人教PEP六年级下册英语Unit 2 Last weekend B Read and write

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1、Unit2 B Read and write 教案 教学内容:教学目标知识目标1. 能通过读前活动激活相关背景知识和话题词汇。2. 能读懂宾馆反馈意见,并在其中寻找出关键词汇。3. 能根据示范意见书及语言提示填出所缺信息,补全反馈意见的邮件,并尝试做进一步问题解决的书面描述。能力目标1. 通过学习,能够在情景中运用过去时阐述评论及提出好的建议。通过课堂情境操练运用到实际生活当中。2. 能够就文本进行简单地表演。情感目标通过学习本课,引导学生通过阅读学习吴一凡的信,正确做出评论,培养学生的社会责任感,树立主人翁意识。语用目标本节课,以教师扮演Housekeeper为主线,带着学生进入情境,使同学

2、们在学习中用辩证的思想分析问题,体会不同角色的心理并给予自己的建议。本节课注重学生自主的理解与表达,且具有较强的任务驱动性,同学们可以在课堂上充分交流讨论,通过合作交流,充分调动学生学习积极性和主动性,在语境交流中进行语言的大量运用与交际。教学重难点1. 重点:能读懂宾馆反馈意见并正确寻找关键信息。2. 难点:能利用关键信息尝试复述意见中主要存在的问题,并尝试提出解决方法。学生通过理解、改编文本,最后小组合作进行表演。课前准备电脑,课件,postcard, housekeeper服饰和帽子,图片等。Teaching steps(教学步骤)Teachers ActivityStudents Ac

3、tivityNoteI. Pre-reading1. Review and free talk: How are you? What did you do yesterday?2. Lead in Mrs. Broom: Look, Im Mrs. Broom. I worked in the Holiday Hotel. Guess: what did I do yesterday?I was the excellent housekeeper last month.II. While-readingWu Yifan and his family stayed at my hotel.1.

4、Watch and circle.2. How was their stay?Write down the title. It was a bad stay.2. They left 3 pictures.Look and find: what is bad?Read the letter quickly. Find the sentences that describe 1-3.Check and explain the difficulties, such as fixed a broken chair, tasted bad, and listened to loud music.3.

5、Lets make it clear. (Mind Map)Picture 1: T gives a model.板书:4. Listen and follow.5. Read and act.6. Write an email.T: should I take this letter to my manager or take it into my pocket?Help Mrs. Broom to finish the email.III. Post-reading1. Try to give Mrs. Broom and the manager some good suggestions

6、. T: If you were Wu Yifan, do you want to come again? So what should we do?2. Show some pictures: Some students find the bad things, and try to solve them in a good way.a. A picture in our classroom.Dont throw garbage everywhere.b. Some news: write good suggestions to the government, schools, teache

7、rs and parents.3. Homework.Write your thanks for good things and your suggestions for bad things on your postcards. And send it to the people you want.4. Try your best, make it better!S1: Im S2: I did my homework/S1: Maybe you made the beds.S2: Maybe you cooked.S3: Maybe you cleaned the rooms.Watch

8、and circle.S1: bad.Ss: Read together.Free talk: I think was/were bad.Read and find.Find and say.Follow teachers.Say together.Group work: describe picture 2 and picture 3 by words, phrases and simple sentences .Check and sum up.Listen and follow.Read with Wus feelings. Act the letter.Group show.S1: N

9、o, you should Fill in the blanks. Then check with your partners.Talk about some good suggestions in groups.Show it.Ss: Enjoy and think.Understand.教师通过自由问答,引导学生自然交流表达昨天发生的事情同时猜测Broom夫人昨天做的事情,复习巩固过去时态,并为新课做铺垫。为之后的建议、评论做准备。引导学生第一次整体感知文本,并理解文本的主旨。读图环节,帮助学生更深刻地理解文本。与上一个活动承接,帮助学生走进文本,理解文本大意。预设难点:帮助学生解决在阅读

10、中遇到的问题,用英英互译、肢体表演等方式,帮助学生学习。通过思维导图,帮助学生梳理文本重点信息,培养学生提炼关键信息的能力;指导小组合作学习。听音跟读,模仿纠正语音语调。基于我校戏剧特色课程,引导学生在理解文本的基础上,大胆创新合作表演。通过开放性的问题,帮助学生建立正确的价值观,引导学生做出正确的选择“to be honest”。六年级的学生需要有书写的练习,帮助学生快速并正确地完成。引导学生换位思考,站在吴一凡的角度,更好的权衡考虑问题,并提出好的建议。结合小学生核心素养中社会参与中的责任担当教育,结合六年级学生的知识储备与思想能力,由本班的一张自发的警示手绘入手,引导学生建立自己对社会有监督和建议的责任,培养学生的公民意识。作业结合课堂评价,引导学生自主选择表达感谢和提出问题和建议。点明主旨,通过本课的学习,树立公民意识,尽自己所能,让我们的世界更美好!板书设计: 6 / 6


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