We will stay at home next week. I dont know whether you have time then, my wife and I want to invite you and your wife to my new house and pay a visit to my new house, which is very beautiful. My wife and I find this house for a long time. If you can come to our house next wee



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