江苏省江阴市祝塘中学译林牛津版高中英语Module 5 Unit 1 Getting along with others Vocabulary2 课件

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江苏省江阴市祝塘中学译林牛津版高中英语Module 5 Unit 1 Getting along with others Vocabulary2 课件_第1页
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江苏省江阴市祝塘中学译林牛津版高中英语Module 5 Unit 1 Getting along with others Vocabulary2 课件_第3页
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《江苏省江阴市祝塘中学译林牛津版高中英语Module 5 Unit 1 Getting along with others Vocabulary2 课件》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《江苏省江阴市祝塘中学译林牛津版高中英语Module 5 Unit 1 Getting along with others Vocabulary2 课件(15页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、M5U1 Vocabulary 2 1 identityn 身份identifyvt 确定 鉴定 识别 把 看成一样identificationn 鉴定 识别 认同 身份证明identitycard2 absurdremarks3 overcomevt 克服 解决 getover 4 beanchoredin 扎根于 基于 Artshouldbeanchoredinlife 她的小说取材自日常生活经验 Hernovelsareanchoredineverydayexperience 5 beeagerforsthbeeagertodosth6 pauseforawhilewithoutpaus

2、e暂停一会不停地7 revisionn 复习 修订revisevt 复习 goover 8 thanksto 幸亏 由于9 makeanapologytosbfor apologizetosbfor 1 getthrough 1 Igotthroughthedrivingtestlastweek Tomfailedbuthissistergotthrough 2 Irangyouseveraltimesbutcouldn tgetthrough Ican tgetthroughtohim 3 Whenyougetthroughthetask let sgoout 通过 使通过getthroug

3、h vi getthroughsth vt 2 用电话 接通 联系上getthrough getthroughtosb3 完成 getthroughsth 2 acquaintance 1 了解 熟悉havesome little noacquaintancewith 对 懂一点 知之甚少 不熟悉2 熟人havemanyacquaintancesmaketheacquaintanceofsb makeone sacquaintance结识某人 3 attituden 态度 意见 看法 have show hold takeapositive negativeattitudetowards to

4、 have show hold takepositive negativeattitudestowards to Asyougetolder yourattitudetowardsdeathchanges Sheshowsapositiveattitudetoherwork 4 bebasedon baseAonB AbebasedonBbasen vtbasisn thebasisof1 你的意见都要以事实为根据 Youshouldbaseyouropiniononfacts 2 base onatruestory thefilmwasmoving base animportantdecis

5、iononanabsurdperson wewillreallyregretoneday 3 Thetheory alotofexperiments Alotofexperiments thetheory arethebasisof isbasedon Based Basing 5 cautious becautiousof about 当心 谨防 对 谨慎acautiousdriver谨防扒手Becautiousofthieves 告诉你的孩子要当心陌生人 Tellyourchildrentobecautiousofstrangers 老板花钱很谨慎 Thebossiscautiousabo

6、utspendingmoney n caution谨慎treat withcaution谨慎地对待 6 respond responsen 反应 回答respondtosb sth 对某人或某事作出反应make a responseto 对 作出反应makenoresponseto 对 没有反应 回答inresponseto 响应 作为对 的反应 Hedidn trespondtomyquestions 他没有回答我的问题 他们对这则消息有什么反应 Howdidthepublicrespondtothenews Hegavemeasmileinresponsetomyhelp 他对我的帮助报以

7、微笑 7 regardlessadv Iprotestedstrongly butshecarriedonregardless 我极力反对 但她置之不理仍一意孤行 Althoughitwasbeginningtorain wekeptonregardless regardlessof不管 不顾 不理会 inspiteof despiteregardlessofdanger expense theconsequencesWeworkedalldayregardlessofthecoldweather Everyoneshouldberespectedregardlessofrace sex re

8、ligionandsoon Hesayswhathewantsanddoeswhathewantstodo regardlessofotherpeople sfeelings 不考虑别人的感受 8 endup endup最后成为 最终处于 最终结果是 后可接doing adj in n Iendedup spend thenightintheairport Ifyousmoketoomuch youwillendupdead Ityougoonstealingcars youwillendupinprison Ifyoudon tfollowouradvice youwillendupinfa

9、ilure Youwillendupindebtifyoukeeponspendingmoneylikethat Theclassendedupwithamovieendupdoingsthendupinprison failure debtendupwith以 方式结束cometoanend end beover spending 9 relyvi adj reliable可靠的 可信赖的relyon dependonrelyonone sownefforts judgementWeshouldn trelytoomuchonourparents Heisamantorelyon relyo

10、nsbtodosth相信 指望某人做 Wecanrelyonhimtocometoouraid Youmayrelyonitthathewillcometomeetyou 相信 mittedadj mitmentn becommittedtodoing致力于 becommittedtosb对某人忠诚 全心全意友谊意味着对他人全心全意 Friendshipmeansbeingcommittedtoothers 11 mercyn havemercyonsb同情 可怜某人showmercytosb宽恕某人 对某人仁慈begformercy讨饶Theyshowednomercytotheirenemies Wewereatthemercyoftheweather atthemercyofsb sth任由 摆布 完全受 的支配withoutmercy毫不留情地 残忍地那个男孩被虐待 Theboywastreatedwithoutmercy


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