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1、Unit1Pastandpresent 根据首字母及汉语提示补全单词1 Idon thaveenoughmoneytobuythenewhouseatpresent 现在 2 I vebeentheremanytimesinthepast 过去 3 I vejust 刚才 seenthemgoingdowntheroadarminarm 4 Ishare 分享 abedroomwithmysister 5 Theunderground 地铁 isquickerthanthebus 根据句意用所给词的适当形式填空1 Thereusedtobe be alongrivernearourschool

2、 2 Computershavechanged change thewaypeopleworkandlive 3 MrChenisn tintheofficenow Hehasgone go tothelibrary 4 Whereismyjuice Ibought buy itfromtheschoolshopanhourago 5 Ioftenclimb climb themountainwithmymotheronweekends 根据汉语意思完成句子 每空一词1 你每天怎么去上学 乘公交车 Howdoyougotoschooleveryday Bybus 2 乘坐长途汽车出行没有坐火车

3、出行舒服 Travellingbycoachisnotascomfortableasinatrain 3 昨天我花了很长时间才等到那班回家的汽车 Ittookmealongtimetowaitforthebustomyhomeyesterday 4 我想吃点东西 因为我饿了 IwantsomethingtoeatbecauseIamhungry 5 这本书有助于你了解中国的过去和现在 ThisbookcanhelpyoulearnaboutthepastandpresentofChina 单项填空 B 1 Millieusuallygoestoschoolfoot Buttodayshewen

4、ttoschoolbus A on onB on byC by byD by on D 2 Theplaceisaparknow Itafootballplayground A wasusedtobeB usestobeC isusedtobeingD usedtobe D 3 IwanttobeateacherwhenIgrowup Workhard yourdreamwillcometrue A orB butC thoughD and C 4 Whereismypencilbox IitherebutnowIcan tfindit A putsB wasputtingC havejust

5、putD hasjustput A 5 MikelosthisschoolIDcardthismorning Heislookingfornow A itB oneC himD them C 6 Theylefttheirofficetenminutes A beforeB afterC agoD about A 7 Agoodfriendwillalwaysthelastbreadwithyou A shareB giveC handD cut C 8 Ittakesmeanhourplayingthepiano Howaboutyou Iusuallyspend30minutesit A

6、practising onB topractise inC topractise onD practise in D 9 didyougohomebytaxi BecauseIlostthekeytomybicycle A HowB HowfarC WhenD Why B 10 Haveyouseenthefilm A Yes IdoB Yes IhaveC No Ididn tD No Iwill 完形填空LastmonthIwenttoShanghaiwithmyparentstovisitmyuncle Wetookthehigh speed1 It2onlyaboutfivehours

7、togetthere ThetrainranfromBeijingSouthRailwayStationtoShanghaiHongqiaoRailwayStation TheHongqiaoRailwayStationisbigandmodern Itisalso3ofthemostimportantrailwaystationsinChina WecametoUncleWu shome4underground Itwasvery5 UncleWusaidthat6hewenttoBeijingfromShanghaiinthe7 ittookhimover20hours Heusedto8

8、thetraininShanghaiNorthRailwayStation Thestationwasverysmall Thegovernmenthas9itintoarailwaymuseumsince2004 IhopethatIwillhavethe10tovisititnexttime A 1 A trainB busC coachD plane D 2 A madeB travelledC wentD took B 3 A someB oneC otherD ones D 4 A inB onC withD by B 5 A naturalB comfortableC carefu

9、lD easy D 6 A becauseB asC butD when A 7 A pastB futureC presentD tomorrow B 8 A getupB getonC getdownD getaway C 9 A broughtB putC turnedD carried D 10 A ideaB feelingC wayD chance 阅读理解OnedayTonywashitbyacarwhenhewascrossingtheroad Hefellandbrokehisarm Hewassenttoahospital Thereadoctoroperatedonhis

10、arm Thenheputthearminacast 石膏 Tonycouldnotmoveitatall Youmustkeepyourarminacastforamonth thedoctorsaid Thatwillgivethebone 骨头 achancetogetwell Amonthlater Tonywentbacktothehospital Thedoctorusedalargeknifetocutthecast ThenhetookTony sarmoutofthecast Canyoumoveyourarm Tony heasked Tonytriedtomovehisa

11、rm Atfirstitwasdifficult butsoonhecouldmoveiteasily Yes it sfine hesaid Thankyouverymuch Inafewdaysitwillbeasgoodasbefore thedoctorsaid Justexerciseitalittleeveryday WillIbeabletoplaytheguitar Tonyasked Thedoctorsmiled Ofcourse youwill hesaid Youwillhavenoproblems That sgoodnews Tonysaid BecauseIcou

12、ldn tplayitatallbefore A 1 HowdidTonybreakhisarm A Hewashitbyacar B Hefelloffabike C Aguitarfellonhim D Hefellfromtheladder B 2 HowlongdidTonyhavetokeephisarminacast A Oneweek B Fourweeks C Afewdays D Twomonths A 3 HowwasTony sarmwhenthedoctorcutthecast A ItwasOK B Itwashurt C Itwasworse D Itwaswors

13、t C 4 WhatdidthedoctortellTonytodoafterthecastwastakenoff A Seeanotherdoctor B Playtheguitar C Exercisehisarm D Playbasketball C 5 WhywasTonypleased A Becausethedoctorgavehimaguitar B Becausethedoctorsaidhedidn thavetoworkagain C Becausehethoughthewouldbeabletoplaytheguitar D Becausehecouldgotoschoolbybike


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