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1、2020有关国庆节的英语作文优秀3篇带翻译国庆节是由一个国家制定的用来纪念国家本身的法定假日。它们通常是这个国家的独立、宪法的签署、元首诞辰或其他有重大纪念意义的周年纪念日。以下是小编整理了2020有关国庆节的英语作文优秀3篇带翻译,希望你喜欢。有关国庆节的英语作文篇一It is known to everyone:Oct,1st is our National Day.At this day I went to street and saw something.Now I will tell you!At 8:00 I got up and went bus station with my

2、mother .O my god there were so many people!With difficult we got up the bus and felt very crowed.the traffic was so bad too!I cost nearly 1 hour that we arrived the center of street.What were worse there were even more people!In my opinion it was not very interesting to come out at this day!Nest tim

3、e I prefer to stay at home and study!有关国庆节的英语作文篇二This year is the 69th anniversary of the founding of new China! On October 1st, our whole family sit by the TV and waiting to watch early time big parade.At ten o clock, the National Day military parade formally started, only saw many soldiers standin

4、g in front of tiananmen, navy, air force, army. Stand straight, straight, like hits the forceful pine, President hus review. The parade shows the motherland strong defense force, peaceful country and safe people, the motherland prosperity of beautiful landscape.During the National Day, grandpa and I

5、 went to play in the humble administrators garden. The car on the road, I saw the window renmin bridge garlands made of flowers on both sides, in the sunshine more bright beautiful, make the atmosphere of the National Day more strong! Walk in the small street to the humble administrators garden, see

6、 stalls on both sides of the street with a red flag with five stars, to express the affection to the motherland. Many foreign visitors to see the beautiful scenery heartfelt held out a thumb. In the humble administrators garden is the chrysanthemum, chrysanthemum can be more color, yellow, red, whit

7、e, colorful, beautiful!The National Day make me deeper understanding of the motherland; A profound feelings for the motherland also; Make me more love my motherland China!今年是新中国成立69周年!十月一日这天,我们全家早早的坐在电视机旁等待观看盛世大阅兵。十点钟,国庆阅兵式正式开始了,只看见许多军人站在*前,有海军、空军、陆军都站得笔直笔直的,像一棵棵挺拔的青松,接受胡主席的检阅。整个阅兵式展示了祖国雄厚的国防力量,国泰民安

8、,祖国繁荣昌盛的美好景象。国庆期间,我和爷爷去了拙政园玩。汽车在路上行驶着,我看见窗外人民桥两旁用鲜花做成的花环,在阳光下更加亮丽,使国庆的气氛更加浓厚了!走在通往拙政园的那条小街上,看到街的两旁的摊位都插着五星红旗,表达对祖国的深厚感情。许多外来游客看见了这么美的景色由衷的伸出了大拇指。拙政园里有菊花,菊花的颜色可多了,有*的、红的、白的,五彩缤纷的,美丽极了!国庆节使我对祖国的了解更深了;对祖国的感情也更深厚了;使我更加热爱我的祖国中国!有关国庆节的英语作文篇三Autumn day, day blue, green, and wind weather; Osmanthus fragranc

9、e, harvest in the prosperous; Flowers, birds singing beautiful days, splendid home. People rejoice YingHuai, decorating, festive red lanterns hung high - celebrating the National Day, celebrating the 54th birthday of the motherlands birthday.Our country has a long history, is humongous, rivers beaut

10、iful, she has experienced extraordinary ordeal, her unyielding national spirit and attention. Since liberation, the wise leadership of the central committee and the joint efforts of people all over the country, the motherland prosperity step by step, she stood in the world powers with a new gesture.

11、 The scene spectacular magic of nature, that is the light of hope, if we are wise, bringing light to our life. We did not have such stability and happy life environment.We like love the sun, love the party and the motherland, for her hard work and effort dedication. Strong national wealth and the pe

12、ople, lets wish: bless you, our motherland!金秋十月,天蔚蓝,地碧绿,和风丽日;桂花飘香,丰收在旺;百鸟齐鸣,歌唱美丽的日子、锦绣家园。人们喜乐盈怀,张灯结彩,高挂喜庆的大红灯笼-欢度国庆,热烈庆祝祖国五十四岁生日诞辰。我们的祖国历史悠久、地大物博,河川秀美,她经历过不平凡的苦难历程,她不屈的民族精神让世人瞩目。解放以来,在党中央的英明领导和全国人民的共同努力下,祖国正一步步地走向繁荣昌盛,她以崭新的姿态傲立于世界强国之列。大自然的景象神奇壮观,那是希望的光芒,如我们英明的党,给我们的生活带来光明。我们才有这样安定幸福的生活环境。我们就像爱太阳一样,热爱党和祖国,为她努力工作、努力奉献。国富而民强,让我们共同祝愿:祝福你,祖国!5



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