【精品文档】525关于有关计算机机器人编程控制的外文文献翻译成品英文英语资料:Raspberry Pi(树莓派)和Arduino介绍简介(中英文双语对照)

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【精品文档】525关于有关计算机机器人编程控制的外文文献翻译成品英文英语资料:Raspberry Pi(树莓派)和Arduino介绍简介(中英文双语对照)_第1页
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【精品文档】525关于有关计算机机器人编程控制的外文文献翻译成品英文英语资料:Raspberry Pi(树莓派)和Arduino介绍简介(中英文双语对照)_第2页
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【精品文档】525关于有关计算机机器人编程控制的外文文献翻译成品英文英语资料:Raspberry Pi(树莓派)和Arduino介绍简介(中英文双语对照)_第3页
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【精品文档】525关于有关计算机机器人编程控制的外文文献翻译成品英文英语资料:Raspberry Pi(树莓派)和Arduino介绍简介(中英文双语对照)_第4页
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【精品文档】525关于有关计算机机器人编程控制的外文文献翻译成品英文英语资料:Raspberry Pi(树莓派)和Arduino介绍简介(中英文双语对照)_第5页
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《【精品文档】525关于有关计算机机器人编程控制的外文文献翻译成品英文英语资料:Raspberry Pi(树莓派)和Arduino介绍简介(中英文双语对照)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《【精品文档】525关于有关计算机机器人编程控制的外文文献翻译成品英文英语资料:Raspberry Pi(树莓派)和Arduino介绍简介(中英文双语对照)(34页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、本文是中英双语对照毕业设计论文外文文献翻译,下载之后无需调整复杂的格式直接可用!一辈子也就一次的事!外文作者:Jeff Cicolan 文献出处: Beginning Robotics with Raspber,2020(如觉得年份太老,可改为近2年,毕竟很多毕业生都这样做)英文4993单词,27708字符(字符就是印刷符),中文7803汉字。(如果字数多了,可自行删减,大多数学校都是要求选取外文的一部分内容进行翻译的。)Raspberry Pi and ArduinoIn Chapter 4, we used the GPIO pins on the Raspberry Pi to inte

2、ract with an LED and an ultrasonic sensor. Many times, this is enough to do what you want to do. However, I also discussed some of the shortcomings of the Raspberry Pi GPIO and the likely need to expand the capabilities of the Pi in order to overcome these shortcomings.In this chapter, we introduce

3、a microcontroller to our robot. A microcontroller is a device, usually in chip form, designed to work directly with other components through input and output pins. Each pin is attached to the microcontrollers circuitry and serves a specific purpose.Because the pins are directly attached to the micro

4、controllers sensitive inner workings, additional circuitry is generally needed to make it safe to work with it. Many manufacturers provide an evaluation board to allow developers to build prototype and proof-of-concept devices quickly.One such board was actually developed by developers, rather than

5、the chip manufacturer, and made available to the public. Due to its ease of use, ample documentation, and superb community support, this device quickly became a favorite of the hobby community. I am talking about the Arduino, of course.We cover a lot of information about the Arduino: how to install

6、the software, write programs (called sketches), and load those programs to the Arduino board. We also cover how to get your Raspberry Pi and Arduino boards to talk to each other. This adds exponentially more capabilities to your robot. But before we go into the Arduino, lets review some of the short

7、comings of the Raspberry Pi.Raspberry Pis GPIO in ReviewIn particular, lets talk about the lack of sufficient analog and pulse width modulation (PWM) pins.Real-Time or Near Real-Time ProcessingReal time processing is the systems ability to interact directly with GPIO and external devices. It is cruc

8、ial for CNC applications or other applications where immediate response is required. In robotics terms, it is necessary for closed loop systems where an immediate response to stimuli is required.A good example is an edge detector for a mobile robot. You want the robot to stop moving before it drives

9、 itself over a cliff or off the edge of a table. Taking the time it takes to process through the many abstraction layers of an operating system to reach the logic to determine to stop and then send the signal through the many layers to the motor controller could prove catastrophic. And, if the OS de

10、lays the operation or hangs, the robot will happily plummet to its demise, never the wiser. Instead, you want your robot to stop immediately.Although there are flavors of Linux that facilitate near-real-time processing, these are specialty operating systems and the Raspbian installation we are using

11、 is not one of them.Analog InputWe have seen digital input working on the Pi. In fact, we used the ultrasonic rangefinder to detect range when a digital pin turned on and then off (went high, then low). With a little math, we were able to convert that signal into useful data. That was a digital sign

12、al; it simply detected when a pin had a high voltage, and then when the same pin had a low voltage.There are a many types of analog signals; not just high or low, white or black, or on or off, but also a range of valuesor shades of gray to use the black/white analogy. This is very useful when you ar

13、e using a sensor that measures intensity or the level of something. A light sensor that uses a photoresistor is one example. As the light intensity changes, so does the resistance, and therefore the voltage, on the sensor. A device called an analog-to-digital converter (ADC) transforms that analog s

14、ignal into a digital value the program can use.The Raspberry Pi has a single analog pin. This is not very useful, especially when its tied to another function that the board likely usesin this case, serial communication. If we were to dedicate the pin to analog input, we would not be able to use tha

15、t serial channel. Even if we werent planning to use that particular serial channel, a single analog input has very limited use.Analog OutputAnalog output is similar, in nature, to analog input. With the LED exercise we did earlier, we used a digital signal to turn an LED on and off. Analog allows us

16、 to change the brightness, or intensity of the LED. However, a digital system, such as a computer or microprocessor, cannot create a true analog signal.It adjusts the frequency and duration of the digital signal. The duration of a digital signal is referred to as a pulse. Adjusting how often a pulse is active in a given time period, and the length of that pulse, is called pulse- width modulation, or PWM. When w


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