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1、广西陆川县中学2018 年春季期高三第二次质量检测试卷 英语试题 试卷说明 1 本试卷满分150 分 考试时间120 分钟 2 请将所有答案填涂在答题卡上的正确位置 第一部分 听力 共两节 满分30 分 第一部分 听力 共两节 满分30 分 做题时 先将答案标在试卷上 录音内容结束后 你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答 题卡上 第一节 共5 小题 每小题1 5 分 满分 7 5 分 听下面5 段对话 每段对话后有一个小题 从题中所给的A B C 三个选项中选出最佳选项 并标在试卷的相应位置 听完每段对话后 你都有10 秒钟的时间回答有关小题和阅读下一小题 每 段对话仅读一遍 例 How

2、much is the shirt A 19 15 B 9 18 C 9 15 答案是 C 1 Why does the woman as the man to come A She feels cold B She wants to order some food C Something is wrong with the soup 2 Who will probably hold a party A The woman s friend B The man C The man s friend 3 What does the woman mean A The man should buy

3、the suit B The man should change his job C The color of the suit is not suitable 4 How does the man usually go to wor A On foot B By bus C By car 5 What does Maria thin of studying English abroad A Useful and necessary B Useful but epensive C Useless and epensive 第二节 共 15 小题 每小题1 5 分 满分22 5 分 听下面5 段

4、对话或独白 每段对话或独白后有几个小题 从题中所给的A B C 三个选项中选 出最佳选项 并标在试卷的相应位置 听每段对话或独白前 你将有时间阅读各个小题 每小题5 秒钟 听完后 各小题将给出5 秒钟的作答时间 每段对话或独白读两遍 听下面一段对话 回答第6 和第 7 两个小题 6 What was the robber lie A Dar sin and long blac hair B Dar sin and short brown hair C Brown sin and short blac hair 7 What does the woman remember about the r

5、obber s clothing A His T shirt s color B His trousers style C His jeans color 听下面一段对话 回答第8 和第 9 两个小题 8 Where is Julia Swan A In Shanghai B In New Yor C In California 9 What did Julia as the speaers to do A Attend her art lesson B Wor at Fudan University C Visit her when they re free 听下面一段对话 回答第10 至第

6、 12 三个小题 10 What s wrong with the man s camera A Its battery runs out very quicly B Its button doesn t wor properly C Its screen always goes blac 11 How long has the man had the camera A A wee B Half a month C A month 12 What is the woman s attitude A Impatient B Sincere C Rude 听下面一段对话 回答第13 至第 16 四

7、个小题 13 What ind of flowers does the man order A A doen red carnations B A doen yellow carnations C A doen pin roses 14 Where should the flowers be sent A No 84 WM Street B No 48 MW Road C No 84 MW Street 15 What does the man require the woman to do at last A Call him to confirm the information B Cal

8、l before delivering the flowers C Help him write a letter 16 What can we learn from the conversation A The flowers are for the man s mom B The man will pay for the flowers in cash C The flowers will be delivered to the man s home 听下面一段独白 回答第17 至第 20 四个小题 17 Where will the recycling campaign be held

9、A In a school B In a radio station C In a recycling center 18 When will the recycling campaign begin A At 800 am on July 8th B At 1000 am on July 10th C At 1000 am on July 18th 19 Why does the speaer as the listeners to bring cans A To use them to play games B To put them in the special recycling bi

10、ns C To learn how to sort household rubbish 20 How can the listeners now more about the recycling campaign A By maing a call B By listening to the radio C By reading the newspapers 第二部分阅读理解 共两节 满分40 分 第一节 共15 小题 每小题2 分 满分 30 分 阅读下列短文 从每題所给的四个选项 A B C 和 D 中 选出最佳选项 并在答题卡上将 该项涂黑 A Almost anyone can boo

11、 a trip but not everyone can plan a perfect adventure that s affordable accommodating and fun for everyone in your group At Tripslnsider we have a powerful tool Travel Comparison which aims to provide you with the best insider secrets in the travel business Here are some insider tips that we d lie t

12、o share with you about Hotels Chec Distances on a Map It is not uncommon for hotels to slightly eaggerate 夸大 the time and distance of getting to the attractions around town If being close to a particular airport or landmar is important for your trip chec distances on maps before you boo a hotel Sip

13、the Pacage Deals To attract new guests some hotels will offer themed pacage deals that sound eciting but may not be worth it Just now that sometimes these pacages include things you don t even want or need and that the special rate could be higher than the regular rate Understand Room Preferences Ar

14、en t Guaranteed Hotel booings include preferences lie bed sie and the number of beds But in many hotels travelers should now that these preferences aren t guaranteed You ll usually get what you ased for but not always Mention Special Occasions Many of us travel for birthdays anniversaries and specia

15、l events Mention what you re celebrating to the hotel staff a wee or more before you arrive and you might be surprised with a little gift lie a bottle of champagne in your room As for a Corner Room When you chec in at a hotel as if there s a corner room available These are usually larger and quieter

16、 for the same price as the ones in the middle of the hall Upgrades are most often offered at the end of the day when hotels have a better sense of their occupancy 入住率 Whether you plan to fly drive or cruise become an epert trip planner by using our Travel Comparison APP for all your transportation and hotel needs Please visit us again and sign up for our newsletters 内部 通讯 to eep getting the best deals and travel tips 21 You re advised to mention special occasions to the hotel staff because A you


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