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1、Module4Seeingthedoctor Unit1Ihaven tdonemuchexercisesinceIgotmycomputer 根据首字母及汉语提示补全单词1 Myfever 发烧 isgone butIstillhaveacough 2 It snotgoodtodrinkonanemptystomach 肚子 3 Theboywasill 生病的 sohestayedathome 4 Hedidn tsleeplastnight sohehasabadheadache 头疼 5 Heoftendoesmorningexercises soheisingoodhealth 健

2、康 根据句意用所给词的适当形式填空1 Readinginthesunisharmful harm toyoureyes 2 Takethemedicinethreetimes time aday 3 Stopeating eat fastfood andyou llbehealthier 4 Mygrandparentsdosomeexercise exercise tokeephealthy health everyday 5 MissDaihastaught teach inourschoolsince2000 根据汉语意思完成句子 每空一词1 我如何帮助你 HowcanIhelpyou

3、2 冬天容易患感冒 It seasytocatchacoldinwinter 3 这就是为什么你胃痛 That swhyyou vegotastomachache 4 你在电脑前花费太多时间了 Youspendtoomuchtimeinfrontofthecomputer 5 医生叫她一天服三次药 Thedoctortoldhertotakethemedicinethreetimesaday 用方框中所给短语的适当形式填空 howlong catchacold fastfood takeone stemperature takethemedicine 1 Aftertakingthemedic

4、inethreetimesadayaftermeals Ifeltmuchbetter 2 Don teattoomuchfastfoodeveryday It sbadforourhealth 3 HowlongcanIwatchTVtoday Mum YoucanwatchCCTVnewsforonlyhalfanhour 4 Haveyoutakenyourtemperature Tom Yes itisalready39 Imustseethedoctoratonce 5 Todayit sverycold Putonsomewarmclothesoryou llcatchacold

5、单项填空 C 1 What sthematter Ihavea Ihavetogotothedoctor A headB toothC coldD nose B 2 It salmosteightyearswesaweachotherlasttime A beforeB sinceC afterD when C 3 haveyoubeenawayfromyourhometown Forabout13years A HowsoonB HowfarC HowlongD Howoften D 4 Mygrandmaisill soIhavetoherathome A lookforB lookupC

6、 lookatD lookafter D 5 Whyareyoustanding Alice Ican tseetheblackboardclearly Twotallboysaresittingme A behindB nexttoC betweenD infrontof 补全对话 Atthedoctor s A Goodmorning doctor B 1 FWhat swrong A Ihaveasorethroat 2 AB Howlonghaveyoubeenlikethis A 3 GB Haveyoutakenyourtemperature A Yes Mytemperature

7、isOK B 4 CSay Ah Youhaveacold A Isitserious B Nothingserious 5 EYou llgetbettersoon A Thankyou doctor A I mfeelingterrible B I msorrytohearthat C Openyourmouth D Ihaveafever E Takethemedicinethreetimesaday F Goodmorning youngman G Sinceyesterdaymorning 完形填空Marywasillyesterday Shewenttoseethedoctor D

8、octor I mnotfeeling1atthemoment shesaid EverytimeIdomyhomeworkatnight Ifeel2 IfIwalktoschooleveryday Ihavetositdownand3fortenminutes Thedoctorlooked4Marycarefully Atlasthesaid 5serious butI mafraidyouare6toomuch Idon tunderstand whatdoyoumean askedMary Imeanyoueattoomuch7 saidthedoctor Oh YoumeanI m

9、too8 That saproblem saidMary WhatshouldIdoifIdon twanttobeheavy Theansweriseasy saidthedoctor Ifyouwanttobethinnerandhealthier you9eatalotoffoodandyoualsoshouldtakemore10 C 1 A goodB badC wellD terrible C 2 A hungryB thirstyC tiredD relaxed A 3 A restB lieC standD look B 4 A afterB overC likeD for C

10、 5 A TooB NotC NothingD Very D 6 A drinkingB sleepingC workingD eating C 7 A meatB fruitC foodD chicken A 8 A fatB healthyC tiredD thin D 9 A needB needn tC shouldD shouldn t C 10 A homeworkB sportsC exerciseD housework 任务型阅读AyoungAmericandoctorwasasleepwhenhisdoorbellrang Itwaslateatnight buthehadt

11、oputonhiscoattoanswerit Itwasaman Hewasstandingwithahatinhishand Howdoyoudo saidtheman Canyougowithmerightnowtoaplaceoutofthetown Itwasquitefarfromhere butIknowyouhaveacarandIcanshowyoutheway Certainly saidthedoctor Icangowithyounow Thecarwasatthefrontdoor Themangotintothedoctor scarandtheydroveoff

12、Theydroveonforalongtime andthenthemansaid Hereweare Thisismyhome NowIgiveyoumoneyandyoumaygoback ButImustseethepatient 病人 thedoctorsaid HowcanIgobackwithoutseeingthepatient There snopatient saidtheman Nobodyisill Ilivehere Thereisnotaxiatthistime butadoctoroftengoesoutfornightcalls 夜诊 So excuseme Hereisyourmoney Thankyou doctor Goodnight 1 Whatwasthedoctordoingwhenhisdoorbellrang 不超过5个词 Hewassleeping 2 Whydidthemangivethedoctormoney 不超过10个词 Becausethedoctortookhimhomelateatnight 3 Whydidthemancometoseethedoctorsolateatnight 不超过10个词 Becausehewantedthedoctortodrivehimhome


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