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1、江西专版 第7课时Units4 6 八上 PARTONE 第一篇教材梳理篇 magician beautiful beautifully successful successfully succeed personal pianos pianist violinist weekly comedies cultural lucky unlucky luckily scientific science comfortably uncomfortable simply ability disabled seriously worse worst foreigner choice chose chos

2、en creative creativity performer performance education educational discussion disagree agreement began begun beginning reporter service meaning meaningful meaningless sent sent became disappear appearance become crowded them their theirs themselves have incommon playarole take seriously findout dres

3、sup doagoodjob growup havetodowith takeup agreewith makeup makesure take haveactinglessons makeapromise promises haveadiscussionaboutsth can tstandsth expecttodosth writedown besureabout bereadytodosth closetohome beabletodo forexample atthebeginningof inthe1930s 1930 s allovertheworld sofar oneofth

4、emainreasons too to allkindsof they reexciting MyfavoriteTVshows moreandmorepopular Noteveryone tobe makeresolutionswearegoingtoimproveourlives toodifficulttokeep expectv 预料 期待 题1 1 Heexpectsyoutheworkontime A finishB finishedC tofinishD finishing 2 Ithinkeveryoneexpectssomethingenjoyableintheworld

5、A seeingB toseeC sawD toseeing 归纳拓展 expect的名词为expectation C B 题2 根据汉语意思完成句子我们都期盼着你来 Weareall expectingyoutocome agreev 同意 赞同 应允 题3 根据句意 用适当的介词填空 1 IfyouthinkI mright youwillagree me 2 Afterdiscussion thetwofamiliesfinallyagreedthedateoftheirtraveling 3 Theplanwhichwasagreedatyesterday smeetingnowisu

6、nderdiscussionagain 题4 根据汉语意思完成句子我们同意周末帮老人做一些家务活 We onweekends 归纳拓展 with on upon to agreetohelptheoldpeopledosomehousework hope wish 题5 用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空 1 Shesaidshehopedherdaughter see 2 MymotherwishesmeateacherwhenIgrowup be 题6 用hope或wish的适当形式填空 1 IIcouldflytothemoononedayandsayhellotoChang eandYut

7、u 2 Thiswaydoesn twork Ithatyoucancomeupwithabettersolution tosee tobe wish hope befamousfor befamousas befamousto 题7 根据句意 用适当的介词填空 1 ZhuTingisveryfamousavolleyballplayer 2 ThemovieCoco 寻梦环游记 isquitefamousmanychildreninChina 3 DengChaoisveryfamoustheTVprogramKeepRunning as to for Sometimestheresolut

8、ionsmaybetoodifficulttokeep 有时这些决定可能会太难而无法实现 题8 同义句转换 1 Theboxissoheavythatwecan tcarryit Theboxisheavyforuscarry 2 Heissoactivethathecanbeourteamleader Heisactivebeourteamleader 题9 根据句意 用适当的词填空Thenicedressistooexpensiveforherbuy 归纳拓展 1 too to 意为 太 而不能 too后接形容词或副词原级 2 too to 表示否定意义时 可与 so that 和 not

9、 enoughtodo 结构相互转换 tooto enoughto to 单项填空1 Asweallknow HangzhouistheWestLake Itattractsmillionsofvisitorsfromhomeandabroadeveryyear A popularwithB well knownasC famousforD famousto2 Didyouwatchthefootballgameyesterday Yes Idid Johnisreallyadarkhorse Nobodyhimtogosofar A wantedB encouragedC expectedD

10、 hoped C C 3 Howdoyougotoschooleveryday Peter Onfoot Myhomeistheschool A closefromB farfromC closetoD awayfrom C 4 Thebossissothatnoonedarestoplayjokesonhim A friendlyB carefulC popularD serious5 It slategothereonfootnow Ithinkyou dbettertakeataxi A so thatyoucanB too foryoutoC so thatyoumayD too yo

11、ucan 解析 根据 Onfoot 可知家离学校近 表示 离 近 用becloseto 故选C D B 用方框中所给词的适当形式填空Luckyagreebeginhopecomfortablesuccessculturemeaningdiscussfamous6 Withtheofallmembersoftheclub wedecidedtoorganizeatrip 7 Studentsareencouragedtofreelyaboutwhattheythink 8 Beijingisformanyplacesofinterest 9 Idon tlikesoapoperasbecause

12、Ithinktheyare 10 TheSilkRoadisabridgeofbetweenChinaandmanyothercountries agreement discuss famous meaningless cultures 11 Comeon Sandy Everybodywillbeluckyorsometimeintheirlife Thanks I lltryagain 12 Thenumber13isconsidereda n numberinsomeWesterncountries Manyhotelsandtallbuildingsdon thaveRoom13orthe13thfloor 13 BlackFridayisthebusiestshoppingdayafterThanksgivingDayinAmerica Yes itmarkstheofChristmasShoppingSeason 14 Wehavehadnonewsfromhimbutwe restill 15 Ifyouare youwillhaveapainfulfeelinginpartofyourbody successful unlucky beginning hoping uncomfortable


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