江苏省徐州市铜山县夹河中学译林牛津版高二英语学案:m8u3 word power Word版缺答案

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《江苏省徐州市铜山县夹河中学译林牛津版高二英语学案:m8u3 word power Word版缺答案》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《江苏省徐州市铜山县夹河中学译林牛津版高二英语学案:m8u3 word power Word版缺答案(4页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、区夹河中学2017-2018学年度第一学期高二年级英语教学案课题:M8 U3 word power编制人:吴颖审核人:夏宝云课时:_日期:_教学目标:熟悉有关绘画方面的词汇教学重难点:如何运用本单元的词汇教学过程集体备课部分/学生活动部分个性备课部分/学生记录英语中有关绘画方面的词汇watercolour水彩画(或颜料)canvas画布charcoal炭笔portrait肖像画landscape风景画palette调色板easel画架一,词汇1_ adj.抽象的n摘要,概要2_ n出生地;发源地3_ n建筑;建筑学4_ n产量,输出量;输出5_ n(艺术创作的)材料,形式;媒介,传媒adj.中

2、等的6_ adj.锐角的;强烈的;(疾病)急性的;灵敏的;敏锐的7_ n长方形,矩形8_ n共识,一致的意见9_ vt.&vi.计算;推测10_ n阴影;影子;阴暗处11_ adj.布满星星的;像星星的,明亮的12_ vt.&vi.全心全意投入;犯罪,犯错;承诺,保证13_ n回报,报酬,奖励vt.奖励,给以报酬14_ n(旅馆)套房;一套家具15_ n纪念物,纪念品16_ n风景,景色,风光17_ n奖学金18_ n布料,织物;(一块)布19_ n菠萝20_ n住处;住宿,膳宿;和解,调解_ vt.&vi.容纳;使适应;调解_adj.适应的;调节的;随和的21_ adj.多变的,易变的_ a

3、dv.可变地;易变地_ vt.&vi.改变;兑换_ n变化;找回的零钱22_ n(机构、组织等的)准许进入,进入权;承认;入场费_ vt.&vi.承认;准许进入;容许_ adj.公认的;被承认了的_ adv.公认地;无可否认地23_ adj.令人不快的,令人厌恶的,令人愤慨的_ vt.使厌恶;使作呕_ adj.厌恶的;厌烦的24_ vt.喷,喷洒,向喷洒_ n喷剂;喷雾;浪花_ adj.喷雾的25_ vt.&vi.浸,蘸_ n浸渍;蘸26_ vt.&vi.(使)起皱纹_ n皱纹,皱褶,皱痕_ adj.有皱纹的,具皱的二,短语1如你所知_2回去_3惊讶地得知_4利用各种材料创作作品_5尝试多种不

4、同的绘画风格_6抵达巴黎_7举世公认_8到市场上出售_9设计了许多新发明_10迫不及待_11典型的印象派风格_12喜欢在室外作画_集体备课部分/学生活动部分个性备课部分/学生记录装订线13paint a wide variety of subjects _14commit his whole being to painting _15receive little reward _16be off to _17tell you more about my trip _18use to make art _19give you some ideas _20make unusual pictures

5、 _21cut up _22draw the outline of the picture _23lay out _24cut something out (of something) _当堂检测:一,重点句型1宾语从句My grandmother really likes Picassos paintings and thinks _ (他是有史以来最伟大的艺术家)2定语从句Near _ (毕加索出生的房子) is a museum full of his art.3宾语从句I_(惊讶地得知) Picasso had an output of more than 20,000 pieces

6、of art.4非限制性定语从句During our four days in Paris we spent one whole day at the Louvre Museum, _ (在那里我们欣赏了) the Mona Lisa, painted by the Italian artist Leonardo da Vinci.5it is adj. to do sth.By popular consensus, this is the most valuable painting in the world _ (不可能估算出它可能达到什么价格) if it ever came on th

7、e market.6be eager to do sth.We went there on our second day inParis because my aunt_(迫不及待想去看) the works ofClaude Monet.7倒装句_(在我的生命中从来没见到过) such wonderful pictures.8祈使句_(系上你的围裙) and get ready to make a pizza face.一、用所给单词的适当形式填空一、单词拼写1Manual workers need a good breakfast for highenergy _ (输出量)2We wer

8、e not able to reach a_ (共识) in the meeting.3Conservationists _(推测) that hundreds of species could be lost in this area.4I would advise people to think very carefully about _ (全心全意投入) themselves to working on Sunday.5The firm last night offered a $10,000_(奖励) for information leading to the conviction of the killer.6The forecast is for _(多变的) weather.7Please accept this little gift as a _(纪念品)8By his own _(承认), he is not playing well.9There I can enjoy the fresh air and beautiful _ (景色) of the sea.10The skin on her cheeks and around her eyes was beginning to _ (起皱纹)课后作业:复习所学的词汇课堂反思/学生总结



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