江苏高中英语模块七活动单:Revision M7U4

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1、 Revision Module7 Unit 4一翻译1. drop off _ drop out _2. convey sth to sb _ convey the message to sb _3.unfortunately _ adj. _ n. _ 发财 _ 碰运气_4.unbelievable _ v _ n. _信任某人_相信某人的话_ 认为某人是_Its unbelievable that _5. postpone doing sth _ 把。推迟到 _6. at a years interval _7.抑制住眼泪 _ 哽咽 _8. undertake the construct

2、ion of _ 承担责任_9.获得什么的所有权 _10.have authority over _ 有权做某 _11.enquire sth of sb _ 调查 _12.详细地 _ go into details _13.预定 withoutreservation _ 定桌子14. 加速 _ at top/ full speed of _15.depart from _ 出发 _16. pay punctually _ 可靠守时 _18. 季节的交替 _ 19. 有进取心的销售人员 _20. 违法/规 _二完成句子1.用cause,reason,excuse填空Laziness is th

3、e _ of our failure and we shouldnt try to find any _ and now we have every _ to work harder.2.句型转换He takes computer classes _ he can find a different job.He takes computer classes _ finding a different job.He takes computer classes,_ that he can find a different job.他上电脑课,希望能找到一份不同的工作。3.The beautifu

4、l autumn _ for the wet summer.美丽的秋季抵消了多雨的夏季这一缺点。4.The company _ environmental issues wherever possible.只要有可能,这家公司总是尽量考虑到环境问题。5.We must _ (加快步伐)of our economic reform.6.People used to _ vegetarians _ strangers/strange.人们过去通常把素食主义者当作怪人而不予考虑。7.Her beauty is _.她美得无法形容。8._ join us for the experience of a

5、 lifetime?那么为什么不和我们一起享受这个终身难得的经历呢? 三单项填空1There is a close _ between smoking and lung cancer.Adistinction BacquisitionCexpansion Dconnection2They will start their project _ at helping the poor children to be educated in Chinas west.Aaims BaimingCbeing aimed Daimed3After the trainer was sure that the

6、whale could look after itself,he _ it into the sea.Atransported BunloadedCreleased Dhanded4As everybody knows,long lasting friendship is based on mutual understanding and _ interests.Aordinary BcommonCsame Dusual5John!What made you late again this morning?Terrible traffic!A number of vehicles on the

7、 road _ off the traffic.I am sorry!Astopped BheldCchoked Dprevented6Everybody was touched _ words after they heard her moving story.Abeyond BwithoutCof Din7According to the recent research,heavy coffee drinking and heart attack is unnecessarily _ and effect.Areason Bimpact Cfact Dcause8He came here

8、_ to see you,_ after he heard that you had returned from abroad.Aspecially;mainly Bspecially;especiallyCespecially;especially Despecially;specially9Our figures are based on the _ that the rate of inflation will be 5% by the end of the year.Asubstance BassumptionCnotice Dtheory10The boy was not _ to

9、the school because he was too young.Apermitted BapprovedCallowed Dadmitted11See the flag on top of the building?That was _ we did this morning.Awhen Bwhich Cwhere Dwhat12I will go to Yantai.Thats _ the best apples are.Awhere BwhatCwhen Dwhy13_ do you think the weather will be like tomorrow?AHow BWha

10、t CWhich DThat14_ your opinions are worth considering,we find it unwise to place too much importance on them.AWhile BAsCSince DNow that15Mary wrote an article on _ the team had failed to win the game.Awhy Bwhat Cwho Dthat16.Im sorry I didnt phone you,but Ive been very busy _ the past couple of weeks.Abeyond Bwith Camong Dover17.I bought_ books from the bookstore.Atwo dozen Btwo dozensCtwo dozen of Dtwo dozens of



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