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1、人教版七年级上册英语期末复习丨动词的分类及主谓一致原则1、 动词的种类(四类)动词在句子中作谓语,注意时态和主谓一致。但是非谓语to do, doing和done也要留意,七年级主要当固定用法来记。1)联系动词用法:和形容词,名词,介词等一起做句子的谓语(系表结构)。联系动词有:be动词(is am are);表示变化的become, get, turn, go等;表示感官的系动词有sound, smell, taste, feel, look等,其用法与be动词用法相同。七年级主要学习前两类。2)情态动词情态动词有can, may, need, must等情态动词不能单独作谓语,后接动词原形

2、,与行为动词一起作谓语。3)助动词助动词帮助构成完整谓语,本身没有意义:do与 does(构成疑问句,否定句);be(构成进行时);have(构成完成时)4)行为动词行为动词表示行为动作的词,有实在意义:take 、bring、eat、have、like、sell、buy、play、see、go、watch 等2、主谓一致及动词的第三人称单数主语是单数名词,第三人称单数(包括he, she和it、不可数名词、人名等),谓语动词用第三人称单数。be的第三人称单数形式是“is”;行为动词一般在动词后面加“s”;(否定句、一般疑问句和特殊疑问句,用助动词does 帮助构成)记:情态动词没有第三人称单

3、数形式附:第三人称单数形式的构成:“动词原形+ s/es”(1)、一般情况,动词后直接加 s (清辅音后读 /s/,浊辅音,元音后读/z/)例如:falls, looks, grows, plants,(2)、以字母 e 结尾的动词,直接加 s (读 /z/)例如:comes, takes(3)、以字母s, x, ch, sh, o结尾的动词,加 es ( 读 /z/ 或/Iz/)例如: finishes, does, goes, watches, fixes, washes(4)、以“辅音字母 + y”结尾的动词,变 y 为 i,加 es (读 / z /)例如: studies注意:元音字

4、母 + y结尾的动词,如enjoy play等,直接加“s”(5)、have的第三人称单数形式为“has”可数名词复数构成规则与动词三单一样!复习题一用be动词的适当形式填空。1. I _from France.2. _ your father an engineer? No, he_.3. The little girl _ lovely.4. This _ my English book.5. Mom, where _ my pencils?6. They _ my best friends.7. Our English class _ full of fun.8. These_ my g

5、lasses.9. How much _ the shoes?10. How much _ the pen?11. Our PE teacher _ very strong.12. You can _ whatever you want to be.13. I want to _ a doctor and help the sick people.14. Lets _friends.15. Jack and I _ friends.16. It _ a small puppy.17. Mary and Tom _ classmates. They _ in Class Three.18. So

6、meone _ in the room.19. Who _ she?20. What _ in your bag?参考答案1. am. 2. Is, isnt. 3. is. 4. is.5. are. 6. are. 7. is. 8. are.9. are. 10. is. 11. is.12. be. 情态动词后用原型。13.be. “to+动词原形”是动词不定式。14. be. Lets“让我们”,后动词用原型。15. are. 16. is. 17. are, are.18. is. 19. is20. is/are,从句子意思看,包里有什么?可能一样东西,也可能多样东西。让我们选择

7、的话,没有上下文提示,请选is复习题二用所给词的适当形式填空。1. She often _ (go) swimming on Sundays.2. Jim usually _ (ride) a bike to his office in the morning.3. Where _ your father _ (work)?4. I _ (have) maths, Chinese and English on Thursday morning.5. My grandfather _ (jog) in the park every morning.6. Mrs Golf _ (have) thr

8、ee sons and a daughter.7. The family _ (travel) in December almost every year.8. Who _ (want) to go caf with me?9. The policemen seldom _ (stay) in the office.10. _ Alice _ (like) playing the guitar?Yes, she _ (do).11. _ you _ (watch) TV after school?No, I _ (do).12. _ Canadians _ (speak) English?13

9、. Mary _ _ (not come) from USA. She _(come) from UK.14. _ sheep _ (eat) grass?15. What _ (do) a cat usually _(do) at night?16. Mike sometimes _(go) to the library by himself.17. Lily and Mikes father often _ (take) them to the cinema.18. The boy _ (not like) playing basketball.19. How much _ it _ (t

10、ake) you to buy these books?20. How many lessons _ your classmate _(have) on Monday?参考答案:1. goes. 2. rides. 3. does, work4. have. 5. jogs. 6. has.7. travels. 集体名词看作一个整体,为单数;侧重指集体中的每个人,为复数。8. wants 9. Stay 10. Does, like, does.11. Do, watch, dont. 12. Do, speak.13. doesnt, come, comes.14. Do, eat. Sheep单复数同形,根据句意,应该为复数。15. does, do. 16. goes.17. takes. Lily和Mike的父亲,两人是兄妹。18. doesnt like. 19. does, take.20. does, have.



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