江苏省盐城市时杨中学高中英语选修七牛津译林版Unit4 知识点

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1、模块七 Unit 4 知识点1.中途下车或卸货 drop off2.把某人或某物从A地运送到B地 convey sth. from A to B向某人表达 convey sth. to sb. 表达感情/想法convey ones feelings3. 做某事很倒霉be unfortunate to do sth.不幸的是;可惜的是 It is unfortunate to do sth.4.delay doing sth推迟做某事 毫不推迟 without delay5. 与联合,(使)与连接 link up 将和联系或连接起来 link up with 和有联系 be linked to

2、doing 每隔一段时间 at regular intervals6. choke to death窒息而死choke on sth. 被噎住choke off 阻止,制止;限制be choked with被挤满 choke back抑制,克制7. 承诺/答应做某事undertake to do sth.承担某事 undertake doing sth.8. 有权做某事have the authority to do sth.有权管理have authority over掌权be in authority 经的批准,在授权下under the authority of9. 扩大视野enlarg

3、e ones horizon扩大词汇量enlarge ones vocbulary详述 enlarge on10. put through 给接通电话;完成;使经受11.询问、打听某人/某事make an enquiry about 打听,询问enquire about调查,查究,查问enquire into12. 填写(表格) fill in 13. 决定;选定 decide on14. 分组,分解;分离,分开 split up 把分成 split up into15. 打发余下的时间 fill in the rest time16.区分A 和B distinguish A from B/m

4、ake a distinction between A and B17.因为而获得名声win the distinction for18.以优异的成绩,杰出的表现with distinction 19. 无差别地,一视同仁地without distinction20.交通方式means of transport21. pick up拣起;接收;搭载;偶然学会,习得(坏习惯);廉价买到;恢复健康;天气好转22.在不同的站点下客drop off at different stops23.享有的名声have the distinction of24.最复杂的地铁系统the most complex

5、underground system25.在19世纪中叶the most complex underground system26.被用来做某事be used to do 27.引起了令人难以置信的交通堵塞cause unbelievable traffic jam28.导致lead to反义词29.同意地铁的建设give approval to the construction30. the plan required raising a large amount of money31.the initial tunnel最初的,第一个地铁32.在地表以下beneath the surfac

6、e of the ground33.加快的步伐accelerate the pace of34.独立的地铁线路independent underground line_35.充当炸弹的避难所function as bomb shelters36.政府的管理 administration of the government37.允许某人做某事permit sb. to do sth38.保护避免的伤害shelter sb. from39.避雨take shelter from the rain40. 在的管理之下under the administration of41. 拥有,具有take p

7、ossession of/ be in possession of 为拥有,具有be in the possession of42. 预订make a reservation43.毫无保留地without reservation44.预订;保留reserve sth. for sb.(使)加速 speed up45.从离开;背离,违反depart from46.动身去depart for47. 准时be punctual for sth.48. 由引起;起因于arise from/out of.49.违背法律violate the law50. 许多(后接可数/不可数名词) a load of

8、loads of51.使某人如释重负take a load off ones mind52.把某物装上load (up).with sth.53.把某物装入/到里load sth.into/onto54.目的在于,旨在be aimed at/aim to do /aim at doing sth.55.适用于每个人This is true of everyone56. 有责任做某事 have a responsibility to do /take the responsibility to do 57.与有关in connection with58. 的原因cause of59.拐弯不按信号

9、turn without signalling 60.对生气get annoyed at sth./sb.61.好斗的驾驶员aggressive drivers62.导致碰撞result in crashes63.被罚款be fined for64.喝含有酒精的饮料consume alcoholic drinks 65.几杯啤酒a couple of beers66.小心watch out for67.老年市民senior citizens68.特别,尤其in particular69.有可能be likely to do70.未能做某事fail to do sth71. 适用于apply to72. 车祸的诱因an invitation to accidents学|科|网73. It is recommended to do sth./that 从句 should do74.处于良好/坏的状态in good /bad condition75.在条件下on condition that 76.决不on no condition 77.取决于某人做某事Its up to sb. to do sth.be up to doing 胜任;直到;至多;从事于,忙于


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