江苏省江阴市祝塘中学译林牛津版高中英语选修10学案:Unit2 words

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1、 M10 U2 People on the move 1.be on the move在迁移中,在行进中;在旅途中;非常忙碌It seems that the enemy forces are on the move.Hes always on the move and has no time to talk at all.2.tough 1). 艰难的;棘手的Shes been having a tough time of it (= a lot of problems) lately. It was a tough decision to make. 2) 严厉的;强硬的;无情的 (on/

2、with sb/sth) Its about time teachers started to get tough with bullies.3) 坚强的;坚韧不拔的Shes a tough cookie/customer. 她是个有主见的人。4)(人)剽悍的;粗暴的;粗野的He plays the tough guy in the movie. 他在电影中扮演硬汉。5) 不易损坏的 a tough pair of shoes一双结实的鞋子附:(as) tough as old boots/(as) tough as nails 坚韧不拔;不为所动比较:rough:纹理粗糙,表面不光滑;粗略的

3、,大概的;(人,言行)粗鲁的;(天气等)恶劣的,有暴风雨的;刺耳,涩的;(生活等)艰难的 常用搭配:a rough road/ sport/ sea/ voice; have a rough time, rough behavior3.slip(slipped; slipped; slipping) adj. slippery 滑的,滑得抓不住的;油滑的vi. 滑行;滑跤;滑落,滑掉,松脱;溜;悄悄走;(时间)不知不觉地过去;(健康等)变坏;下降;匆忙地穿(或脱);无意中讲出;泄漏She slipped on the ice.The student slipped out of the cla

4、ssroom. Standards are slipping in this hotel. I didnt mean to say that: it just slipped out. 我不是有意说出来的,是无意中讲出来的。Be sure not to let the truth slip. 千万别把真相泄漏出去。n. 滑动;滑跤;失足;下降;疏忽;错误 He took a slip in the bathroom. There has been a slip in the quality of your work. 你的工作质量有所下降。 That was only a slip of th

5、e pen. 那仅是笔误。 a slip of tongue口误4.cater (vt.)提供(宴席等)的酒菜(与服务) Who will be catering the wedding? 谁将会提供婚宴服务?(vi.)(为社交活动)提供饮食,承办酒席 (for sb/sth) Most of our work now involves catering for weddings. 承办婚宴cater to/for sb/sth 对提供所需的东西,迎合、满足的要求TV must cater for many different tastes. 电视节目必须迎合各种人的爱好。a magazine

6、 catering to the interests of adults投合成年人口味的杂志n. caterer 承办酒席的人;(旅馆、饭店等的)老板, 经理5.boom n.激增,繁荣;轰鸣声 & vi. 激增,迅速发展;轰鸣,以低沉有力的声音说1) Recently, there has been a boom in car sales 汽车销售额剧增a boom year兴盛的一年 a property/ housing boom 房地产、住房的迅速发展2) Outside, thunder boomed and crashed. 外面雷声隆隆,霹雳炸响。A voice boomed o

7、ut from the darkness. By the 1980s, the computer industry was booming. baby boomer 生育高峰期出生的人6. elect vi.& vt. 选择(做某事);选举 n. election 选举;当选 elector 有选举权的人They elected a new president.We elected James (to be /as) chairman. = James was elected (to be /as) chairman.We elected her to the Board of Educati

8、on.我们推选她担任教育委员会的委员。选择/决定做某事 to do sth She elected to become a lawyer. 7.swap (swapped; swapping) vi.& vt. 替换;交换 (sth) (with sb); sth for sth Your book looks more interesting than mine: do you want to swap (with me)? Could you swap your newspaper for mine?swap stories相互讲故事; swap experience交流经验n. 交换 a

9、 fair swap 一次公平交换We can do a swap if you like. 8.privilege (n. & v.)荣幸;特权 & 给予特权I hope to have the privilege of working with them again. It was a great privilege to hear her sing. 听她唱歌真是三生有幸。education policies that privilege the children of wealthy parentsprivileged adj 有特权的;享受特殊待遇的;荣幸的;特许保密的She com

10、es from a privileged background. 她出身特权阶层。feel/be privileged to do sth 很荣幸做某事We are/feel privileged to welcome you as our speaker this evening. The information is privileged. 9. sympathy n. 同情;赞同express/feel/have for sb 向某人表示体恤,对某人感到同情I felt much sympathy for the blind. 深感同情I have a lot of sympathy for his opinions. 深有同感be in with 同情,赞成Many people are in sympathy with your views. have no/some with sb/sth 不赞同/赞同sympathetic adj. 富有同情心的sympathize v. 同情;赞同


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