人教版高中英语必修2 Unit 5 Music period 3 教案1

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1、Unit 5 Music Using language教案Teaching goals 教学目标1 Target language目标语言a. 重点词汇及短语decide on, singto the music, stick to, in my heart, come outb. 交际用语1) I think we should.Should we go.?What if we.?What do you think.?How about.?We could.You could.If we.Lets.2) I prefer.I like . best because.My favourite

2、musician is .I am fond of.Why do you prefer.?I dont agree.I enjoy listening to.I dont like . very much.2. Ability goals能力目标a. Enable the students to decide on forming a band.b. Enable the students to discuss going to a concert and the plan to attend a concert.c. Enable the students to express what t

3、hey think of some kind of music and some musicians.3. Learning ability goals 学能目标a. Help the students to decide on a band.b. Help the students to discuss about going to the concert.c. Help the students to express their opinions about some music and musicians.Teaching important points 教学重点1. Let the

4、students express and support their opinions freely.2. Enable the students to form their bands and give their performances.Teaching difficult points 教学难点How to write a note for ones arrangement.Teaching methods 教学方法1. Pair work or group work to practice speaking2. DiscussionTeaching aids 教具准备1. A mul

5、tiple-media computer2. A projector and some slidesTeaching procedures & ways 教学过程与方式Step RevisionGreetingsRevision T: Id like some students to report their homework.Suggested answers to the translation1. When Mr. Smith visited Paris on a tour, he picked up French.2. When I met him the other day, he

6、told me that he was busy writing a novel.3. It occurred to me that he went to England yesterday.4. He didnt find a person to whom he could turn for help in the strange country.5. She is proud of her success. (Or: She takes pride in her success.)Step Speaking (page 39)This part aims at getting the st

7、udents to use their imagination. They can try forming their own bands. First let the students discuss their plans for organizing a band of their own in groups of 6. Ask them to discuss the following questions.1. What is the name of their band?2. What kind of band will it be?3. What English songs wil

8、l they play?At last, ask some bands to perform the songs they have chosen.Task 1 Forming a band T: You have already learnt about some famous bands and music. Can you form your own bands? Now, open your books and turn to page 39. Lets read the instructions. Id like you to form groups of 6 and plan yo

9、u own bands, and then Id like some bands to perform the songs you have chosen. Are you clear?Ss: Yes.Suggested answersGroup 1: Band name-Simple Plan A small groupThe song that will be performed: Perfect Group 2: Band name-Nickel BackClassical music groupThe song that will be performed: Voices of spr

10、ingGroup 3: Band name-Evanescence Pop groupThe song that will be performed-Bring me to lifeGroup 4: Band name-Red RosePop groupThe song that will be performed-My Heart will go onGroup 5: Band name-SuccessRock groupThe song that will be performed-Rhythm NationTask 2 English sayings about music (时间不足可

11、改为可下作业)Read some of the sayings on pages 39 and 40 and ask the students to write down their quotes about music and ask them to tell what they mean to the students. This part aims to stir the students interest in English by making them read the quotes in this part and collect their own quotes about m

12、usic. The teacher can ask them to read the sayings, and explain the difficult language points in the sayings. Then ask them to tell what the sayings mean to them. At last, ask them to work in pairs and write down their own quotes about music.Language points1. meanmean to do: plan to doa. Success mea

13、ns hard work.b. I had meant to see the film last night, but I had to work extra hours to finish the work.2. .stay with what is true in your heart.a. I dont agree with what he said.b. I am very satisfied with what you have done.3. What I have in my heart must come out.1) come out: become clearThe mea

14、ning of his story didnt come out well.2) in ones heart .What do you have in your heart?4. decide on / upon: make up ones mindShe decided on the red shoes. T: Read the sayings here and tell me what the sayings mean to you.S1: The first saying means a lot to me. I think music expresses ones mind and i

15、s fun. Also music helps us enjoy life. We can never imagine what life would be like without music.S2: I admire Beethoven for his spirit. He used music to express his thoughts, but never wrote for reputation and honor.S3: I think music makes our life more beautiful and without it life would be dull.S4: Music is our company and it will follow us even if we are old. T: Very good! Do you know any other sayings about music? Now, with your partner, write your own famous quotes about music and tell what it means to you.After several min


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