吉林省伊通满族自治县第三中学校高中英语必修三Unit 5 高中同位语从句【课件】

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吉林省伊通满族自治县第三中学校高中英语必修三Unit 5 高中同位语从句【课件】_第1页
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《吉林省伊通满族自治县第三中学校高中英语必修三Unit 5 高中同位语从句【课件】》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《吉林省伊通满族自治县第三中学校高中英语必修三Unit 5 高中同位语从句【课件】(40页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、同位语从句 我不知道你在这儿 Ididn tknowthatyouwerehere Ihadnoideathatyouwerethere 宾语从句 同位语从句 同位语从句1 概念 在复合句中作名词的同位语的名词性从句 2 功能 同位语从句对名词进一步解释 说明名词的具体内容 3 用法 常跟的抽象名词有 fact idea reasonthought order doubt news hopetruth belief 4 连词that whether who whichwhat when where why how 连接词that引导的同位语从句 that在从句中不充当成分 只起连接作用 Het

2、oldmethenewsthathewouldcomehomefromaboardsoon 他告诉我一个消息 他马上要从国外回国 Thereisnodoubtthatthepricesofcarswillgodown 只用whether引导 不用if 这个问题是否正确还未被证实 Theproblem isrighthasn tbeenproved 连接词whether引导的同位语从句 whether 连接词代词what which who引导的同位语从句 1 谁会出国这个问题还未决定 2 我不知道该选哪个 1 Thequestion shouldgoabroadhasn tbeendecide

3、dyet 2 Ihavenoidea oneIshouldchoose which who 定语 主 在从句中充当成分 连接词副词when where why how引导的同位语从句 1 我了解他们为什么离开得那么早 2 我们还没决定好去哪儿 1 I vegotagoodidea theyleftearly 2 Thequestion weshouldgohasnotbeendecided why where 1 ThenewsthathetoldmeisthatTomwouldgoabroadnextyear 2 ThenewsthatTomwouldgoabroadistoldbyhim

4、他告诉我的消息是汤姆明年将出国 定语从句 宾语 同位语从句 汤姆将出国的消息是他讲的 that 名词性 形容词性 只连接主句和从句 在从句中不充当成分 代替先行词 在从句中充当成分 1 Thenewsthattherearenolivesonthemoonisknowntousall 2 Thenewsthatyouheardisnottrue 3 Haveyouanyideawhohewentwith 4 Isthereanyhopethattheywillbehomeintime 5 Theproblemthatyoureferredtodoesn texistatall 同位语从句 定语

5、从句 同位语从句 同位语从句 定语从句 demand suggestion proposal等表示建议 请求的同位语从句中 谓语动词要用虚拟语气 即 should 动词原形 eg Thesuggestionthattheplan should bedelayed延迟willbediscussedtomorrow 推迟那项计划的建议将在明天讨论 注意 I 在空格处填上适当的词 使下列从句完整 1 Thisisthemountainvillage Istayedlastyear 2 I llneverforgetthedays Iworkedtogetherwithyou 3 Pleasepass

6、methebook coverisgreen where when whose 练习 4 Isthisthereason herefusedouroffer 5 Thepersonto youspokeisafamousactor 6 Shesatonthecornerofthetablenearthedoorby herhusbandalwaysentered 7 Thewhitefloweristheonlyone Ireallylike why whom which that 8 Thenewswasveryexciting ourclasshadwonthefootballmatch

7、9 Theyarefamiliarwiththeopinion allmatterconsistsofatoms 10 Thequestion weshallhaveameetinghasn tbeendecided 11 Theytoldthepolicemanthefact theyhadnothingtodowiththemurder that that where when whether that 12 Allagreedtohissuggestion abridgeacrosstheriverbebuilt 13 Thequestion shoulddotheworkrequire

8、sconsideration 14 Thisisouronlyrequest this should besettledassoonaspossible 15 Wordcame ourChinesewomenteamhadbeatenJapanese that who that that 1 我不知道怎样到达火车站 IhavenoideahowIcangettotherailwaystation 2 我们队取得决赛胜利的消息令人鼓舞 Thenewsthatourteamhaswonthefinalmatchisencouraging II 用同位语从句翻译下列句子 3 人们曾认为地球是宇宙的中

9、心 Peopleusedtoholdtheopinionthattheearthwasthecenteroftheuniverse 4 没有人对他将成为他们的老板这一事实感到高兴 Nooneishappywiththefactthathewillbecometheirboss 5 我们何时开始工作的问题尚未决定 Thequestionwhenwewillstarttheworkisnotdecided 1 Thefact sheworkshardiswellknowntousall A thatB whatC whyD which2 Thefact hewassuccessfulprovesh

10、isability A thatB whatC whichD why A A III Choosethecorrectanswer 3 Thenews hewaskidnappedsurprisedusgreatly A whatB thatC whyD when4 Hissuggestion themeetingbedelayedwasturneddown A whichB thatC D it B B 5 Ihavenoidea hewillstart A whenB thatC whatD 6 I vecomefromthegovernmentwithamessage themeetin

11、gwon tbeheldtomorrow A ifB thatC whetherD which B 7 Thethought hemightfailintheexamworriedhim A whenB whichC whatD that8 Theorder theprisonerbesetfreearrivedtoolate A whichB whetherC thatD what D C 9 Thenursesaretryingtheirbesttoreducethepatient sfear hewoulddieofthedisease A thatB asC ofwhichD whic

12、h A 10 Heoftenaskedmethequestion theworkwasworthdoing A whetherB whereC thatD when11 Theotherday mybrotherdrovehiscardownthestreetat Ithoughtwasadangerousspeed A asB whichC whatD that A B 11 Alongwiththeletterwashispromise hewouldvisitmethiscomingChristmas A whichB thatC whatD whether B 13 Luckily w

13、e dbroughtaroadmapwithout wewouldhavelostourway A itB thatC thisD which14 Doyouhaveanyidea isactuallygoingonintheclassroom A thatB whatC asD which D B 15 Oneofthemenheldtheview thebooksaidwasright A thatB whatthatC thatwhatD whether that引导同位语从句 补充说明view what引导主语从句并在同位语从句中作主语 C 16 Astorygoes Elizabet

14、hIofEnglandlikednothingmorethanbeingsurroundedbycleverandqualifiednoblemenatcourt 04 上海 A whenB whereC whatD that D 17 Alongwiththeletterwashispromise hewouldvisitmethiscomingChristmas 04 上海 A whichB thatC whatD whether B 19 Thereisafeelinginme we llneverknowwhataUFOis notnever A thatB whichC ofwhic

15、hD what A 20 Ihavenoidea wecanspendourholiday A whereB whichC thatD what A 21 Thenews hetoldusyesterdayisnottrue butthenews ourteamhaswonthematchistrue A thatB that C that whichD that who A 22 Thequestionoccurredtome thebookwasworthreading A whatB whetherC whichD if B 23 Awarmthoughtsuddenlycametome

16、 Imightusethepocketmoneytobuysomeflowersformymother sbirthday A ifB whenC thatD whichthat引导的同位语从句解释说明thought的内容 C 24 It sthirtyyearssincewelastmet ButIstillrememberthestory believeitornot wegotlostonarainynight A whichB thatC whatD whenthat引导的同位语从句解释说明story的内容 believeitornot为插入语 B 25 Doyouhaveanyidea isactuallygoingonintheclassroom A thatB whatC asD whichwhat引导的同位语从句 what在从句中作主语 B


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