人教版高中英语必修一学案:Unit 2 English around the world Period 6 Writing

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1、Book 1 Unit 2 Period 6 Writing编者: 巩玉香学习目标学习写建议信。通过写作指导和训练逐步培养写作能力,提高写作技巧。重点难点学习如何写建议信,并掌握其写作技巧。【写作指导】1. 建议信的语言1) 建议的语言要中肯,在给对方提出建议时,要注意措辞,设身处地的为对方考虑,可适当用虚拟句“If I were you.”表述自己的建议。2) 建议必须有说服性,具有充分的理由,展示出自己独特的见解。2. 建议信的结构建议信一般采取“三段式结构”,通常以firstly, secondly, thirdly或to begin with(首先), then, later等依次陈述

2、建议。首段:表明写作意图,陈述事由。针对对方的问题表示同情引起共鸣。中段:围绕对方的困惑、烦恼等问题,针对对方的实际问题,用委婉的语言给对方提出合理化的建议。尾段:简单予以希望。希望自己的建议能对对方有所帮助。3. 时态:主要用现在的时态。人称:第一人称和第二人称。常用短语和句型1) Here are some tips to help you.以下是帮助你的的建议2) In my opinion=As far as I m concerned = Personally 我认为提建议的句式表达:3) Why not? 4) You could/ might/ had better 5) It

3、seems better that6) It is necessary/ important that 7) I think thats a good idea. 8) If you do this . 10) In other words(换句话说),. 11) Personally, I cant quite agree with you.结构模式12) Firstly, why not? If you do this Secondly, you should/ can Then.Thirdly, it would be a good idea if. By doing this,.13)

4、 To begin with., then., later. 结尾表达15) I hope you find the ideas/ advice/suggestions useful.【写作例题】Miss Wang has received a letter from Xiao Dong, who has some difficulty in communicating with people and is asking for some advice. If you are Xiao Dong, please answer the letter and give your advice.【佳

5、作欣赏】Dear Xiao Dong,Im sorry you are having trouble in making friends(同情). However, this situation is easy to change if you take my advice.(转折给予希望) Here are some tips to help you.(给出建议的主题句,引起下文)Firstly(过渡词), why not (表示建议的句式)talk to people standing on their own? I agree this is difficult but that per

6、son may feel lonely, too. If you do this, I am sure youll find a new friend.(合理的拓展)Secondly, you can begin a conversation by asking their likes and dislikes. Then you can find people with the same interests. I think that is a good way to find new friends.Thirdly, it would be a good idea if you join

7、in a discussion. By doing this you can get to know different people and let them know you are friendly. So there should be no problem. It should certainly provide you with some new friends.I hope you find these ideas useful. (结尾句)Yours,Miss Wang【亮点点击】本篇文章涵盖了所有要点及内容,结构条理清晰,段落分配合理。第一段表示对对方的同情,表示诚意,给对方

8、提出建议。第二段到第四段诚恳的提出了可行的建议,使用了关联词firstly; secondly; thirdly使文章连贯性很强。尾段给予希望,希望自己的建议能对对方有所帮助。在文章中作者还使用了大量的高级词汇,和较复杂的句式。高级词汇:having trouble in making friends; take my advice; by asking their likes and dislikes; a good way to find new friends; provide you with some new friends等。句型:If you do this, I am sure

9、 youll find a new friend; It would be a good idea if you join in a discussion; I hope you find these ideas useful.关联词however; firstly; secondly; thirdly等的使用,使文章衔接性强、条理。总之,是一篇很好的文章,值得大家学习和借鉴。达标练习假如你是李华,你的英国朋友Jack来信,就“如何交友”向你征求建议,请你给他回信就该问题谈谈你的建议。信的开头已给出,不计字数。词数:120-150左右。Dear Jack,I am glad to hear from you. _ Yours, Li Hua【写作过程】 根据提示翻译句子1. 你在信中就如何交朋友向我征求意见。_2. 在我看来,友谊对大家来说都很重要。_3. 要想交朋友,我们必须对别人好。_4. 对他人微笑,作为回报,我们一定能得到微笑。_5. 多为他人着想,不要以貌取人。_6. 千万不要相信那些在我们有麻烦时离我们而去的人。_7. 患难朋友才是真朋友。_8. 我期盼着你的来信。_ 连句成文利用以上几个句子,加上恰当的连接词和必要的过渡句,必要时可以改变句式,使之成为一段连贯的文章。(首句已给出)Dear Jack,I am glad to hear from you. _



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