人教版高中英语必修5 Unit1 第1课时 Great Scientists 练习(教师版)

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1、课时作业Unit 1Great scientistsSection Warming up & ReadingLanguage points.单句语法填空1When I opened the door,I found my father sitting in his chair,completely_(absorb) in the humorous stories he was reading.答案:absorbed2Emily fely very sad that she was suspected_providing false statements in court.答案:of3The p

2、rofessor is rich in knowledge and humorous,so we all like_(attend) his lecture.答案:to attend4Although the medicine can cure you_your illness,it has a bad effect_you.答案:of;on5The researchers drew a_(conclude) from the study that regular family dinners helped improve the relationship between family mem

3、bers.答案:conclusion6_(scientific) has taught us how atoms are made up.答案:Science7Teaching young children is a_(challenge) job.答案:challenging8Please_(analysis) the case according to the fact.答案:analyse9I tried to follow her_(instruct),but I got confused.答案:instructions10The talks are continuing,but no

4、_(announce) are expected at this time.答案:announcement.完成句子1_,they would talk long hours together.他们每次见面都会谈论很长时间。答案:Each time they met2Bill wasnt happy about the delay of the report by Jason,and_.Bill对Jason做推迟提交报告这件事表示不高兴,我也不高兴。答案:neither was I3It was proved that drunkdriving_ the death of five peopl

5、e in Nanjing.据证实醉酒驾驶是导致南京五人死亡的原因。答案:was to blame for4We should combine our efforts to make sure our children _.我们应该共同努力,确保孩子不会接触到不良的生活环境。答案:are not exposed to bad living conditions5Not knowing what was wrong with his car,Martin decided to send for an experienced man _.不知道汽车出了什么故障,马丁决定派人去请个有经验的人来处理这个

6、问题。答案:to handle the problem6Keeping prices from going up too sharply is _ as well as the whole world.阻止物价过快上涨对中国和全世界来说是个挑战。答案:a challenge to China7It was that incident that_carelessness.正是那件事使她改掉了粗心的毛病。答案:cured her of8The manager_at the meeting yesterday.昨天经理在会上提出了新的计划。答案:put forward a new plan.课文缩写

7、语法填空John Snow,a wellknown doctor in London,became _(inspire) when he thought about helping ordinary people _(expose) to cholera,a _(die) disease of its day.Many thousands of people died _there was an outbreak because no one knew the cause of it.John wanted to help solve the problem.He got interested

8、 in two theories _(explain) how cholera killed people.He believed in the second theory _suggested that people _(absorb) the disease with their meals.In 1854,when another outbreak hit London,he was ready to test _two theories._the help of the map he made,he got a valuable clue about the cause of the

9、disease and was able to announce that the water was _ (blame)“King Cholera” was finally defeated.答案:inspiredexposeddeadlywheneverexplainingthatabsorbedtheWithto blame.完形填空A few years ago,I had a long way to get home from work.One morning I was on my way home and was very_1_after working 12 hours at

10、night.I _2_ at a restaurant to have _3_.It was really a truck stop and I was the only customer.Right after I placed my order I saw a man come in.He was_4_a small bag.Perhaps he had seen better times,but there was no sign of any_5_times now.He reached in his pocket and _6_some change.He asked the wai

11、tress if 38 cents was _7_to buy a cup of coffee.She looked at his hand and said,“Of course.Have a _8_.” (Coffee was 50 cents a cup at the time.) It really_9_ me how she had tried to help him to _10_ his pride and how he had not asked for any charity.Shortly before my food came,I_11_the waitress to c

12、ome over.I said,“You know,I am not feeling well.I dont_12_I am going to be able to eat my breakfast.Do you think there is anyone here who might eat it?” She first asked_13_I was OK and then she understood.She said,“I think so.Are you sure?” I told her that I was _14_.She then walked over to the gent

13、leman and told him that I had_15_food and it was too _16_ to stop the order but I didnt feel like eating.She asked if he would be so_17_as to take it so that they wouldnt have to _18_it in the dustbin.I walked to_19_the meal,bought a gift card and asked them to _20_it to the gentleman after I left.T

14、his mans quiet dignity (尊严) touched me in ways that I dont even fully understand.语篇解读本文是记叙文。文章讲述了作者被服务员的举动所感动进而帮助别人的故事。1A.boredBexcited Ctired Dworried解析:由下文中的working 12 hours at night可知,作者非常“累(tired)”。答案:C2A.stayed Blooked Cstopped Dappeared解析:由下文中的a truck stop可知,作者“停在(stopped)”了一家餐厅。答案:C3A.breakfast Bsupper Cwater Dcoffee解析:由上文中的after working 12 hours at night及下文中的be able to eat my breakfast可知此处指的是吃“早饭(breakfast)


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