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1、湖南专版 新课标 RJ 第一篇教材过关篇 课时02Units5 9 七上 have love same easy great classmate week volleyball basketball sound dinner food vegetable fruit right habit sock sweater trousers skirt thirteen fifteen twenty thirty clothes store price January February August October December eighth ninth twelfth twentieth pla

2、ycomputergames apairof nextweek schooltrip onsale thinkabout forsure from to classes tomatoes strawberries women boys months artist musician musical interesting interested easily easier easiest bigger biggest busier busiest business businessman freedom freely difficulty really us our ours ourselves

3、they their theirs themselves goes went gone got got ate eaten bought bought useful useless Soundsgood Whatlikeforbreakfast Howmuchare CanIhelpyou Forinpurplefordollars Whenisyourbirthday What shisfavoritesubject apairof一双 针对训练 1 这副眼镜你戴起来很好看 2 Twopairsoftrousers be neededforschool 3 Thesepairsofsocks

4、mineandthatpairofsocksmybrother s A are areB is areC are is apairof 复数可数名词 作主语时 谓语动词的数要与pair的单复数形式保持一致 Thispairofglassesisverygood 这副眼镜很好 Thetwopairsofsportsshoesaremyuncle s 这两双运动鞋是我叔叔的 Thispairofglasseslooksgoodonyou are C busyadj 忙碌的 无暇的 busy为形容词 其反义词为free 意为 空闲的 bebusywithsth 忙于某事Areyoubusywithy

5、ourhomework 你正忙于做作业吗 bebusy in doingsth 忙于做某事Mr Smithisbusywritingaletter 史密斯先生正忙着写信 针对训练 1 Thefinalexamiscoming andmyclassmatesarebusytheirschoolworkeveryday A withB inC for 2 Theshopassistantsarebusythebigsale A prepareforB toprepareforC preparingfor A C finishv 完成 做好 finish后常接名词或动名词 Whencanyoufin

6、ish doing thework 你什么时候能完成这项工作 针对训练 1 Aftershefinishedthebook Judywroteareview A readB toreadC reading 2 Bequiet Hehasn tfinished speak C speaking becauseof because 1 becauseof是介词短语 其后接名词 短语 代词或v ing形式 2 because是连词 其后接从句 Wedidn tgotothemoviesbecauseoftherain Wedidn tgotothemoviesbecauseitrained 因为下雨

7、 所以我们没去看电影 针对训练 1 用because或becauseof填空 Thesportsmeetinghasbeenputofftherain Hedidn tattendthemeetinghewasill 2 Rio 里约 becamethemostamazingcitytheOlympicGamesinAugust 2016 A insteadofB becauseofC because 3 Wedidn tenjoythedaytheweatherwassobad A becauseB thoughC unless 4 Becauseof fall downfromthetre

8、e mysisterhadtostayathome becauseof because B A falling sound noise voice 注意 sound还可作连系动词 意为 听起来 后常接形容词作表语 Itsoundswonderful 听起来妙极了 归纳拓展 sound look taste smell feel 1 soundlink v 听起来n 声音Didyouhearthesoundoutside Itsoundedhorrible 你听见外面的声音了吗 听起来 真可怕 2 looklink v 看起来n 相貌Jackhasanewlook Helookssocool 杰

9、克有了一个新的形象 他看起来真酷 3 tastelink v 尝起来n 味道 品味Idon tlikethetasteofolives Theytasteterrible 我不喜欢橄榄的味道 它们尝起来太糟糕了 4 smelllink v 闻起来n 气味 Haveyounoticedthesmellofdurians 你注意到榴莲的气味了吗 Yes theytastesweetalthoughtheysmellbad 是的 它们尝起来很甜 尽管很难闻 5 feellink v 摸起来n 感觉Mysisterlikesthesilkdress anditfeelssosoftandcomfort

10、able 我妹妹喜欢这件真丝连衣裙 它摸起来如此柔软和舒服 针对训练 1 Theboydidn tsleepwellbecauseofthefromthefactory A voiceB noiseC sound 2 Lindahasabeautiful Shesingsverywell A lookB soundC voice B C playv 参加 比赛或运动 玩耍 归纳拓展 play作名词时 意为 剧本 戏剧 QiongYaowrotemanyfamousplays 琼瑶写了许多著名的剧本 Jamesplaysanimportantroleintheactivity 詹姆斯在这次活动中

11、起着重要的作用 Heoftenplayswithhischildrenafterwork 他下班经常和孩子们一起玩耍 针对训练 1 Theboysinourclasswouldliketo 打篮球 insteadofdoingexercises 2 Thetalentedgirlcanplaypianowell A aB theC an 3 Thepatientteacheranimportantroleinthelonelykid schildhood A playsB tellsC finds playbasketball B A buy sell 针对训练 1 教师节快到了 我想给我的老

12、师买些礼物 2 MyfatheralwaysbeautifulflowersforMomonWomen sDayeveryyear A buysB sellsC tells 3 Unluckily theticketsforWolfWarriors havebeen wecan twatchittoday A soldoffB soldoutC onsale Teachers Dayiscoming Iwanttobuysomepresentsformyteacher buymyteachersomepresents A B bring take get carry 针对训练 用bring t

13、ake carry或get的适当形式填空 1 Don tforgettoyourcameraheretomorrow 2 Doyouknowtheladywhoisababyinherarms 3 Couldyougoandadrinkforme I mthirsty 4 Pleaseanumbrellawithyou It sgoingtorain bring carrying get take look see watch read 针对训练 1 Thehard workingstudentsaretheblackboard buttheycan tanything A seeing lo

14、okB lookingat seeC watching see 2 Mygrandpalikes 看 themorningnewsonTVbeforebreakfast 3 Mysonpreferstoshortnovelsinhisfreetime A seeB watchC read B watching C Let s 针对训练 1 Letthemthetree It sverydangerous A nottoclimbB notclimbC climb 2 Let slistentoapieceofmusicnow 完成反意疑问句 3 It saniceday Let sgofora

15、picnic A Idon tknow B Goodidea C Haveagoodtime B shallwe B Idon twanttobefat 我可不想变胖 Ifyouwantsomething youshouldfightforit 如果你想要什么 你就必须为之奋斗 Theywanttoplaytennis 他们想要打网球 Myparentswantmetostudyhardatschool 我父母想要我在学校努力学习 针对训练 1 我想要一部智能手机 2 Lindawantsanewscarfforhermom A tobuyB buyC buying 3 Myparentswa

16、ntmeadoctorwhenIgrowup A isB amC tobe Iwantasmartphone A C howmuch howmany Howmuchwaterdoyouneed 你需要多少水 Howmanyapplesdoyouwant 你想要多少苹果 针对训练 1 Theradiois50dollars 对画线部分提问 istheradio 2 Mybrotherhasabouttwentyballs 对画线部分提问 ballsdoesyourbrotherhave 3 Howmucharetheirnewclothes 改为同义句 thetheirnewclothes 4 pocketmoneydoyouusuallygeteverymonth Thirtyyuan Whataboutyou A HowoftenB HowlongC Howmuch Howmuch Howmany What spriceof C 单项选择1 2018 岳阳 Thelittlegirloverthereiscousin A TomB Tom sC theTom2 2018 益阳 Ili


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