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1、Unit 4 A good read第五课时Task&Self-assessment基础知识回顾.根据首字母及汉语提示补全单词1.Linda has much confidence(信心) to pass the coming exam.2.My teacher often gives me some advice(建议) on how to learn English.3.The bank is opposite(在对面) to the supermarket,on the other side of the road.4.Saving water is a good habit(习惯).5

2、.The old woman is a kind librarian(图书管理员).根据句意用所给词的适当形式填空1.There usedto be(be) a small clean river near our school.2.Someone went into the forest to look forhidden(hide) tigers.3.There are differenttypes(type) of books in our library.4.Dancing can help me(to) relax(relax) after a days work.5.Please

3、finish your homework first beforeplaying(play) football.按要求完成句子,每空一词1.Ricky often swam in the past,but now he doesnt.(改为同义句)Rickyusedtoswim,but now he doesnt.2.Jack bought the book last Sunday.(改为同义句)Jackhashadthe book since last Sunday.3.The girl didnt know where she could find her mother.(改为同义句)Th

4、e girl didnt know wheretofindher mother.4.I often borrow books from the school library.(对画线部分提问)Wheredo you oftenborrowbooks from?5.I spend less than an hour reading each week.(对画线部分提问)Howmuchtime do youspendreading each week?.根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词1.我一周花超过七个小时看不同种类的书。Ispendover seven hours a weekreadingdi

5、fferent types of books.2.我对历史书感兴趣,但是我最喜欢小说。Iaminterestedinhistory books,but I like novels best.3.它们也为我打开了一个全新的世界。They alsoopenupawholenewworldto me.4.将来我也想去旅游,并且有激动人心的经历。I want to travel andhaveexcitingexperiencesin the future.5.我的朋友给我许多关于读书的建议。My friends give me lots ofadviceonbooks.综合能力提升.单项填空(D)1

6、.What did you get for your birthday,Tony?A watch,my aunt.A.toB.withC.forD.from(C)2.We spend much timeEnglish every day.A.practiseB.to practiseC.practisingD.have practised(C)3.Could you give me someon how to learn English?Sure.Practice makes perfect.A.advice;goodB.suggestions;goodC.advice;wellD.sugge

7、stion;well(B)4.Have you decided whena trip to Sanya?No,I havent.A.takingB.to take C.takenD.took(C)5.Our parents always tell usin the street after school.A.dont playB.not play C.not to playD.not playing(C)6.Im sorry I left my book at home.Could you wait for meI go back and get it?A.afterB.whenC.until

8、D.as(A)7.We often meet together and discuss.A.what to readB.about to read whatC.to read whatD.about what to read(B)8.Mike has always beenin history.He visited the museum with great.A.interesting;interestedB.interested;interestC.interested;interestedD.interest;interest(D)9.Excuse me,may I keep the bo

9、ok a little longer?Sorry.Youreturn it today.A.cantB.canC.mustntD.must(B)10.Have you read anything on Chinese medicine(中药) so far?.But I will read it soon.A.Later onB.Not yetC.Ever sinceD.Already have.补全对话A:Hello,Id like to know something about your schools reading room.1.AB:Yes,we do.A:2.GB:Its on t

10、he top floor of Building B.A:3.CB:Any time between 9:00 a.m.and 4:30 p.m.A:4.FB:Because there are all kinds of books and comfortable chairs.A:5.DB:Yes,but we cant talk in it.We should be quiet.A.Do you have a reading room at school?B.We have a library and a reading room at school.C.When can you read

11、 books there?D.Can you listen to music there?E.He often reads books there.F.Why do you like reading there?G.Where is it?.阅读理解Reading books helps you open different windows to many colourful worlds.But today few Chinese people like to read.According to a recent survey,a Chinese reads an average(平均) o

12、f 4.66 books per year.Things are different in many other countries.A Korean reads 11 books a year,a Japanese reads 40 and a Russian reads 55 books.Many people want to read,but they just find it difficult to develop good reading habits.If you also have this problem,you may find the following tips use

13、ful.First,read in short periods.If you cant concentrate for a long time,you can try this method.Ten minutes on the way to and from school,ten minutes when waiting for a bus or a friend,a quarter before going to sleep.Then its 45 minutes a day,about five hours a week.Second,make your own reading list

14、.Your list can be the best-selling books on famous websites like ,or some books your teacher tells you to read.Finally,talk about what you read with your family or friends.It doubles the fun to read.The more fun you get from books,the more books you will read.(A)1.A Chinese reads an average ofbooks

15、every year.A.4.66B.11C.40D.55(D)2.What is the third paragraph mainly about?A.The importance of reading in our daily life.B.How to become a faster and better reader.C.What are the most suitable books for teenagers.D.How to develop good reading habits.(A)3.What does the underlined word “concentrate” mean in Chinese?A.专心B.分散C.聚拢D.分


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