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1、江西专版 第8课时Units7 8 八上 PARTONE 第一篇教材梳理篇 peaceful peacefully salty traditional dangerous factories humans sandwiches possibility impossible probably finally pollution polluted celebration traveler traveller believable prediction dug dug digging fell fallen service mixture shook shaken unbelievable serv

2、ant playapart wakeup disagreewith falldown lookfor turnon turnoff pour into fill with befullof befilledwith savetheearth get feelbored cut intopieces cutup cover with pollutetheenvironment takeout indanger inthefuture atahightemperature overandoveragain onebyone hundredsofyears fewertreesandtheenvir

3、onmentwillbeingreatdanger playapartinsavingtheearth helpwith dothehouseworkworkingindirtyordangerousplaces Therewillbefewerjobsdothesamejobsaspeople eattraditionalfoodonspecialholidays cookforanother10minutes turnon接通 电流 煤气 水等 打开 题1 1 It sgettingdark Couldyoupleasethelightforme Allright Justaminute

4、A keeponB turnonC tryonD puton 2 Hownoisyitis CouldyoupleasetheCDplayeralittle A turnoffB turndownC turnonD turnup 归纳拓展 1 turnon的反义短语是turnoff 关上 后接代词作宾语时 要将代词放在turn和on off之间 且代词要用其宾格形式 Kate IwanttowatchTV Pleaseturniton 凯特 我想看电视 请打开它 B B 3 Hisleftlegwasbadlyhurt Inordertosavehislife thedoctordecided

5、to A cutitoffB cutoffitC cutitupD cutupit 4 It simpolitetowhentheteachertalks A cutoffB cutoutC cutinD cutdown 2 cut的其他相关短语 cutdown砍倒 削减cutoff切掉 切断cutout删掉 裁剪cutin插嘴cut inhalf把 切成两半 A C 3 JohntheTVandhelpedhismotherwiththehousework A turnedoffB turnedupC turneddownD turnedon 4 Iftheweathertoberainy

6、wemayhavetocancelthesportsmeeting A runsoutB breaksoutC findsoutD turnsout 2 turn的其他相关短语 turnup调大 音量等 出现turndown调小 音量等 拒绝turnover把 翻转过来turnaround转身turnout结果是 A D servev 接待 服务 提供 题3 Youshouldhavethecustomerssometeabeforethemeal Buttheysaidtheycouldn twaittoeat A servedB invitedC providedD grown 归纳拓展

7、A 题4 用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空E paymentisnowwidelyusedinourdailylife serve Thewaiterservedteatohiscustomer Thewaiterservedhiscustomertea 服务员给他的顾客上了茶 Theboxcanserveasaseat 这个箱子可以当个座位 service takeout拿出 取出 题5 1 Theminutetheboyarrivedathome hehisbooksandstartedtodohishomework A tookoutB tookawayC tookupD tookdown

8、 2 Theboylikesplanesverymuchandheoftengoestowatchplaneslandand A takecareofB takeoffC takeafterD takedown 3 Thesofaissolargethatithalfoftheroomarea A takesupB picksupC turnsupD putsup 4 Toathletes themostimportantthingisnottowinagoldorasilver butto A takepartB takenoticeC takeplaceD takecare A B A A

9、 归纳拓展 1 takeout是动副短语 当宾语是名词时 名词可以放在副词之后或之前 但当宾语是代词时 代词必须放在动词和副词之间 且代词要用其宾格形式 Pleasetakethebookout Pleasetakeoutthebook 请把书拿出来 2 take的其他相关短语 takecare小心takeplace发生takepridein为 而自豪takeoff起飞 脱下takecareof照顾takepartin参加takeiteasy别着急takephotos照相takeone splace代替某人taketurns轮流take away把 带走 拿走takeup占据 时间 空间 ta

10、kedown记下 fill with befilledwith befullof 题6 1 Lifetheunexpected Whateverwedo tryourbest A isfullofB isfilledofC isfullwithD fillswith 2 First wemustthebottlesomewater A fill ofB full ofC fill withD full with 题7 用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空Theriveriswithlotsofrubbishnow whichmakespeopleworried fill A C filled in

11、after表示时间的用法 题8 1 Iheartwohigh speedrailwayswillbebuiltinourcityafewyears Thatsoundsgreat It llbemoreconvenientandfasterforustogoout A afterB onC inD at 2 MysisterJenny whohasgonetoattendherfriend sbirthdayparty backaftersixo clock A cameB willcomeC wascomingD comes 3 threeexhaustingdays weheadedfor

12、home A InB AfterC DuringD Before C B B Willtherebeworldpeace 世界会和平吗 Yes Ihopeso 会的 我希望如此 题9 1 DoyouknowawonderfulfootballmatchandtwobasketballmatchesonJuly15th Yeah Iamgoingtowatchthemonthatday A therewillbeB therewillhaveC thereareD therehave 2 Haveyouhandedinyourhomework Yes Ididyesterday A OrB an

13、dC soD such A C 归纳拓展 1 Therebe句型的一般将来时是 Therewillbe is aregoingtobe Therewillbe isgoingtobeanartfestivalinourschool 我们学校将要举办一届艺术节 注意 Therebe句型时态的变化是通过be动词来完成和体现的 2 句中的so代替上文提到的想法 建议 情况等 意为 如此 这样 常与hope think believe expect guess beafraid等连用 单项填空1 Tom thebabyissleeping Pleasetheradioabit A turnonB tu

14、rnoffC turnupD turndown2 Alice couldyouhelpmethemeat Iwanttomakesomedumplingsfordinner OK I lldoitrightaway A putupB giveupC useupD cutup3 Hesomemoneyandgaveittotheoldman A tookupB tookoutC tookcareD tookoff D D B 4 Thereabasketballgamebetweenthesetwogradesinthegymthisafternoon A willB isgoingtohave

15、C isgoingtobeD willhave5 Onlythosewhohavealotincommoncangetalongwell Oppositessometimesattract A IhopesoB IthinksoC Idon tcareD Idon tthinkso C D 用方框中所给词的适当形式填空papertraditionpolluteturnonservecoverdigpossiblebelievebefilledwith6 I mgladtoseethatthefridgeallkindsoffood 7 Ifweplantmoretrees therewillb

16、eless 8 Thegovernmentpromisedtoimprovepublic especiallyeducation 9 Birdstheireggswithstraw 稻草 tokeepthemwarmandsafe 10 CanIseeyoutonight I msorry that s I vealreadypromisedtohavedinnerwithJohn isfilledwith pollution services cover impossible 11 Theirstorydoesn tseemtrue Itishardly 12 It sforAmericanstoeatturkeyatThanksgiving 13 I dliketobuysomepiecesofbecauseIwanttodrawsomepictures 14 LastweekendMr Brownwithhisstudentslotsofholesonthehilltoplantmoretrees 15 Couldyoupleasetheradio Iwanttolistento


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