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1、湖南专版 新课标 RJ 第一篇教材过关篇 课时17Units5 6 九全 chopstick coin fork blouse silver glass cotton steel grass leaf produce widely process local avoid handbag mobile material international project mention remain trade translate earthquake customer nearly hero beknown famousfor nomatter bemadeof from byhand haveapo

2、int byaccident takeplace withoutdoubt allofasudden bymistake divide into notonly butalso lookupto dreamof glasses leaves daily national nationality international salty professional Canadian French accidental musical musician environmental heroes pleasant pleased please historical locally suddenly po

3、pularity heat product production translation translator boiling boiled celebration ruler Itseemsthat allovertheworld itinteresting weremade in inthe futuregetbetter atmaking sentoutaskfor introuble put onas symbolsof Ittakesto complete Itissaidthat called todiscover didn tappearuntil lessthan Atthes

4、ametime stop from encourageto workachievetheirdreams glassn 玻璃 针对训练 1 Becareful orthebrokenmayhurtyou A glassB glassesC candle 2 Andycan tseetheblackboardclearlysohehastowear A glassB glassesC aglass A B avoidv 避免 回避 avoid后可接名词 代词或动名词作宾语 Trytoavoidaccidents 尽量防止发生事故 Ithinksheisavoidingme 我想她是在躲着我 He

5、avoidedansweringmyquestions 他对我的问题避而不答 针对训练 1 Whenyoudothepaper youmustbemorecarefulandthesamemistake OK Iwill A planB followC avoid 2 Severalcitieshavemadethemoststricttrafficrulestoavoidaccidents A causeB causingC tocause C B doubtn 疑惑 疑问v 怀疑 doubt作动词时 后可接名词 代词或宾语从句作宾语 Idoubthiswords 我怀疑他的话 Theydo

6、ubtedhimbefore 他们以前怀疑过他 Idon tdoubtthathecanfinishthetaskontime 我相信他能按时完成任务 归纳拓展 1 doubt作名词时 常见搭配 indoubt怀疑 拿不定主意makenodoubtof对 毫不怀疑withoutdoubt毫无疑问 的确 2 doubt作动词引导宾语从句时 若主句是肯定句 则后接if whether 若主句是否定句 则后接that 针对训练 1 Idon tdoubtshe stellingthetruth A ifB whetherC that 2 Tryanddoitnowifyouhaveany A dou

7、btB answerC exercise 3 Idoubthecanarriveatschoolontimeornot A ifB whetherC that C A B alive living live lively 针对训练 用alive living live或lively填空 1 Thebirdshaveleftandleftthedeadonesunderthetree 2 Theyaretryingtosearchforthepeopleunderthefallenwall 3 Moststudentsusuallylikethelessons 4 Themustremember

8、whatthedeadpeopledidn tfinish live living alive lively living pleasant pleasure pleased please Mylittlesisterisapleasantgirl 我妹妹是一个讨人喜欢的女孩 Wecangetalotofpleasurefrombooks 我们可以从书中得到很多快乐 Shewasverypleasedwithmywork 她对我的工作很满意 Theteachercan tpleaseeverystudent 老师不可能让每个学生都满意 针对训练 用pleasant pleasure pleas

9、ed或please填空 1 Lucyisverywiththebeautifulpresent 2 Itwascold butthetripwasandpeoplewereenjoyingthemselves 3 Canyouhelpmethinkofaninvention My 4 WhatagirlSusanis Yes sheisalwaystohelpothers 5 WhatdoyouthinkofyourtriptoHainan Wonderful Wewereallwiththetrip 6 Ididittomyparents pleased pleasant pleasure

10、pleasant pleased pleased pleasant please sometime sometimes sometimes sometime Ineedsometimetofinishmyhomework 我需要一些时间来完成我的作业 Shecomestovisitussometimes 她有时来看望我们 LucyhasbeentoShanghaisometimes 露西已经去过上海几次了 TomwillleaveforBeijingsometimenextweek 汤姆将在下周的某个时间去北京 助记 分开一段时间 sometime 相聚某个时间 sometime 分开s是倍次

11、 sometimes 相聚s是有时 sometimes 针对训练 用sometime sometimes sometime或sometimes填空 1 anadvertisementcanleadyoutobuysomethingyoudon tneedatall Soyouhavetobecareful 2 Whenthesummervacationcomes mostpeopleliketotakeavacationinJulyorAugust 3 Theysaidtheywouldstaytherefor 4 HowmanytimeshaveyoubeentoBeijing Someti

12、mes sometime sometime Sometimes 让步状语从句 1 nomatter意为 不论 无论 后接关系代词或关系副词 引导让步状语从句 2 常用句型 nomatterwhat whatever 无论什么 nomatterwho whoever 无论谁 nomatterwhere wherever 无论何处 nomatterwhen whenever 无论何时 针对训练 1 不管你是谁 你必须遵守你学校的规定 2 yougotoseehim he llbefriendlytoyou A WhateverB WheneverC Although Nomatterwho Who

13、everyouare youhavetofollowtherulesofyourschool B Itis 过去分词 that Itissaidthat 意为 据说 其中it为形式主语 that引导的从句是真正的主语 类似的还有 Itisbelievedthat 人们相信 Itishopedthat 人们希望 Itiswellknownthat 众所周知 Itisreportedthat 据报道 Itisthoughtthat 人们认为 Itissuggestedthat 据建议 针对训练 1 据报道 下个月长沙将会有一场演唱会 2 Itisthattherewillbelesspolluti

14、oninthefuture A hopeB hopedC hoping ItisreportedthattherewillbeaconcertinChangshanextmonth B 单项选择1 2018 岳阳 Ourclassroombystudentseveryafternoon A iscleanedB wascleanedC cleans 答案 A考查动词的被动语态 根据句中的 everyafternoon 可知该题是一般现在时 其次classroom与clean之间是被动关系 因此本题是一般现在时的被动语态 故选A 2 2018 长沙 BritishphysicistStephen

15、Hawking whoasthe smartestmanalive passedawayinEnglandonMarch14 2018 A praisedB waspraisedC willbepraised 答案 B考查被动语态 根据句意是在 过去被誉为 可知选一般过去时的被动语态 故选B 3 2018 长沙模拟 Theboyisshysoheoftentriestoavoidhisteachersfacetoface A meetingB tomeetC meets4 2018 湖南经典 Whatdoyouthinkofthelatestmovie It safantasticone Id

16、on tlikethewaytheactressspeaks A thoughB soC because5 2019 原创 youdo youshouldtryyourbest Thankyou IthinkIwill A WhateverB HoweverC Whenever A A A 中英互译1 无论发生什么事 我都不会改变主意 2 毫无疑问 中国人最了解茶文化 3 在过去的十年里 我的家乡发生了很大的变化 4 Ifinditrelaxingtolieonasofa 5 WearedividedintoeightgroupsinEnglishclass Nomatterwhat Whateverhappens Iwillneverchangemymind Withoutdoubt Chinesepeopleknowabouttheteaculturebest Greatchangeshavetakenplaceinmyhometowninthepast10years 我发现躺在沙发上很放松 在英语课上 我们被分成了八组 用括号内所给词的适当形式填空1 Thenewproductj



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