江苏省高中英语必修四教案:Unit 2 Sports events Task and Project

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1、 Task & Project一 词汇讲解1. transport v.&n. 运输,运送;运输工具1) They transport goods by lorry. 他们用卡车运载货物。2) Londons public transport system is among the finest in the world.伦敦的公共交通是世界一流的。3) My car is being repaired, so Ive no transport to the concert.我的车正在修理,所以我没有去音乐会的代步工具。trans- 横穿,进入另一处或状态transatlantic adj.

2、横穿大西洋的transplant v. 移植;移栽2. association n. 协会,社团;关联;联想1) The association meets four times a year. 这个协会每年召开4次会议。2) He developed a close association with the university.他与那所大学建立了密切的联系。in association with 与联合associate v. 联合; 由联想到, 把联系起来be associated with与相关联3. power n. 力量;能量;影响力;权力 v. 为(装置)提供动力,供能1) Th

3、e party had been in power for eight years.该党派执政八年。2)The car is powered by a fuel-injected 3.0-litre engine.这辆汽车靠3升的喷射燃料引擎供能。Be in power当权beyond ones power超出某人的能力exercise ones power行使权利abuse ones power滥用职权Powerful adj. 强大的,强有力的Powerless adj. 无能为力的;无影响力的;无权力的4. remove v. 移走; 去掉,去除; 脱(衣);免除,解除 1) He re

4、moved the picture and put it in the drawer.他把画取下来, 放到抽屉里。2) They removed him from his position.他们撤销了他的职务。remove sb./sth. from sth. 从移开3) Remove the cloth from the table.把桌上的桌布拿走Removal n. 移动,搬走,去掉Remover n. 清除剂5. make way for给让路, 让位于1) Films have made way for TV.电影已经让位于电视。2) Please make way for the

5、blind.请给盲人让路。make ones way to 前进;行进give way to 向妥协,屈服make room for 给腾处地方3) The car broke down, and I had to make my way on foot.汽车坏了,我不得不步行前进。4) Move along and make room for me.请挪一下给我腾点地方。e.g. Alltheautomobilesinthestreetmust_afireengine. A.makewaytoB.makewayfor C.maketheirwayforD.maketheirwayto(B)6

6、. tie v. 系, 拴, 绑; 束缚, 限制; 打成平局n. 领带, 领结; 关系,联系;平局,相同的票数 1) Her hands were tied behind her back.她两手被绑在背后。2) I wont tie you too strictly.我不想太严格地约束你。3) We tied our opposing team.我们和对方(球)队打成平局。4) For work, you should wear a collar and tie.上班要穿正式服装。tie to把系到上1) They tied Max to a chair. 他们把马克思绑到椅子上。tie u

7、p系紧,扎好2) Tie up your shoelaces before you trip over them.把鞋带系好,免得被绊倒。finish/ end/ result in a tie以平局结束3) The game finished in a tie. 比赛以平局结束。二 难句解疑In order for a new sport to be added, another sport must be dropped.1) 短语in order后接动词不定式表示目的,a new sport是不定式to be added的逻辑主语。如:Clearly, in order for thin

8、gs to be done in time, it is necessary to act quickly.很明显,为了按时把事情做完,有必要迅速行动起来。2) 句中drop意为“停止,淘汰,放弃”。如:Im going to drop badminton and play soccer instead. 我打算放弃羽毛球,改踢足球。Translate the following sentences into English, using the words or phrases in the brackets.1. 他们开着门,以便我能听到他们在说什么。 (in order for sb.

9、to do sth.)_2. 如果你想确保能够赶上早班车,起早点。(ensure that .)_3. 别担心,我们已经掌握了一切。(keep . under control)_4. 请把你的东西从我桌子上拿走。 (remove . from.) _5. 路上行人应该给一切车辆让路。(make way for)_6. 期末考试即将来临,他整日整夜都在专心致志地学习。 (be involved in)_7. 下雪天后,每个人都在期待阳光。(hope for)_Consolidation:Fill in the blanks1. _ a sport into the Olympics can be

10、 a long _. There are many _ that must be met before a sport can be _ by the International Olympic Committee.2. Some sports that were part of the Olympics in the past have been _.3. In 2016, rugby and golf, which were earlier played at the Olympics and then _, will be _ again, as they are now very po

11、pular and are played all around the world.4. However, the IOC is _ changing the number and type of sports of the Olympic in the future, so wushu fans may _ get what they are hoping for.二、根据中文填空完成句子1. 你能不能把书挪一挪,好有放食物的地方?Could you move your books to _ _ _ the food? 2. 这座纪念碑是为纪念那位将军而建的。The monument was

12、 built _ _ _ the general.3. 总统有权否决议案The president has the _ to veto bills. 4. 她把绳子牢牢地系在一棵树上。She _ the rope securely_ a tree. 5. 孩子们被逗得高兴地大笑。The children were made to laugh _ _.6. 外国人总是把中国和长城联系在一起。Foreigners always _ China _ the Great Wall. 7. 她把桌上的脏盘子都端走了。She _ the dirty dishes _ the table. 8. 因为有小男孩带路,我们豪不费劲地找到了那个房子。With the boy _ _ _,we had no difficulty finding the house.9. 我将努力回答你的所有问题。I will _ _ answer all your questions.10.那两队要争当冠军。The two teams will _ _ the championship.三、选词语填空完成句子lead the way., in honour of, come to public attention, compete in, make way for. be associated


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