福建省福清市私立三华学校高二英语:完形填空专项练习(6) 习题 Word版含答案

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福建省福清市私立三华学校高二英语:完形填空专项练习(6) 习题 Word版含答案_第1页
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福建省福清市私立三华学校高二英语:完形填空专项练习(6) 习题 Word版含答案_第2页
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《福建省福清市私立三华学校高二英语:完形填空专项练习(6) 习题 Word版含答案》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《福建省福清市私立三华学校高二英语:完形填空专项练习(6) 习题 Word版含答案(2页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、高二英语完形填空专项练习(6)She died at the age of 15 in one of historys greatest tragedies(悲剧). 41 her spirit lives on to this day through the diary in which she recorded her 42 .Though she was touched by despair(绝望) and terror,the message of 43 in her words has inspired many people.Anne Frank,the most famous 4

2、4 child of World War ,is indeed a symbol of the Holocaust(大屠杀).Her secret writings,later published 45 “The Diary of Anne Frank”, 46 of two years in the life a young Jewish girl hiding in Nazicontrolled Amsterdam.To mark the 75th anniversary of her 47 ,on June 12 2004,www.annefrank.org 48 some rare p

3、hotographs and a short film of the girl taken when she was 12.Born in 1929,Anne Frank was a GermanJewish teenager who was 49 to go into hiding to 50 being arrested by the Nazis.She and her family,along with four 51 ,spent 25 months in a few small rooms above her fathers office in Amsterdam.The famil

4、y was 52 found by the Nazis,and forced to go to a concentration camp(集中营).In March 1945,nine months after she was arrested and shortly 53 the camp was liberated(解放),Anne Frank was killed.Her diary,first published in 1947,has become one of the worlds most 54 read books.It has been 55 into 67 language

5、s.The following is the most 56 part of Annes diary.“Its impossible for me to build my life on a foundation of chaos(混乱),suffering and death. 57 see the world being slowly transformed into a wilderness.I hear the approaching thunder that,one day,will destroy us too.I feel the 58 of millions.And yet,w

6、hen I look up at the sky,I feel that everything will change for the 59 ,that this cruelty shall end and that peace will 60 once more.”July 15,194441.A.Though B.ButC.Instead D.While 42.A.birth B.deathC.experiences D.happiness 43.A.success B.victoryC.hope D.pleasure 44.A.hidden B.lostC.beaten D.caught

7、 45.A.for B.byC.as D.of46.A.speak B.tellC.say D.talk 47.A.death B.birthC.leaving D.disappearing 48.A.announced B.reportedC.declared D.published49.A.lucky B.askedC.forced D.invited 50.A.miss B.fightC.avoid D.protect 51.A.rest B.anotherC.others D.remaining 52.A.finally B.hardlyC.almost D.nearly53.A.af

8、ter B.beforeC.when D.until 54.A.politically B.slightlyC.widely D.gradually 55.A.written B.turnedC.transported D.translated 56.A.famous B.difficultC.important D.necessary 57.A.You B.TheyC.I D.We 58.A.happiness B.sufferingC.enjoying D.pleasure 59.A.worse B.harderC.better D.happier60.A.remain B.disappearC.go back D.return


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