江苏高二下学期英语作业25 Word版缺答案

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1、2017春高二英语作业(25)第一节:单项选择(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)21. _his death, one of the Englands greatest writers is lost _the world. A. For; in B. By; in C. By; to D. On; to22. The approach was condemned by many as a _from normal scientific method. A. feature B. creature C. structure D. departure23. As a mother I ask

2、 your justice to be _and not to punish my son for matters he has no control over. A. civil B. merciful C. grateful D. supreme24. _ has been growing concern over the health effects _the September 11 attacks in the Financial District of Lower Manhattan. A. It; arising from B. There; causing C. There;

3、arising from D. It; caused25. In his plays, Shakespeare _ his characters live through their language. A. will make B. had made C. was making D. makes26. To persuade drivers to _checking their phones whenever they beep, the New York state plans to introduce so-called Texting Zones along its major hig

4、hways to make sure of the drivers safety. A. allow B. resist C. admit D. insist27. Mary, _becoming a well-known singer, _in the Voice of China. A. bending on; participated B. bent on; participating C. bending on; participating D. bent on; participated28. Hearing the news of her sudden death in a car

5、 crash, I went _with shock. A. tense B. bitter C. rigid D. dull29. A book may be compared to your neighbour; if it is good, it _last too long. A. cant B. neednt C. wont D. shouldnt30. My mother opposes me _ in the newly-decorated house for along time, for the fresh paint _poisonous smell. A. staying

6、; lets in B. staying; gives off C. to stay; lets out D. to stay; gives out31. In order to get his hands on the French Open title, _he has never won, Djokovic has decided to work harder. A. one B. the one C. that D. it32. The study of natural history is not something to be left to biologists. In fact

7、, their capacity _the time they can spend away from their offices is very limited. A. in the light of B. in view of C. in the event of D. in terms of33. The number of stay-at-home fathers reached a record high last year, new figures show, _families saw a rise in female breadwinners. A. if B .as C .a

8、lthough D. though34. The sound of guns _the peace of the countryside, which got the villagers into panic. A. abused B. struck C. violated D. twisted35. Hes a good actor, _a lot of comedians are not, and hes a good director and a good writer as well. A. who B. what C. where D. which36. Dont be _by hi

9、s rude remarks. Hes really very kind underneath. A. dropped off B. sent off C. put off D. let off37. Floyd Landis made several lame excuses blaming medicine he had been taking for an injury, but these were all _. A. in progress B. in vain C. in turn D. in tune38 -The car crash hasnt brought any traf

10、fic inconvenience, has it? -Yes. The road _up with several miles of vehicles within a few minutes. A. was chocked B. has been chocked C. had been choked D. is choked39. The poetry of the Romantic Movement often focuses on concepts like freedom and beauty, and tends to use imagination and _strong fee

11、lings. A. warm up B. spring up C. call on D. touch on 40. According to the policy, people over 60 in the countryside can get their 60-yuan pensions each month, somewhat _the burden of their children. A. to relieve B. relieving C. having relieved D. relieved41. Charles Yerkes, a wealthy American busi

12、nessman, _the job improving the system by obtaining _of the many different lines. A. overtook; invitation B. undertook; authority C. underwent; reputation D. undertook; ownership42. -What do you think about that new librarian? -She is _of a good clerk, for she even doesnt know how to classify the bo

13、oks. A. somebody B. nothing C. something D. nobody43. The news came _South Koreas Lotte Group has agreed to trade the land needed to host a planned missile shield despite Chinas recent warning, _made the headlines all over the world. A. that; that B. that; which C. which; that D. when; which44. Emphasis is laid on the necessity


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