高中英语人教版选修七学案:Unit 3 Period Three Grammar &ampamp; Writing

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1、Period ThreeGrammar & Writing语法感知用所给动词的正确形式填空1 (warn) about typhoon,the fishermen sailed for the nearest harbour.2The teacher didnt catch Mike cheating in the exam so he escaped (punish).3The problem is far from (settle)We shall continue discussing it at the meeting (hold) tomorrow.4The question (di

2、scuss) now has something to do with nature.5Our neighbour came close to (kill) in a traffic accident the other day.语法精析动词ing形式包括现在分词和动名词两种形式,因而其被动结构也有这两种形式。从时态上讲,动词ing形式的被动语态有一般时和完成时两种,即being done和having been done。动名词的被动形式在句中可作主语和宾语;现在分词的被动形式在句中可作补语、定语和状语。一、结构主动语态被动语态一般时writingbeing written完成时having

3、 writtenhaving been written二、意义1一般时表示一个被动的动作正在进行或与谓语动词所表示的动作同时发生。She insisted on being given the hardest work.她坚持被派给最艰苦的工作。2完成时表示的动作发生在谓语动词所表示的动作之前。I appreciated having been given the chance to study abroad two years ago.我非常感谢两年前获得了去国外学习的机会。三、功能1主语Being laughed at in public is a terrible experience.

4、在公共场合被嘲笑是一次非常不愉快的经历。2宾语I forget once being taken to the sea when I was young.我忘了小时候曾被带到海边。注意:(1)表示“需要(want,need,require)”的主语通常是物,用动名词的主动式表示被动时,也可改为用不定式的被动式。This sentence needs improving.This sentence needs to be improved.这个句子需要改善。(2)be worth后常跟动名词的主动形式表示被动含义。If a thing is worth doing,it is worth doi

5、ng well.如果一件事情值得做,就值得做好。(3)动名词被动形式的复合结构当动名词被动形式的逻辑主语与句子的主语不一致时,要在v.ing形式之前加上物主代词或名词所有格(整个复合结构不作主语时,可用人称代词宾格代替物主代词,名词普通格代替名词所有格)。其中物主代词(名词所有格)是v.ing形式逻辑上的主语。Im very pleased at you/your having been honoured with a medal.我很高兴你能荣获一枚奖牌。3作表语What made his parents happy was his being admitted to a famous un

6、iversity.让他父母高兴的是他被一所名牌大学录取了。4定语The meeting being held now is very important.现在正在召开的会议非常重要。注意:动词ing形式的被动形式表示一个被动的动作正在进行;过去分词表示一个被动的动作已经发生;不定式的被动式表示将来的一个被动动作。a meeting being held now现在正在举行的会议a meeting held yesterday昨天举行的一次会议a meeting to be held tomorrow明天将会举行的会议5宾补He often watched the boats being unl

7、oaded.他常常看到轮船卸货。6状语Being asked to give a performance,she couldnt very well refuse.有人请她表演一个节目,她不好拒绝。高考链接用所给动词的正确形式填空1Listening to music at home is one thing,going to hear it (perform) live is quite another.(2015浙江)2The film star wears sunglasses.Therefore,he can go shopping without (recognize)(2014北京

8、)3Shortly after suffering from a massive earthquake and (reduce) to ruins,the city took on a new look.(2013江苏)4China recently tightened its waters controls near the Huangyan Island to prevent Chinese fishing boats from (attack) in the South China Sea.(2012福建)5 (ask) to work overtime that evening,I m

9、issed a wonderful film.(2012重庆)写作指导抱怨信属于书信的一种,要求简洁、清楚、易懂。英文信一般由称呼、正文、结束语、署名组成。称呼(Greeting):收信人的称呼写在左上角,顶格写。写给熟悉的人用逗号(,)。例如:Dear Auntie,。正文(Body):此为信的主体部分,从称呼的下一行写起。抱怨信的正文一般先说明抱怨的原因,然后提出要求。应特别注意使用委婉语气的句子,例如:Would you please not make so much noise?(请你别弄出那么大的噪音好吗?)Would you mind not standing there?(请你别

10、站在那儿好吗?)结束语(Closing):抱怨信的结束语一般写在正文的下方,另起一行。常见的结束语有:Yours sincerely;Yours truly等。署名(Signature):写信人自己的姓名,写在结束语的下面一行。常用句式1Its a great pity that we found there is something wrong with.2I hope that my problem will get your kind consideration.3I am sure there are technical or manmade errors involved.4I ho

11、pe you can make an investigation into this matter as soon as possible.5I am writing to make a complaint on.6If it is not properly settled,I would ask you to give my money back,or I would complain to the concerned authorities.7One annoying aspect of your service is.8I have been pleased with your serv

12、ices for years,but now I feel very disappointed.9I wish to express my dissatisfaction about.10It would be highly appreciated if you could.典题示例假设你是李华,上个星期天去市图书馆看书时发现了一些问题。请根据下列提示,用英语给图书馆馆长写一封100词左右的信,反映情况。1新书太少;2书架上的书比较混乱;3管理员工作时彼此闲聊,读者无法安心看书;4阅览室的一盏灯坏了,桌椅有些也被损坏。注意:1.可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;2信的开头和结尾已经为你写好,不计入

13、总词数。写作步骤Step 1审题谋篇写作要求是写一封抱怨信,写作时应注意下面几点:1确定文体:这是一封抱怨信。写作时注意书信的写作特点;2主体时态:文章应以一般现在时为主;3主体人称:由于是向市图书馆指出存在的问题,所以人称应该以第三人称为主。Step 2联想词汇1令人不愉快的事情 2发表我的观点 3管理图书馆 4按正确顺序 5提供好的服务 6集中注意力于 Step 3句式升级1首先,架子上新书不多,其中大多数现在都不流行了。 First,there are not enough new books on the shelves and .(and并列句) First,there are no

14、t enough new books on the shelves, .(定语从句)2其次,一些书没有按正确顺序分类,使得读者很难快速找到想要的书。 Second,some books are not sorted in proper order. what we want quickly.(两个简单句) Second,some books are not sorted in proper order, what we want quickly.(定语从句)Step 4连句成篇Dear Sir/Madam,Last Sunday,I went to do some reading in the library.I found something unpleasant. Therefore,Id like to voice my opinions,hoping it will be of help to you



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