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1、Module 4 Seeing the doctor直击中考.单项填空(A)1.(安徽中考)My deskmate is really.She likes to attend different activities after school.A.activeB.quietC.lazyD.honest(B)2.(上海中考)Nowadays people wish to havefood than before as their life improves.A.healthyB.healthierC.healthiestD.the healthier(C)3.(盐城中考)I felt mucha

2、fter I told the problems to my close friend.A.goodB.wellC.betterD.best(B)4.(广安中考)Sheto anyone for 2 days.What happened to her?A.didnt speakB.hasnt spokenC.doesnt speakD.havent spoken(C)5.(江西中考)Some old people need abecause they feel lonely.A.giftB.stickC.petD.watch(B)6.(沈阳中考)You were amazing today!W

3、ell done!.A.All rightB.Thank youC.Not yetD.Of course(A)7.(雅安中考)I have been in China1997.A.sinceB.forC.inD.until(D)8.(大庆中考)Daming hasnt done much exercisehe got his computer.A.whenB.ifC.thoughD.since(B)9.(绥化中考改编)Jim sits behind me,so I sithim.A.at the end ofB.in front ofC.in the middle ofD.on the lef

4、t of(D)10.(青岛中考)Nancy took her temperature and found she had a.A.coughB.toothacheC.coldD.fever(B)11.(鄂州中考)Did John get Number 1 in the maths exam?Yes,no one did soas him.A.goodB.wellC.betterD.best(C)12.(威海中考改编)Is that a new coat?No,Iit for a long time.A.boughtB.have boughtC.have hadD.has had(A)13.(襄

5、阳中考)I think you should stophim in English.I see.He cant understand English at all.Let me try in French.A.talking toB.to talk toC.talk toD.to talking to(A)14.(江西中考)Last night,the shop was closed,she didnt buy any chocolate.A.soB.ifC.orD.when(C)15.(齐齐哈尔中考改编)She ispoorafford the expensive suit.A.so;tha

6、tB.enough;toC.too;toD.such;that.补全对话(重庆中考B卷)A:Hello!This is 911.Who is that speaking?B:1.CHelp!Help!Please help me!A:Yes,sir.2.EB:My wife is seriously ill.Shes having a heart problem.A:Now relax,sir.3.BB:Im on Lincoln Highway,about 15 miles from Washington Tunnel.A:OK.Ill send an ambulance(救护车) as soon as possible.B:4.GA:For about ten minutes.B:Allright.What should I do while waiting?A:5.FB:OK.Thank you and please hurry.A.Im a doctor.B.Whereare you now?C.This is Scott Smith.D.How will you come?E.Whats happening?F.Stay with her and dont move her.G.How long will I have to wait?


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