人教版高中英语选修6 Unit 3 A Healthy Life period 1 练习(学生版)

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1、Period1 练习一、根据中文意思及构词法按要求写出下列单词1. n.压力vt.加压力于;使紧张_adj.产生压力的_adj. 焦虑不安的_ 2.adj.入迷的;上瘾的_n.沉溺;嗜好_adj.使上瘾的_vt.使上瘾 n.有瘾的人_3.vt.使习惯于_adj.惯常的_4. adj.无意识的;自动的_adv.无意识地_5. adj.精神的,智力的_adv.精神上地_(反义词)身体的_6. vt.加强_n.力量_adj.强壮的,加强的_7.adj.失望的;沮丧的_ adj.令人失望的_vt. 使失望_ n.失望_8. adj. 感到惭愧或羞耻的_ n,羞愧_ adj.可耻的_adj.无耻的,厚颜

2、的_9. n. 青少年_ adj. 青春期的_ n.青春期_10. adj. 尴尬的_ adj. 令人尴尬的_ vt.使局促不安,使困窘_ n. 窘迫,难看,使人为难的人或事_11. adj.气喘吁吁的,屏息的_ n.喘气,喘息_ v.呼吸,喘气_二、用所给词的适当形式填空1. After a _week of work, all the employees were extremely _and tired. They complained that few could work efficiently under _(stress)2.The man is _to smoking for

3、many years, but he is now fighting with his _to smoking. (addict)3. Stealing is a _ thing to do, but he doesnt feel _. It is a _ for him.(ashamed)4. The old man was so _that he said nothing about the _ ending. But his _was obvious. (disappoint)三. 根据各句句意及所给单词的首字母或汉语提示,写出所缺单词的正确形式1. She was a_ of havi

4、ng lied to her teacher.2. Woman is physically but not m_ weaker than man.3. The reform will _(巩固,加强) our economy in a number of other ways.4. He found it difficult to a_ himself to working with Tom.5. Every time you feel s_, do some relaxation exercises.6. Most of adolescents dont know about the har

5、mful e_ of smoking.7. A person infected with HIV usually has a very small chance of s_.8. Mistakes d_ to carelessness may have serious consequences.9. Mr. Black _(滥用)his position as Mayor to give jobs to his friends.10. The centre provides help for people suffering from _(精神) illness.11. At last, I

6、found myself in an _(尴尬的)situation.12. Its _(非法的) to carry guns in our country.13. At the formal party I felt very _(局促不安的)and out of place.14. Most nations of the globe have some sort of color _(偏见)。15. He didnt feel _(绝望的), even though he faced many difficulties.四、 根据中文写出以下短语,然后选用合适的短语并用其适当形式填空1.

7、由于_ 2.对有瘾_ 3.习惯于_4. 对作出决定_ 5. 想要做_ 6.不顾;不管_7.冒险_ 8. 陷入;染上_ 9. 处境危险;遭受危险_10. judge from _11. cause damage to _12.in the first place _13.over and over againjudge from decide on , feel like (doing) , due to, be accustomed to , be addicted to cause damage to , in the first place, over and over again ins

8、tead of , in spite of, 1. I am a teacher _, and a writer in the next place.2. The earthquake _great _Yushu.3. How about reading more books _watching TV?4. I dont _eating anything. I am full.5. Nowadays a large number of adolescents _ computer games.6. Tom _eating seafood, because he lives near the s

9、ea.7. _ the extreme cold, the car couldnt start.8. _ the bad weather , we went fishing yesterday.9. If you want to quit smoking , _a day that is suitable.10. The matter has been discussed _.11. _ his appearance, he must be an expert.12. The disease is spreading, and all young children are_.五根据提示完成下面

10、的句子。1. As a matter of fact, I cant afford _.事实上, 我买不起像他的一样贵的小汽车。1. As far as I know, she _herself _ music. 据我所知, 她沉迷于音乐。2. Daniel has been _for six months. Daniel 已经被禁止开车六个月。3. _(say) any more about it. 再说它是没有用的。4. _(据报道) two people were injured in the accident.5. They _(还没有公诸于众) where they are to h

11、ole the conference.6. _(是违法的) to sell tobacco to children under 16.7. 到了你该睡觉的时间了。It is time _.8. No one seems to know what has happened in the park. (句型转换)= _ no one knows what has happened in the park.10._(该是的时候了)she wrote a letter home.11. 是谁打碎的窗子? _ that broke the window?12. So _that Marie was able to set up new branches elsewhere. 玛丽的生意如此成功,以至于她能在其它地方建分店。13.I think it no use _(与他争辩)。六Translation (学会运用新单词和词组)1. 越来越多的孩子整日沉溺于(addict)网络游戏。2. 这对他们有着很坏的影响.(effect)3. 一旦他们养成(ge


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