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1、小学英语单元测试 小学英语测试卷单元测课课练 Unit 1My Classroom Part B 2 一 根据图片选出相应的单词或短语 20 分 1 A put up a map B put up a picture 2 A deskB bed 小学英语单元测试 小学英语测试卷单元测课课练 3 A window B desk 4 A chair B board 二 火眼金睛 选一选 35 分 1 Let s A Let is B Let us 2 Let clean the window A my B me 3 Look the picture A at B to 4 Let s clean

2、the A board B a board 5 The picture is 好看 A nice B bad 三 想一想 选一选 21 分 1 当你想告诉别人你有一张新图片时 你应说 A I have a new picture 小学英语单元测试 小学英语测试卷单元测课课练 B They have new pictures 2 当你想知道地板是什么颜色时 你应说 A What colour is the floor B What s colour the floor 3 当你想告诉别人 墙是白色的 你应说 A The wall is white B The board is white 四 选择正确的选项补全对话 24 分 Zoom Good morning We have a new classroom Zip 1 Zoom Yes Let s go and 2 Zip Wow 3 How many new lights do we have Zoom 4 Zip They are very nice A EightB Really C It s so big D have a look 参考答案 小学英语单元测试 小学英语测试卷单元测课课练


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