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1、实训项目一:角色扮演-establishing relationship and cooperation实训时间:周一上午、下午(要求6学时,教师可根据自己的实训时间灵活安排)实训地点:语音室实训步骤及要求:1.播放视频该视频为深圳职业技术学院的学生实训模拟,教师简单说明视频内容,让学生明白谈判模拟实训应该怎样进行。(1学时)2. 练习环节学生熟悉下面对话,4人一组演练这个对话,一人扮演Mr. Wang,一人扮演Mr. John,一人扮演interpreter. 四人一组先将对话翻译过来,然后教师给出参考答案,学生在自己的答案上做适当修改即可。教师要求学生脱稿训练。(2-3学时)3. 表演环节

2、教师根据学生团队合作,发音,动作,表情等,按A.B.C.D 四个等级给出评分,并做适当点评。教师可自由把握时间,建议是2-3学时熟悉演练对话,2-3学时演练。教师要求学生脱稿表演。(2学时)4.任务实训法实行分组练习,教师可按照时间安排,分两次完成实训任务。如:0801班,共48人,3人一组,共分为16组。教师可安排8组在上午完成,8组在下午完成。5. 学生将自己说话的内容写在作业本上。Scene: At a trade fair, Mr. Brown seems interested a lot in those products that he has carefully and repe

3、atedly enquired about. To see if therell be possibilities of establishing relationship and further cooperation, he moves on to enquire about the financial status, and Miss Zhang gives answers and also expresses her sincere hope of cooperation. Mr. Brown: Some of them seem to be of the latest style.

4、Now Ive a feeling that we can do a lot of trade in this line. We wish to establish relations with you. Interpreter: ? Miss Zhang: 我们双方的愿望是一致的。 Interpreter: ?Mr. Brown: Concerning our financial position, credit standing and trade reputation, you may refer to Bank of Hong Kong, or to our local Chamber

5、 of Commerce or inquiry agencies. Interpreter:? Miss Zhang: 谢谢你所提供的情况。我们公司是国营公司,我们一向是在平等互利的基础上进行外贸交易,我们之间建立业务关系将对双方有利。我相信业务关系的建立也将使我们之间的关系更为密切。Interpreter:?Mr. Brown: That sounds interesting. Ill send a fax home. As soon as I receive a definite answer, Ill make a specific inquiry. Interpreter:?Miss

6、Zhang: 到时我们一定尽快报价。我希望我们之间能做成很多生意。Interpreter:?Mr. Brown: So do I. Interpreter:?实训项目二:角色扮演-offer实训时间:周二上午、下午(要求6学时,教师可根据自己的实训时间灵活安排)实训地点:语音室实训步骤及要求:1. 练习环节学生熟悉下面对话,3人一组演练这个对话,一人扮演Mr. Wang,一人扮演Mr. John,一人扮演interpreter. 三人一组先讲对话翻译过来,然后教师给出参考答案,学生在自己的答案上做适当修改即可。教师要求学生脱稿训练。(2-3学时)2. 表演环节教师根据学生团队合作,发音,动作,

7、表情等,按A.B.C.D 四个等级给出评分,并做适当点评。教师可自由把握时间,建议是2-3学时熟悉演练对话,2-3学时演练。教师要求学生脱稿表演。(2学时)3.任务实训法实行分组练习,教师可按照时间安排,分两次完成实训任务。如:0801班,共48人,3人一组,共分为16组。教师可安排8组在上午完成,8组在下午完成。4. 学生将自己说话的内容写在作业本上。Scene: Mr. Wang, the seller and Mr. John have had a nice cooperation for many years. Not long ago, they arrived at another

8、 agreement, with most of the details remaining unchanged, excepting the price, which keeps changing in the international market. In order to come to cooperative terms, the buyer has invited the seller to Hang Kang for a more intimate talk. Now lets have a careful look at what happens in the negotiat

9、ion.王: 约翰先生, 能在香港与您面谈我确实感到非常高兴。约翰:Ive been looking forward to an opportunity to continue cooperating with you王: 非常抱歉,我们没能给你方及时报盘。约翰:Thats all right. I know what it has been with you. Any improvement? 王: 你说的是供货情况?约翰:Yes.王: 很走运,供货情况有所好转。对于你们所需要的数量我们一定给与满足。约翰:As for the quantity, we can talk it over so

10、me other time. Shall we decide on the price first?王: 在我方报盘时,已说明价格了。约翰:Well! Your price was too much on the high side for anyone to accept. Thats why weve invited you to Hang Kong for a face-to-face discussion王: 也许你们对市场情况及现价是了解的。目前由于成本及运费都涨了,我们不得不调整价格。约翰:I am afraid I just cant agree with you. You kn

11、ow The Canadians price is lower than yours.王: 不过,谈价格总不能不考虑产品质量吧。约翰:It goes without saying that your quality is excellent, but it doesnt justify such a high price.王: 好吧,既然如此,那么你们的价格意见如何?约翰:Frankly, your price is 15% higher than that in American market. If you can see your way to get it down to that l

12、evel, we may consider a possibility to accept.王: 实在令人吃惊,这已是历史数字了,现在情况不同了。约翰:If you dont believe, you may have a look at this quotation sheet王: 我的天哪!约翰先生,我看这样吧,降价10%,怎么样?约翰:In view of our friendly partnership, Ill accept it.王: 很高兴我们终于把价格定下来了。约翰:Lets leave other details for this afternoon, shall we?王:

13、 好。实训项目三:角色扮演-on price实训时间:周三上午和周四上午(要求6学时,教师可根据自己的实训时间灵活安排)实训地点:语音室实训步骤及要求:1. 练习环节学生熟悉下面对话,3人一组演练这个对话,一人扮演Mr. Wang,一人扮演Mr. John,一人扮演interpreter. 三人一组先讲对话翻译过来,然后教师给出参考答案,学生在自己的答案上做适当修改即可。教师要求学生脱稿训练。(2-3学时)2. 表演环节教师根据学生团队合作,发音,动作,表情等,按A.B.C.D 四个等级给出评分,并做适当点评。教师可自由把握时间,建议是2-3学时熟悉演练对话,2-3学时演练。教师要求学生脱稿表

14、演。(2学时)3.任务实训法实行分组练习,教师可按照时间安排,分两次完成实训任务。如:0801班,共48人,3人一组,共分为16组。教师可安排8组在上午完成,8组在下午完成。4. 学生将自己说话的内容写在作业本上。Scene: Mr. Wang, the seller and Mr. John have had a nice cooperation for many years. Not long ago, they arrived at another agreement, with most of the details remaining unchanged, excepting the

15、 price, which keeps changing in the international market. In order to come to cooperative terms, the buyer has invited the seller to Hang Kang for a more intimate talk. Now lets have a careful look at what happens in the negotiation.王: 约翰先生, 能在香港与您面谈我确实感到非常高兴。约翰:Ive been looking forward to an opportunity to continue cooperating with you.王: 非常抱歉,我们没能给你方及时报盘。约翰: Thats all right. I know what it has been with you. Any improvement? 王: 你说的是供货情况?约翰:Yes.王: 很走运,供货情况有所好转。对于你们所需要的数量我们一定给与满足。约翰:As for the quantity, we can talk it over some other time. Shall we decide on the price fi



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