新疆和硕县高级中学人教高中英语必修一uinit3 Travel Journal 语法教案

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1、Unit 3 Travel journalGrammar The Present Continuous Tense for Future Actions知识与技巧:1. Get the students to learn the usage of the Present Continuous Tense for future actions.2. Let the students learn the ways to express good wishes and farewells, and the means of transportation.过程与方法:1. Enable the stu

2、dents to use the Present Continuous Tense to express future actions properly in different situations.2. Enable the students to know how to express good wishes and farewells.情感,态度与价值观:Enable the students to communicate with others well by properly using the patterns to express good wishes and farewel

3、ls.教学重点Get the students to master the usage of the Present Continuous Tense for future actions.教学难点Enable the students learn how to use the Present Continuous Tense to express future actions.教学方法1. Task-based teaching and learning2. Cooperative learning3. Discussion and practice教具准备A projector and o

4、ther normal teaching tools过程与方法:Step 1 revisionReview the usage of the present continuous tense:1 the basic verb structure of the present continuous tense:am/is/are doing2 several usages of the present continuous tense:(1) 表示点时间的动作:We are waiting for you.(2) 表示段时间的动作:What are you doing recently?-Mr.

5、 Green is writing another novel.(3) 表示与always, constantly, forever 等词连用,表示反复发生的动作或持续存在的状态,往往带有说话人的主观色彩(赞成、讨厌、生气等情绪)You are always changing your mind.(4) come, go, stay, arrive, leave 等趋向性动词的现在进行时经常用于表示将来确切的计划- Fan:I am arriving in 5 minutes. - Li : Ok!After the meeting,I am flying back to you.(5) 表示

6、交通方式、行程安排的动词,例如 fly, walk, ride, drive, take (a bus, a taxi)等的现在进行时也经常用于表示将来She is leaving tomorrow and youd better see her off. Step 2 Lead-in1 Retell the usages of the present continuous tense and give students proper points whenever they retell one or two.2 They are “the present continuous tense”

7、, but they also can express future actions or plans. The Present Continuous Tense may be used to denote an action that can be pre-planned or prearranged instead of the future indefinite in colloquial English. But please note that, not all verbs can be used in the “-ing” form to express future action

8、s. Such verbs as come, go, leave, fly, walk, ride, drive, stay, meet, die, see, have, arrive etc. are mainly used in the “-ing” form to express future actions.Step 3 Practice1.Look at the following dialogue and underline the verbs in this tense.A: Betty _ (leave) for Guangzhou by plane at 3:00 this

9、afternoon. Her brother Bob _ (see) her off. Its half past one now. They _ (wait) for a taxi outside the school gate.B: The Browns _ (go) to the North China by train next week. They _ (stay) in Beijing for a week. They _ (go) to Xian. They _ (get) there by air.Step 4 Research and cooperationBesides t

10、hat, which forms can also express the future actions.Can you distinguish them well?Lets go into them one by one:1 will / shall动词原形,表示纯粹的将来,一般要与表示将来的时间状语连用,或者表示临时做出的决定。 I shall be seventeen years old next month.2 be going to动词原形:表示已决定或安排好要做的事情,或有迹象表明将要发生的事。We are going to have a concert today.3 be to

11、动词原形:表示按计划或安排要发生的事;或征求对方意见;或注定要发生的动作。The President is to visit the country in May.4 be about to动词原形:表示即将发生的动作,是很近的将来,不与表示将来的时间状语连用. I am about to start.5 一般现在时表示将来时(1) 按时刻表,课程表或规定要发生的未来动作,仅限于动词come, go, leave, move, start, return, arrive, begin, stay等动词。The plane takes off at 10:10. That is, its lea

12、ving in ten minutes.(2) 用在状语从句中用一般现在时代替将来时。即主将从现。If you do that again, Ill hit you.(3) 用在I bet 和I hope后面, 常用一般现在时表将来。I bet you dont get up before twelve tomorrow. Step 5 DiscussionPlease discuss with your group members and decide which answer is right.If possible,youd better tell us the reasons.1. -

13、Im going to the States?-How long _ you _ in the States?A. are; stayed B. are; stayingC. have; stayed D. did; stay2. Ive won a holiday for two weeks to Florida. I _ my mum.A. am taking B. have takenC. take D. will have taken 3. Selecting a mobile phone for personal use is no easy task because technol

14、ogy _ so rapidly.A. will change B. has changedC. will have changed D. is changingStep 6 Making a diary1. 看乌云!天要下雨了。be going to2.但是三节课后,我们要在操场上跳舞。be going to/will3.刚才班长问老师,“我们要继续跳舞么?”be to do4.老师正想回答,那时校长把她叫走了. .be about to doStep 7 Homework1. Finish off the Making the Diary.2. Learn the important po

15、ints by heart.Step 8 Summary and Blackboard DesignUnit 3Travel journalGrammarThe Present Continuous Tense for Future Actions1 the basic verb structure :am/is/are doing2 several usages of the present continuous tense:3 to express the future actions能用进行时表示将来的动词(并非所有的动词):come, go, leave, start, arrive, give, return, sleep, stay, play, do, take, get, see off, travel, fly, drive, walk, reach, meet, . . .Step 9 ReflectionAfter the class, the majority of students could master the bas



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