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1、柳州专版 课时05Modules1 2 八上 PARTFOUR 第四篇教材过关篇 pair practise complete sentence dictionary grammar advice aloud excellent vocabulary improve basic conversation million population than especially university island mountain countryside umbrella correctly advise impossible forgetful pronunciation mainly disag

2、ree agreement spelling natural suggestion widely especially northern southern meaning meaningful lookup makeamistake mistakes agreewithsb befamous knownfor askforadviceabout smileatsb as aspossible trytodosth prettygood haveapopulationof forgettodosth writedown infact asbusyas It sagoodideatospellan

3、dpronouncenewwordseveryday Howaboutlisteningtotheradio ItwillbecomeasbusyasHongKongsomeday It stallerthanmanyotherbuildingsinShenzhen It snaturaltoforgetnewwords WatchingfilmsandlisteningtosongsaregreatwaystolearnEnglish practisev 练习 实践practisesth doingsth 意为 练习 做 某事 其名词形式为practice Weoftenpractisesp

4、eakingEnglish 我们经常练习说英语 巧学妙记 只能跟动名词作宾语的动词 完成 实践 值得忙 finish practise beworth bebusy 继续 习惯 别放弃 keep beusedto giveup 考虑 建议 不禁想 consider suggest can thelp feellike 喜欢 思念 要介意 enjoy miss mind 针对训练 Sheoftenpractisesonweekends A singB singsC singing C 1C 解析 考查动词practise的用法 practisedoingsth 意为 练习做某事 是固定搭配 故选

5、C lookup查 查找lookup是动副短语 其宾语若是代词 需放在两词之间 且代词要用其宾格形式 Ifyoudon tknowthemeaningoftheword youcanlookitupinthedictionary 如果你不知道这个单词的意思 你可以查一下词典 归纳拓展 lookup还可译为 向上看 归纳 由look构成的短语 lookfor寻找lookthrough浏览lookout小心lookoutof向 的外面看lookdownon upon鄙视lookafter照顾lookforwardto期待looklike看起来像lookdownto俯视lookover仔细检查 针对

6、训练 1 Whenyouarereading youcannewwordsinyourdictionary A lookatB lookafterC lookup 2 PleasethedogformewhileI maway A lookatB lookafterC lookup C 1 C根据后面的 inthedictionary 可知表示 查找单词 lookup意为 查阅 字典 故选C B 2 Blookat意为 看 lookafter意为 照顾 lookup意为 查阅 根据后面的 whileI maway 可推知 我 离开后 请替 我 照顾好那条狗 故选B populationn 某一

7、地区的 人口 全体居民 1 population单独作主语时 指 人口数量 视为整体 谓语动词用单数形式 ThepopulationofBeijingislargerthanthatofLiuzhou 北京的人口比柳州的人口多 2 询问 某地有多少人口 用句型 What sthepopulationof sp 或 Howlargeisthepopulationofsp 但不能用 howmany much 提问 Whatisthepopulationofyourhometown 你们家乡有多少人口 3 表示 某地有多少人口 用 Thepopulationofsp is 或 Sp hasapopu

8、lationof 句型 4 形容人口 多 少 用large small Chinahasalargepopulation 中国人口众多 针对训练 1 单项选择 ThepopulationofChinaisthanthatofIndianowadays Yes butIndia spopulationincreasingrapidly A larger isB larger areC more is isthepopulationofthiscity It saboutonemillion A HowB WhatC Howmany 2 同义句转换ThepopulationoftheUnitedS

9、tateswasnearly327millionfromthedatain2018 TheUnitedStatesofnearly327millionfromthedatain2018 A B hadapopulation agreev 赞同agree既可作及物动词 也可作不及物动词 有 赞同 同意 答应 的意思 常见的用法如下 DoyouagreewithTom 你同意汤姆的观点吗 Myfatheragreedtobuymeanewbike 我的爸爸同意给我买一辆新自行车 Weagreedonthepriceatlast 我们最终在价格上达成一致意见 I mafraidIcan tagree

10、toyourplan 我恐怕不能赞同你的计划 针对训练 用to with或on填空 1 IfyouthinkI mright youwillagreeme 2 Afterdiscussion weagreedhisplan 3 Mymotheragreedgoabroadthissummervacation with on to advise suggest Thedoctoradvisedmetostopsmoking 医生建议我戒烟 Headvised suggestedthatI should writeheraletter 他建议我给她写封信 Myfathersuggestedcall

11、ingforadoctoratonce 我的父亲建议马上请位医生 针对训练 1 单项选择 Couldyoupleaseoffermesomeonmyresearch Yes sure A ideaB suggestionC advice 2 用括号中所给词的适当形式填空 Youcanaskyourteacherfor advise onhowtopreparefortheexam Thedoctorsuggestedme drink asmuchwateraspossible ThefamoushostessDongQingadvisesus read morebooks C advice d

12、rinking toread befamous for as to ChinaisfamousfortheGreatWall 中国因长城而出名 LiuXiangisfamousasarunningstar 刘翔作为跑步明星而出名 JingBoranisfamoustomanyyoungpeople 井柏然为许多年轻人熟知 针对训练 根据句意 用适当的介词填空 1 ZhuTingisveryfamousavolleyballplayer 2 ThemovieCoco 寻梦环游记 isquitefamousmanychildreninChina 3 DengChaoisveryfamoustheT

13、VprogrammeKeepRunning as to for aloud loud loudly 一言辨异 Theclassroomisabitloud Somestudentsarereadingaloud andsomestudentsaretalkingloudly 教室里有点吵 一些学生在大声读书 一些学生在大声说话 针对训练 Pleaseread Youshouldn talwaysreadsilentlyifyouwanttoimproveyourspokenEnglish A loudB aloudC loudly B Whynotwritedownourmistakesino

14、urnotebooks 为什么不把错误写在我们的笔记本上呢 1 Whynotdosth 意为 为什么不做某事呢 相当于 Whydon tyoudosth 常用来提出建议或请求 或询问对方的看法或意见 2 writedown是动副短语 意为 记下 其宾语为代词时需放在两词中间 且代词要用其宾格形式 归纳拓展 表建议句型 针对训练 1 单项选择 Excuseme Isthereasupermarketnearhere Sorry I mnewhere Whynottheoldladyoverthere A askingB askC asks Theyaregoodideas Whynot A wr

15、iteitdownB writedownthemC writethemdown 2 同义句转换 Whynotbuyanewcomputerforyourbrother anewcomputerforyourbrother Whynotgoshoppingthisafternoon goingshoppingthisafternoon B C Whydon tyoubuy Howabout Whatabout CambridgeisintheeastofEngland 剑桥在英格兰东部 intheeastof表示 在 东部 如果两地在地域上是包含关系 常用 in the 方位名词 of 结构 其中in表示 在 范围内 辨析 方位介词in on与to ChinaisintheeastofAsia 中国在亚洲东部 GuangdongProvinceisonthesoutheastofGuangxi 广东省在广西的东南边 JapanistotheeastofChina 日本位于中国东部 针对训练 TaiwanisanimportantpartofChina Yes itliesthesoutheastofChina A inB onC to A 9A 解析 在内部的某方向 用介词in



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