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1、人教版丨七年级下册英语易错题全一、选择填空。( ) 1. How does the idea ( ) to you?A. sound B. soundsC. voice D. noise( ) 2. The dish ( ) good.A. looks B. feelsC. sounds D. tastes( ) 3. The baby is learning to ( ) .A. talk B. speakC. say D. tell( ) 4. We ( ) music teachers, but we need art teachers.A. neednt B. cant needC.

2、dont need D. arent need( ) 5. One day Tom ( )Mike that Beidaihe Kids Summer Camp needshelp.A. talks B. speaksC. says D. tells( ) 6. If you dont want to go shopping, I wont ( ) .A. also B. tooC. either D. as well( ) 7. Are you good ( ) kids or old people?A. to B. withC. for D. at( ) 8. Do you know so

3、meone who can ( )Chinese kung fu?-I have no idea.A. make B. makesC. does D. do( ) 9. He can( ) football now.A. plays B. playingC. to play D. play( ) 10. Do you often ( )?-Yes, I do. I play them well.A. play thetrumpet B. pay baseballC. play the guitar D. play computer games( ) 11. The boy often ( )

4、a cold in winter because he doesnt like wearing thick clothes.A. get B. hasC. catch D. carry( )12. Youd better do morning ( ) every day. Its good tohave lots of ( ).A. exercise;exerciseB. exercises;exercisC. exercise;exercisesD. exercises; exercises( ) 13. They ()go to school ( )Saturday.A. dont; on

5、 B. doesnt; onC. arent; in D. not; in( ) 14. Lucy, ( ) your coat, please.Its time to go to school.A. get dressed B. put onC. wear D. dress( ) 15. His grandparents often go out for () in the early morning.A. walking B. walkC. a walk D. walks( ) 16. My home is far from our school. Its about ( ) walk,

6、so I take the bus to school.A. fiftyminutes B. fifty-minutesC. fifty minute D. fifty minutes( ) 17. You can ( ) stay at home ( )go out to play.A. either; or B. both; andC. neither; nor D. Both A and B( ) 18. () Lucy () Lily may go dancing with you, because they are not allowed to go out on school ni

7、ghts.A. Either; or B. Neither; norC. Both; and D. Not only; but also( ) 19. Im not sure what to get mom for her birthday.Oh,I have no idea ( ) .A. too B. neitherC. also D. either( ) 20. You can go to that new restaurant,because food there tastes ( ) .A. well B. badC. good D. deliciously( ) 21. He of

8、ten listens to all kinds of music so he shows good ( ) in music.A. love B. interestC. smell D. taste( ) 22. ( )Lucy and Lily want to go to thepark?A. Do B. DoesC. Is D. Are( ) 23. I often watch TV,but sometimes I likesome reading.A. to do B. doC. does D. to have( ) 24. How do they get to school?- (

9、).A. They by bike to school.B. they ride bikes schoolC. They get to school by the bike.D. They ride bikes to school.( ) 25. How do you usually go to school?-I usually ( )to go to school.A. take bus B. take a busC. by bus D. by a bus( ) 26. How far is itfrom here to the park?-Its about ( ) ride.A. fi

10、fteen minute B. fifteen minutesC. fifteen minutes D. fifteen-minutes( ) 27. ( )it take you to go to work on foot?A. How long is B. How many times doesC. How many hours is D. How long does( ) 28. ( ) old people exercise in the new park every day,because it is very beautiful.A. Hundreds of B. Two hund

11、redsC. Hundreds D. One hundred( ) 29. Do you often go to school by bus?-No, I go to school ( ) my bike every day.A. with B. on C. by D. in( ) 30. - ( ) does it take you to get to school?-Half an hour.A. What time B. How longC. How far D. What( ) 31. How does he usually go to schoolevery day?-He usua

12、lly ( ) to go to school?A. rides bike B. by bikeC. rides the bike D. by a bike( ) 32. It takes me thirty minutes ( ) there by bus and an hour on foot.A. get B. getsC. getting D. to get( ) 33. Im sorry I have to() my office.Its too late.A. get B. leave forC. return D. reach( ) 34. Its about ()walk fr

13、om my home to school.A. ten minute B. ten minutesC. ten minutes D. ten minutes( ) 35. Can you tell me() ?A. how old are youB. whats your nameC. whats the weather likeD. how the weather is二、用所给词的正确形式填空。1. Sorry, I cant help you with (dance).2. My grandmother (exercise) witha group of old people in th

14、e park every morning.3. I dont know how to do this . (work, job)4. Many people lost their . (work, job)5. My mother (work, job) in a car factory.6. Your ideas just wont . (work, job)7. Get (dress)quickly, or youll be late for school.8. Thank you for (teach) us so well.9. Your bedroom is too dirty. C

15、an you do some . (clean)10. Youd better read English for a quarterminutes before (go) to sleep.11. Sally likes (live)in Wuhan because people here are friendly.12. Ann spends half an hour (ride) his biketo school today.13. Im thinking of (change) my job.14. I wouldnt dream of (go) without you.15. Its time for us (leave).16. It often takes me half an hour (walk)to school.参考答案:一:选择填空1、A 2、D 3、A 4、C 5、D6、C 7、B 8、D 9、D 10、D 11、B 12、A 13、A 14、B 15、C



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