河北省涞水波峰中学人教版高中英语选修6学案:Unit 4 Global warming Reading Word版缺答案

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1、波峰中学高二英语课前双基预习案A 姓名_班级_编制信海静时间2017.12编号20审批_课题:Unit 4 Global warming Reading【学习目标】Language aim: Get students to learn and grasp the important useful new words and expressions in this article.Ability aim:Get students to use some useful new words and expressions correctly.Emotional aim: Develop studen

2、ts spirit of cooperation and teamwork.【核心单词】1,quantity n.量,数量a large/vast quantity of _ large/huge/vast quantities of _in quantity (=in large amounts)/ in large quantities _(方法点拨)a quantity of 或 quantities of 后既可接可数名词也可接不可数名词;quantities of+名词 作主语时,谓语动词用复数; a quantity of +名词 作主语时,谓语动词用单数。(活学巧练)(1) It

3、s cheaper to buy goods _ quantity.(2) Quantities of soil _(wash) away every year.2. oppose vt. 反对,反抗,抵制,阻挠,与.竞争oppose doing sth _ oppose sb. doing sth. _oppose sth. to /against sth. _opposed adj. _ be opposed to _as opposed to _(方法点拨)(1)oppose后跟表示动作的词作宾语时,后面要用动名词形式。Be opposed to 结构中,to是介词,其后也要用动词的-i

4、ng形式。(2)表示反对的其他表达:disagree with,object to,be against 等。表示支持的表达:favour,in favour of, be for, agree with , support 等。(活学巧练)(1) The parents strongly opposed their daughter _(go) there alone.(2) He objected to _(go) for a walk after supper.3.consequence n.结果,后果,影响(为可数名词)in consequence= as a consequence

5、_in consequence of = as a consequence of_take/suffer/face the consequences of_answer for the consequence _be of little no consequence_4consume vt. 消耗,消费;挥霍vi. 耗尽,毁灭Consumer goods production was to go up by six percent in that city. 在那个城市,消费品生产将增长百分之六。5random adj. 任意的;随便的;任意的;胡乱的at random_ randomly_T

6、he information is processed in a random order._ _Because these natural disasters occur at random times,it is difficult to warn people in advance. _6subscribe vt.&vi.(常与to连用) 捐(款);捐助 订购(报纸等) 同意;赞同subscribeto. _ subscriber_ subscription _7state n.C(常用单数)状态;情况;情形 国家;领土;州 vt.陈述;说明Our teacher is in a sta

7、te of poor health. _ (1) in a state of. _ in a good/bad state_state of mind _(2) It is stated that._ as stated above _ make a statement_(3) statement n.C_ statesman n.C (pl. statesmen) _stateswoman nC (pl. stateswomen) _8range n.C幅度:范围 一系列 山脉vi. (在某范围内)变动;变化涉及;论及vt. 把排列成行The students discussed a ran

8、ge of issues on school safety. _A wide range of colours and patterns are available. _beyond/out of ones range/the range of sb_within the range of _range from.to. _. 高频短语必会1go up 增长;上升The temperature is going up;will the snow melt? 气温在上升,雪会融化吗?go wrong _ go with _go without 没有,缺乏,将就;不言而喻,理所当然2result in 导致result from _ without result _ as a result _ as a result of _3,come about _



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