译林牛津版高中英语选修9教案:U3 重点词汇讲解

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1、U3 重点词汇讲解(一)重点动词讲解1. sew 课文原句 These flags are more than just colourful pieces of cloth and thread sewn together. (Page34, Lines 1-2)点拨 sew在句中用作及物动词,意为“缝制,缝补”。再如:I made this skirt just by sewing two pieces of material together. 我把两片材料缝在一起做成了裙子。拓展 动词sew还可与up连用,构成短语sew sth up或sew up sth,意为 “把缝起来”。如:A n

2、urse will come and sew up that wound for you soon.护士很快就会来给你缝伤口的。2. random课文原句 These flags are more than just pieces of cloth sewn together at random with thread. (Page34, Lines 1-2)点拨 random是形容词,意为“随机的;任意的”。常构成短语at random,意为“随机;随意”。He was not listening and made a random answer to the teachers questi

3、on. 他不在听讲,对教师的问题瞎答一通。He took a book at random. 他随手取了一本书。3. thread课文原句 These flags are more than just pieces of cloth sewn together at random with thread. (Page34, Lines 1-2)点拨 thread在句中作名词,意为“线”。The girl is always busy with her needle and thread.这个女孩总是忙于针线活。He was defeated in the debate because he l

4、ost the thread of his argument.他在辩论中被击败是因为他失去了论证的连续性。拓展(1)作名词时还表示“线状物;线索;脉络;思绪;思路;贯穿的主线”。如:a thread of hope 一线希望the thread of life 生命线(2)作动词时,表示“穿针线”。thread a needle 穿针thread beads 穿起珠子They threaded carefully along the narrow pass.他们沿着狭窄的小道小心地穿行。4. fundamental adj. 十分重大的;根本的;基础的;基本的课文原句 The French R

5、evolution led to fundamental changes throughout the country. (Page34, Line 7-8)点拨 fundamental在句中作形容词,意为“十分重大的;根本的;基础的;基本的”。The fundamental cause of his success is his hard work. 他成功的根本原因是他工作努力。拓展 fundamental还可以作名词,“基本原则(或原理),根本法则(或规律);纲要”。In three days, she had learned the fundamentals of cooking. 三

6、天之内她就学会了烹调的基本知识。5. abolish vt. 废除,废止(法律、制度、习俗等)课文原句 Many of the past ways were abolished, and the people won liberation. (Page34, Line 8)点拨 abolish在句中是动词,意为“废除,废止(法律、制度、习俗等)”。如:Bad customs and laws ought to be abolished. 不良的习俗和法规应予以废除。Abraham Lincoln abolished slavery in the United States. 亚伯拉罕林肯在美国

7、废除了奴隶制。6. equality 课文原句 Revolutionliberty, equality and fraternity. (Page34, Line 11)点拨 equality 在句中是名词,意为“平等,相等,均等”。In some countries black people do not have equality with white people. 在某些国家黑人没有和白人同等的权利。拓展 (1) equality的动词形式是equal,意为“比得上,等于”。Nobody can equal him in intelligence. 没有人在智力方面能比得上他。比得上比

8、得上Three and five equals eight. 三加五等于八。(2) 形容词形式是equal,意为“相等的,平等的”。Women demand equal pay for equal work. 妇女要求同工同酬。7. salute课文原句 In a salute to the French and their revolution, many countries have chosen to use the same colours in their flags as the French did. (Page34, Lines 15-16)点拨 salute在句中作名词,意为

9、“敬礼;致敬”。The officers exchanged salutes. 军官们互致敬礼。拓展 salute在句中作动词,意为“致敬;表示敬意”。We salute the flag every day at school. 我们在学校每天向国旗行礼。Shanghai people salute guests and friends from all over the world. 上海人民向海内外宾朋致意。8. rate 课文原句 However, after the French and Indian War, the British raised the tax rates in

10、America to a high level in order to pay for the conflict. (Page34, Lines23-24)点拨 rate在句中是名词,意为“比率;率”。The unemployment rate is rising in that country. 那个国家的失业率正在上升。拓展 (1) rate作名词,还可表示“速度,速率;等级”。The car was going at the rate of 60 miles an hour. 汽车以每小时六十英里的速度行驶。She gave her children a first-rate educa

11、tion. 她给她的孩子一流的教育。(2) rate作及物或不及物动词,意为“评估,评价;估价;划分等级”。How do you rate our chances of success? 你估计我们成功的可能性有多大?That hotel doesnt rate five stars at all. 那家旅馆根本够不上五星级。9. object课文原句 When the Americans objected to this, the British would not compromise, but increased control over their American colonies

12、instead, taking away many of their rights, and stationing soldiers there in order to make sure that the Americans would obey them. (Page34, Line 24-Page34, Line 27)点拨 object 在句中是不及物动词,意为“不同意;不赞成;反对”,可构成短语object to。No one objected to the plan. 没有人反对这项计划。 拓展(1)object也可作及物动词,意为“以为理由反对,反对说”。Mother objec

13、ted that Jimmy was too weak to take up the job. 母亲反对说,吉米身体虚弱,不可承担那份工作。(2)object可作名词,意为“物体;对象;目的;宾语”。What are those strange objects?那些奇怪的物体是什么?The building is the main object of his interest.他最感兴趣的是这栋建筑物。Our object is to get at the truth.我们的目的是弄清事实真相。10. compromise 课文原句 When the Americans objected to

14、 this, the British would not compromise, but increased control over their American colonies instead, taking away many of their rights, and stationing soldiers there in order to make sure that the Americans would obey them. (Page34, Line 24-Page35, Line 27)点拨 compromise 在句中作不及物动词,意为“妥协,折衷,互让,和解”。They

15、 found it wiser to compromise with her. 他们觉得与她妥协更明智。拓展(1)compromise可作及物动词,意为“连累,危害”。You will compromise your good name if you associate with these people. 你如果与这些人交往就会损害你的好名声。(2)compromise可作名词,意为“妥协,和解,折衷;连累,危及”。The interior decoration of the house is a compromise between Chinese and foreign styles. 这所房子的内部装饰是中西两式的折衷物。She did it without compromise of her reputation. 她做这事而无损她的名誉。11. submit课文原句 At this, the Americans demanded separation from Britain, and, on 4 July 1776, they declared that


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