江苏省徐州经济技术开发区高级中学高二英语译林牛津版必修五教案:Unit3 Revision(2)

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《江苏省徐州经济技术开发区高级中学高二英语译林牛津版必修五教案:Unit3 Revision(2)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《江苏省徐州经济技术开发区高级中学高二英语译林牛津版必修五教案:Unit3 Revision(2)(5页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、年级高二学科英语总课时课题M5U3 Revision (2)Language points第_课时主备人赵青上课时间2017-10-锁定目标 找准方向备 注1. To review the important language points.2. To do some related exercises to consolidate them.自我构建 快乐无限1.On the one hand, some scientists point out that On the other hand,总结on the one hand.,on the other hand . 与 for one t

2、hing.,for another (thing).的区别。on the one hand, on the other hand 一方面,另一方面 常用来表达_ 两个方面。而 for one thing,for another 首先,再者/ 一方面,另一方面 陈述的两个方面的情况常常_Finish the following sentences using “on one hand,on the other hand” or “for one thing,for another ”1) I cant go abroad for holidays. _, I am too busy; _,I d

3、ont have enough money.2) He is not so popular with his workmates._ he is an able man, but_ he demands too much of others.3) I would like a job which pays more, but _ I enjoy the work Im doing at the moment. A. on the one hand B. on the other hand C. for one thing D. on the contrary2. We may be on ou

4、r way to producing a real Frankensteins monster. 翻译下列句子中 on the way 的意思。1)He spent only an hour on the way back.2) Nights are cooling off, and autumn is on the way.3) We will drive through a very busy street on the way to the zoo.4) He is on the way to becoming a famous singer. Choose the best answe

5、r:5) All the students are taking action to protect the environment, so our school is on the way _ a clean and beautiful park. A. becoming B. become C. to becoming D. to become合作探究 携手共进3. intention 是一个_ 词,意思是 _;_ 。 intend 是其 _ 词形式,意思是 _;_。 注意相关联的短语: have no intention of doing sth/to do sth _ with the

6、 intention of _ intend to do sth _= intend doing sth intend sb to do sth _ be intended for _ 完成下面的句子,每一空只填一个单词:1) 我再也不想到那个糟糕的地方去了。I _ _ _ _ _ to the terrible place again.2) 这碗面条是特例为你而做的,因为今天是你的生日。This bowl of noodles _ _ _ you; it is your birthday today.3)许多的大学毕业生都去了西部,打算用他们学到的知识帮助那里的人们。Many college

7、 students went to the west,_ _ _ _Helping the local people with the knowledge they had learned.4) 你打算来这里做什么呀?_4. If I had , I would have a cloned. 本句采用了虚拟语气.读下列例句,试总结If引导的虚拟语气句型:1). If I had enough money, I would buy a house with beautiful garden.(对现在的虚拟)2). If I had followed my teachers advice, I w

8、ould have passed this exam.(对过去的虚拟)3). If I were to go to London, I could have a walk in the campus of Cambridge University.(对将来的虚拟)4). If my lawyer _ here last Sunday, he _ me from going.A. had been; would have prevented B. had been ; would preventC. were; prevent D. were; would have prevented5). I

9、f it _ tomorrow, we would have to put off the visit to Yangpu Bridge.A. were raining B. should rain C. would rain D. will rain拓展提升 学以致用单项选择1I dont think hes really serious;he is just _ with me.A. playing a trick B. making fun C. toying D. laughing2. My nephew went to London with the _ of learning En

10、glish. A. help B. idea C. mind D. intention3. _ the boy, the teacher said angrily, “Dont talk, Jack.”A. Pointing at B. Pointing to C. Pointing up D. Pointing out4. If you want to _others, you have to _ them first. A. show respect for; win the respect of B. win the respect of; show respect for C. sho

11、w respect to; win the respect from D. win the respect from; show respect to5. _ he has limited technical knowledge, the old worker has a lot of experience.A. Since B. Unless C. As D. Although6. - Shall we go and help them with their work? - Wed better not. They said we d just be _ if we tried to hel

12、p. A. in the way B. by the way C. on the way D. in a way7. It was sleeping late in the morning that _ his being late for class.A. devoted to B. stuck to C. referred to D. led to8. I _ to pay a visit to you, but I had an important meeting to attend.A. had intended B. intended C. intend D. what as int

13、ending9. _ I accept that he is not perfect , I do actually like the person. A. While B. As C. Unless D. Before10. Having idled at home for several months, he has no _ to find a job. A. promise B. challenge C. intention D. imagination11. _ the police thought he was the most likely one, since they had no exact proof about it, they could not arrest him. (2009 湖南高考)AAlthough B. As long as C. If D. As soon as12. _ the Internet is of great help, I don t th


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