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1、真题研练 5 Tas 1 阅读下面短文 从短文后各题所给的四个选项 A B C 和 D 中 选出可以填入空白处 的最佳选项 2014 新课标全国 Joe Simpson and Simon Yates were the first people to climb the West Face of the Siula Grande in the Andes mountains They reached the top 1 but on their way bac conditions were very 2 Joe fell and broe his leg They both new that

2、 if Simon 3 alone he would probably get bac 4 But Simon decided to ris his 5 and try to lower Joe down the mountain on a rope 绳 As they 6 down the weather got worse Then another 7 occurred They couldn t see or hear each other and 8 Simon lowered his friend over the edge of a precipice 峭 壁 It was 9 f

3、or Joe to climb bac or for Simon to pull him up Joe s 10 was pulling Simon slowly towards the precipice 11 after more than an hour in the dar and the icy cold Simon had to 12 In tears he cut the rope Joe 13 into a huge crevasse 裂缝 in the ice below He had no food or water and he was in terrible pain

4、He couldn t wal but he 14 to get out of the crevasse and started to 15 towards their camp nearly ten ilometers 16 Simon had 17 the camp at the foot of the mountain He thought that Joe must be 18 but he didn t want to leave 19 Three days later in the middle of the night he heard Joe s voice He couldn

5、 t 20 it Joe was there a few meters from their tent still alive 语篇解读 本文主要讲了Joe Simpson 和 Simon Yates 爬山 在下山时 Joe 受伤了 Simon 没有放弃朋友 决定用绳子慢慢把Joe 放下去 但是 由于疏忽 Simon 把 Joe 降在一个峭壁的边缘 上 Joe 不能爬回去 Simon 也不能把他拉上去 Simon 只能割断绳子 Simon 回到了营地 三天后 Joe 竟然也活着回到了营地 1 A hurriedly B carefully C successfully D early 答案C

6、逻辑推理题 根据后半句中的on their way bac可知 此处指他们最终成功地 successfully 爬到了山顶 2 A difficult B similar C special D normal 答案A 逻辑推理题 根据下一句Joe fell and broe his leg可知 此处指下山时 情况 变得非常糟糕 非常艰难 difficult 3 A climbed B wored C rested D continued 答案D 逻辑推理题 Joe 受伤了 如果 Simon 独自继续 continue 下山 他会安全回去的 4 A unwillingly B safely C

7、slowly D regretfully 答案B 背景常识题 如果Simon 不带着受伤的Joe 他很可能会安全地 safely 回去 5 A fortune B time C health D life 答案D 逻辑推理题 此处指冒失去生命的危险 Simon 决定用绳子慢慢把Joe 放下去 这的 确有绳断人亡的危险 6 A lay B settled C went D looed 答案C 词语辨析题 lie down躺下 settle down定居下 go down 下降 loo down向下 看 根据上下文可知 在他们利用绳子下山的过程中 天气变得更糟了 所以选C 7 A damage B

8、 storm C change D trouble 答案D 逻辑推理题 下山时 Joe 受伤了 这是个麻烦 天气变恶劣了 又是一个麻烦 trouble 8 A by mistae B by chance C by choice D by luc 答案A 词语辨析题 他们彼此不能看见或听见 所以 由于疏忽 Simon 把 Joe 降在一个峭 壁的边缘上 by mistae错误地 by chance 偶然 by choice出于选择 by luc侥幸地 9 A unnecessary B practical C important D impossible 答案D 逻辑推理题 Simon 把 Jo

9、e 降在一个峭壁的边缘上 所以Joe 爬回去或Simon 把 Joe 拉上去都是不可能的 因为Joe 受伤了 10 A height B weight C strength D equipment 答案B 背景常识题 因为 Joe 在下面 所以他的体重也拉着Simon 慢慢地向那个峭壁移动 11 A Finally B Patiently C Surely D Quicly 答案A 逻辑推理题 为了两个人不都从峭壁上掉下去 Simon 最后不得不做决定 12 A stand bac B tae a rest C mae a decision D hold on 答案C 词语辨析题 stand

10、bac退后 tae a rest休息 mae a decision做决定 hold on 抓住 坚持 根据下文可知他割断了绳子 所以此处指他要做决定 13 A jumped B fell C escaped D baced 答案B 逻辑推理题 此处指Joe 掉进了一个大裂缝里 jump into跳进 fall into落入 escape into逃入 bac into走回 倒车撞上 14 A managed B planned C waited D hoped 答案A 逻辑推理题 Joe 虽然不能走 但设法从那个裂缝里爬出了 manage to do设法做 成 15 A run B sate

11、C move D march 答案C 逻辑推理题 他不能走 所以只能慢慢向营地移动 move移动 挪动 16 A around B away C above D along 答案B 逻辑推理题 此处指离营地有十千米远 away 表示 在空间或时间上 离 某人或某 事物 多远 常用 时间段 一段距离 away 表示 17 A headed for B traveled to C left for D returned to 答案D 词语辨析题 head for leave for travel to 出发去 return to 回到 此处指 Simon 已经回到了营地 18 A dead B h

12、urt C wea D late 答案A 逻辑推理题 根据这一段的最后一个单词alive可知 Simon认为 Joe 一定已经死了 19 A secretly B tiredly C immediately D aniously 答案C 逻辑推理题 根据上文可知Simon 是一个重情义的人 虽然他认为Joe 一定已经死 了 但他不想马上 immediately 离开 20 A find B believe C mae D accept 答案B 逻辑推理题 Simon 认为 Joe 一定已经死了 现在Joe 活着回 所以他难以置信 Tas 2 词汇积累 1 lower v 使 降低 使 跌落 2

13、 occur v 发生 举行 3 icy adj 冰冷的 极冷的an icy wind 刺骨的寒风 4 pull up 把 拉起 5 get out of 摆脱 Tas 3 语法填空 Joe Simpson and Simon Yates were the first people 1 climb the West Face of the Siula Grande in the Andes mountains They reached the top 2 success but on their way bac conditions were very difficult Joe fell a

14、nd broe 3 he leg They both new that 4 Simon continued alone he would probably get bac safely But Simon 5 decide to ris his life and try to lower Joe down the mountain on a rope 答案1 to climb 2 successfully 3 his 4 if 5 decided Tas 4 短文改错 下面文字有五处错误 请改正 Simon had returned bac to the camp at the foot of

15、 the mountain He thought that Joe must be death dead but he didn t want to leave immediately Three days late later in the middle of the night he heard Joe s voice He couldn t believes believe it Joe was there a few meter meters from their tent still alive Tas 5 攻克长难句 分析句子结构 尝试翻译成汉语 They both new that if Simon continued alone he would probably get bac safely 分析 这是一个主从复合句 that引导的是宾语从句 if Simon continued alone为虚拟条件 句 译文 他们都知道 如果西蒙独自一个人继续下山的话 他将会平安归


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