山西省高中英语选修7 Unit 3 第3课时 练习 Word版缺答案

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1、Unit 3 Under the SeaUnit 3 第3课时.单项填空1The plan you came up with doesnt sound very practical. It will become the_of the opposition attacks.Atarget BblameCevidence Dambition2If the babysitter cannot come tomorrow, do you mind_alone at home doing his work?Aleaving Bbeing leftChaving left Dhaving been le

2、ft3_the same question for many times, the singer was absolutely impatient.ABeing asked BHaving askedCHaving been asked DTo be asked4The tall building_in the center of this area will be used as a 5star hotel.Ato build BbuildingCbeing built Dhaving built5_for several days, these flowers finally died.A

3、Having not watered BNot wateringCNot been watered DNot having been watered6They watched the paintings_, with nothing they could do to save them.Adestroyed Bbeing destroyedCdestroying Dhaving been destroyed7Do you remember_well during your last visit?Certainly I do.Ato be treated Bhaving treatedCbein

4、g treated Dto have treated8Police are now searching for a woman who is reported to_since the flood hit the area last Friday.Ahave been missing Bhave got lostCbe missing Dget lost9Walter offered us a lift when he was leaving the office, but our work_, we refused the offer.Anot finishing Bhad not been

5、 finishedCnot having finished Dnot being finished10Research_out at Liverpool University supports this idea and suggests that if we dont use the sense of direction, we will lose it.Ato carry BcarryingCbeing carried Dhaving carried11My brother has always insisted on his_Tom instead of Tim.Acalling Bca

6、lledChaving called Dbeing called12_many times, this radio receiver is found of great use in the mountainous areas.ABeing tested BHaving been testedCHaving tested DTesting13_in a heavy traffic jam in a taxi while you are hurrying to the airport is quite an unpleasant experience.AHaving caught BBeing

7、caughtCCaught DHaving been caught14There seemed little hope that the explorer, _in the tropical forest, would find his way through it.Ato be deserted Bhaving desertedCto have been deserted Dhaving been deserted15If you break the rule, you cant escape_sooner or later.Apunished Bbeing punishedCto be p

8、unished Dpunishing.用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空1I have been looking forward_meeting you since Jim told us.2I love to go to the seaside in summer. It feels good to lie_the sand or swim in the cool sea.3Many factories were accused of concentrating too heavily_cost reduction, often at the expense of the quality of

9、their products.4With these books you can continue learning English all_yourselves and test your progress with the exercises provided.用适当的介词、副词或连词填空1I appreciated_(give)the opportunity to work in your company two years ago.2Our neighbor came close to_(kill)in a traffic accident the other day.3While s

10、hopping, we sometimes, cant help_(persuade)to buy what we dont really need.4It made me upset to hear the news of his_(fire)from that good job.5The foreign friends you referred to are looking forward to_(show)around our newly built language lab.完形填空阅读下面短文,理解大意,从题中(120)所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。It is of

11、ten said that politeness costs nothing. In fact,_1_hearing the phrase “thank you”or “well done”means the same to employees as a modest pay_2_, researchers say.Praise and encouragement also_3_employees more likely to work hard and stay in their jobs, saving on the cost of finding_4_.A third of 1,000

12、workers_5_said they did not get thanked at all when they did well, and a(n)_6_third said they were not thanked enough.In both_7_, the employees said they felt_8_, meaning they were less likely to be_9_to their jobs and were more likely to look for employment elsewhere.According to the survey, praisi

13、ng employees has the same_10_as a 1 percent pay rise, and works out much_11_for bosses.Three out of four employees said that regular_12_by their bosses was important to them,_13_only a quarter said they were actually given as much praise_14_they felt they needed. Those doing manual(体力的)jobs were les

14、s likely to be given any_15_for doing well.Scottish employees felt_16_undervalued, eight out of ten saying they would like more praise. However, workers in the northeast are less_17_by being buttered up by the boss, as only 69 percent said they felt the_18_to be told“well done”regularly.The research found that words of praise did more than_19_a pleasant place to workthey could_20_increase profits.文章大意:一项研究表明,老板对员工的表扬能提高员工工作的积极性,并有利于稳定人心。然而,老板们对表扬员工似乎比较吝啬,有些员工说,即使他们工作表现出色,也没得到过老板的赞赏。1A.properly BconsequentlyCinsistently Dfrequently2A.rise Bride


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