河北省石家庄市复兴中学人教高中英语必修二学案:Unit 3 Computers(3)

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1、 必修IIUnit III Computers (3)班级_ 姓名_ 小组号_【学习目标】1 Vocabulary2 Learning Tips。【重点难点】1 重点单词的灵活应用。2 词组与句型的运用【学情分析】学生要通过自主学习和小组讨论掌握学习目标。【导学流程】自主学习内容一 回顾旧知Explore anyhow solve personal.二 基础知识 _下载 _程序员,程序师 _病毒 _机器人 _v.发信号n.信号 _同伴,伙伴 _打字 _探索,探侧,探究 三 探究问题1As time goes _,mobile phones are getting smaller and sma

2、ller.2As _ result of the heavy rain, the football match was put off.3From now _,_you can work on your own. 4I found that the two sisters had nothing _common. 5He shared in my sorrows as _ as in my joys. 6These books will provide us _ all the information we need. 四 基础知识拓展与迁移:请及时记录自主学习过程中的疑难:1signal (

3、教材原句)For example, I have learned to signal to my teammates in computer language to give me the ball when I am open and have a good shot for a goal. 例如,当我的对面没有防守,可以有一个很好的射门机会时,我可以用计算机语言向队友示意把球传给我。(1)vt. & vi.发信号;发暗号;示意signal (to) sb. to do sth.示意某人做某事signal to sb. 向某人示意signal (sb.) that . 示意She was _

4、(to) the children to stay outside.她在向孩子们打手势,要他们留在外面。He _(to) the waiter for the bill.他示意服务员结账。(2)n.信号;暗号a danger/warning signal危险/警告信号traffic signals 交通信号灯make/give a signal 发信号Usually a red light is regarded as a danger _.红灯通常被认为是危险的信号。2arise vi.(arose, arisen)出现;发生;起床;起身背诵佳句培养语感(教材原句)Then she prep

5、ares reliable moves to use if a new situation arises.然后她把我在新情况发生时可能用得上的可靠动作也编制出了程序。(鲜活例句)I thought it would be easy, but a lot of problems have arisen.我本来认为事情很容易,但是出现了很多问题。归纳拓展全析考点arise from/out of . 由引起;因产生arise from the seat 从座位上站起来The problems between parents and children have arisen from lack of

6、 communication._。明辨易混防范失误比较arise, rise, raise不及物动词,意为“出现;发生”。主语通常为抽象名词,一般表示事情或问题的出现不及物动词,意为“升起;上升”。表示向更高的位置移动及物动词,意为“使上升;举起”用arise, rise和raise填空He _his arms to protect his face from being hurt.他举起手臂去保护脸免遭伤害。We did not start until the sun _ in the east.直到太阳从东方升起,我们才出发。Misunderstanding is likely to _

7、if people fail to communicate with each other.如果人们不能彼此沟通的话,就有可能发生误解。3character(1)n. U性格;特点As we all know, he has a strong character._Students should take part in outdoor activities, which is good for character building._The two towns are similar in size but very different _这两个城镇规模差不多,但特点各异。(2)n. C文字;符号I find that _ are very beautiful.我觉得汉字很漂亮。提问展示问题预设重点动词的时态,语态课堂训练问题预设:.单句语法填空1 He _to the waiter to bring the menu.2 2A storm _ (arise) during the night destroyed many crops.五 整理内化: 1、 课堂小结2 本节课学习内容中的问题和疑难资


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