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1、2020小学生圣诞节英语作文七篇精选范文如今越来越多的西方节日传入我国,并且在我国流行起来,已经成了许多地区年轻人中非常流行的节日。马上来临的圣诞节就是其中一个西方节日,大家知道圣诞节的英语作文怎么写吗?以下是小编为大家准备的小学生圣诞节英语作文,欢迎大家前来参阅。圣诞节英语作文60词December 25th is Christmas day, the school held a Christmas activities. Our first point group, and we have the moonlight, ice, wind could also day team and s

2、o on. 12 lets go to the cross, a search for a needle in a haystack, have a look at the picture story telling, you are not, than hand painting feet, with pink world, amoeba, hair styling. Among them I like the hairstyle design this. Because I like to help others to hair.12月25日是圣诞节,学校举办了圣诞节活动。我们先分了组,

3、有月光队,有冰风队,还有望天队等等。有12关让我们去闯,有大海捞针,有看图说故事,有你型不型,有比手画脚,有粉的世界,有变形虫,发型设计其中我最喜欢发型设计这一关。因为我最喜欢帮别人绑头发了。小学生圣诞节英语作文It was my first Christmas, my friend took me to go to the yule ball, at the party we dance and sing Christmas songs, I also met some other friends, we exchange presents with each other and each

4、other blessing, I had a wonderful time.那是我第一次过圣诞节,朋友带我去参加圣诞舞会,在舞会上我们跳舞、唱圣诞歌,我也认识了一些其他朋友,我们相互交换礼物并互道祝福,我过得很愉快。圣诞节英语100词作文On December 25, Christmas was coming, and we should make a wish, to his own Christmas present.My wish is to hope to get a car. On Christmas day, that night I was sleeping, Santa Cl

5、aus is outside the door, I heard the door, I saw the original is my father bought me a car on the head of a bed. In the morning, I still very happy. I told mom and dad, I received a gift from Santa Claus, dad said: Ill buy you a gift. The original is dad to buy Christmas gifts at a time.I know how

6、much the father loved me!12月25日,圣诞节到了,我们应该许愿,要自己的圣诞礼物。我许的愿望是希望得到一辆小汽车。到了圣诞节那天晚上,我正在睡觉,圣诞老人就在门外,我听见了推门声,我看见原来是我的爸爸给我买了一辆小汽车放在了床头。到了早上,我依然很高兴。我跟爸爸、妈妈说,我收到了圣诞老人的礼物,爸爸说:“是我给你买的礼物。”原来每次圣诞节都是爸爸买的礼物。我知道了爸爸是多么爱我呀!圣诞节英语作文On December 25th, is Christmas day in the United States, but I also had a happy on this

7、day.In the morning, I came to the classroom, the students each decorated the classroom setting. Some stick the board on the ribbon; Some put the head of a Santa on his door; Some of the. Figure is emerge in endlessly. The teacher saw, straight quart we do well.At noon, return to a home, I gave elabo

8、rate home: I sticked a Santas head on the door, sticking on the Windows on the ribbon, in.In the evening, I personally cut a big red Fuji apple, exhaled to eat it. It is said that Christmas evening eat apple can make this a year in peace.12月25日,是美国的圣诞节,但我在这一天也过的开开心心。早上,我来到教室,同学们各自布置着教室的场景。有的把黑板粘上了彩带

9、;有的在门上贴了一个圣诞老人的头像;有的花样真是层出不穷。老师看了,直夸我们做的好。中午,回到家里,我把家里也给精心布置了一番:我在家门上贴了圣诞老人的头像,在窗户上粘上了彩带,在到了晚上,我亲自削了一个红富士大苹果,大口大口地吃了起来。据说,圣诞节晚上吃苹果可以让这一年平平安安。小学圣诞节英语作文People in British are the most eating people on Christmas, and the foods including roast pig, Turkey, Christmas pudding, Christmas patties etc. Every

10、family has a gift, a servant has a share, and all the gifts are sent on Christmas morning. Some sing carols along the door-to-door singing reported good news, they will be invited to the house owner, with refreshments or small gifts.英国人在圣诞节是最注重吃的,食品中包括烧猪、火鸡、圣诞布丁、圣诞碎肉饼等。每一个家人都有礼物,仆人也有份,所有的礼物是在圣诞节的早晨派

11、送。有的唱圣诞歌者沿门逐户唱歌报佳音,他们会被主人请进屋内,用茶点招待,或者赠小礼物。圣诞节小学英语作文The average adult in France will go to the church for midnight mass on the eve of Christmas. After the end of the family, all the families went to the home of the oldest married brother or sister, and was reunited to eat. This meeting is to discuss

12、 family events, but in case of family disharmony, then the hatchet will vanish, everyone has to become reconciled, so the Christmas is a kind of days in France.法国的一般成年人,在圣诞前夕差不多都要到教会参加子夜弥撒。在完毕后,家人同去最年老的已婚的哥哥或姊姊的家里,团聚吃饭。这个集会,讨论家中要事,但遇有家人不和睦的,在此后也前嫌冰释,大家要和好如初了,所以圣诞在法国是一个仁慈的日子。小学英语圣诞节作文Every Italian fa

13、mily has a model of the birth of Jesus. On Christmas Eve, All families get together for a big meal and attend Christmas mass at midnight. After that, they will visit their friends and relatives, but only children and old people can get presents. At Christmas, the italians have a very good custom, an

14、d children write or write poems thanking their parents for their upbringing. Their works are hidden in napkins, dishes, or tablecloths before they have a Christmas meal. After they had finished the meal, they retrieved it and read it to everyone.每一个意大利的家庭,都放有耶稣诞生故事的模型景物。在圣诞前夕,家人团聚吃大餐,到午夜时参加圣诞弥撒。完毕之后,便去访问亲友,只有小孩和年老的人得到礼物。在圣诞节,意大利人有一种很好的风俗,儿童们作文或撰诗歌,表示感谢他们的父母在这年来给他们的教养。他们的作品,在未吃圣诞大餐之前,被暗藏在餐巾里、碟子的下面或是桌布里,父母装作看不见。在他们吃完大餐之后,便把它取回,向大家朗读。6



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