人教版高中英语必修1 Unit2 English around the World Period 5 教案2

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《人教版高中英语必修1 Unit2 English around the World Period 5 教案2》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《人教版高中英语必修1 Unit2 English around the World Period 5 教案2(18页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、人教新课标版必修1 Unit 2 English around the worldThe Seventh Period从容说课This is the latest period of this unit. In this part,I advise taking summing up,learning tip and project as the targets. This is a period of summary and consolidation of words and phrases,a summary of English around the world,and a summa

2、ry of grammar will all be dealt with. Students are the key role of a class. So I think it is better to let students summarize by themselves. After that,if there is something missing,they will be helped by teachers. Besides the summary part,project will also be considered. This part offers students a

3、 chance to do many things by themselves,which can of course improve students ability. Now that it is not a course of teaching knowledge but an ability-training one,it is better to let students think more to solve the questions. Maybe group work will be good in effect. Then students report the result

4、 of their group work.三维目标1.Knowledge:Review all the knowledge of words,phrases,expressions,grammar,and the language.2.Ability:Deal with the part of project to know something about code.3.Emotion:Create some codes.教学重点The consolidation of the knowledge learnt before.教学难点How to help students sum up an

5、d master the knowledge.教具准备slides教学过程Step 1 GreetingsGreet the whole class as usualStep 2 Summing up the knowledge of EnglishT:Today we are here having the last period of this unit. After reading this unit,what have you learnt?First what have you learnt about different kinds of English. Would you wo

6、rk in groups of four to discuss it?And then report it in the form of a table.(discuss for 5 minutes) Now exchange ideas with other group freely.Possible table:Different kinds of EnglishCanadian;British;American,Australian;Indian EnglishReasonsCultural communicationMain differences between Am.English

7、 and Br.EnglishPronunciationSpellingWordsStep 3 Summing up words and expressionsT:We have got much information about the language. Then what words and expressions have we learnt?Discuss with your partner and make a list.S:Noun:role,native,culture,vocabulary,usage,identity,government,phrase,command,r

8、equest,standard,accentVerb:include,rule,command,request,retell,recognizeOther expressions:play a role (in);because of;come up;be present at;such as;be polite toThen please use the right forms of the words or phrases to fill in the blanks:1.The famous actor said he looked forward to _ in the movies d

9、irected by talented Zhang Yimou.2.The sports meet was put off _ the bad weather.3.After reading the text,we were told to _ the passage using our own words.4.He changed so much that I didnt _ him at first.5.More than half of the people who were invited _ the meeting.6.In this vacation,I plan to do ma

10、ny things _ traveling to Hong Kong.7.Nobody dared to go against his _ that everyone (should)leave until 8 oclock.8.The problem _ at the meeting has been solved.Suggested answers:1.playing a role 2.because of 3.retell 4.recognize 5.were present at 6.including mand ing upT:A good summary. Then would y

11、ou please fill in the blanks with correct forms of words.Step 4 Summing up grammarIn this unit,we met across a new grammar item:request and command. Now recall the sentence patterns with your partner.Command:Do/Do not do.Request:Do/Do not do.please.Can you do.?Could you do.?Will you do.?Would you do

12、.?Step 5 Learning tipsT:We know interest in the mother of success. If you find that the thing that you are doing is not so interesting,its not so likely that you will succeed. It is the same case with the study of English. So when you learn English,youd better try to find fun in the study. For examp

13、le,try to make jokes using words which have different meanings.For example:Dont rock that baby on the rock while playing that rock music.I wish to wish the wish you wish to wish,but if you wish the wish the witch wishes,I wont wish the wish you wish to wish.If white chalk chalks white on a black bla

14、ckboard,will black chalk chalks black on a white whiteboard then?Will you find out more funny things in studying English?Some slang in America:Beats Me 林先生刚到美国时,经常不经意间听到“Beats me”这句话,心想总不会叫人揍自己吧!例如,有人问:“When is this rain supposed to stop?” 对方可能回答“Beats me !” 若再问: “Where are your parents?”,对方回答也可能是 “

15、Beats me!” 这句话如此管用,几乎适用于任何场合,那么到底是什么意思呢?林先生求教于人,得知其意是“I dont know”我不知道,我无法回答。Now You Are Cooking 老吴与同事John聊天,他的女秘书敲门进来报告说,他此次开会所要的简报资料已制作完成,请John过目。John 接过资料审视后说:“Now you are cooking.”老吴听了一怔,不解地问他是怎么知道她此时正在煮东西。John笑说,他只是夸她这次干得不错而已,并不知道她在煮东西。原来,Now you are cooking此处系指“Well done”,与东西无关。Food Free Zone 章先生又饥又渴地赶到了图书馆借书。一走进图书馆,看到展示区上挂了“Food Free Zone”的告示牌,心想美国公立图书馆真不错,还提供免费食物(free food),于是直奔该区寻找免费食物填肚,可怎么也找不着。此时一位好心的女馆员走过来问道:“May I help you?”章先生答说:“I am looking for the free food.”女馆员笑说:“Youll never find it. Absolutely



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