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1、完形填空 扬州 2019中考真题 二 完型填空 共15 小题 每小题1 分 计 15 分 I always think my daughter Kendall is the best that s just what parents do When she was only three she 16 for the people like a little angel When Kendall was five we noticed that she 17 had a tic 面部抽搐 When the problem got worse we took her from doctor to

2、doctor 18 the treatment Kendall continued to sing Surprisingly her tics disappeared when she sang When Kendall was sixteen we thought she would be cured soon However a n 19 thing happened At a party Kendall jumped on a friend for a piggyback ride He bent lower than she expected and she jumped 20 tha

3、n he expected Kendall flew over his back and 21 on the floor on her neck She was rushed to hospital paralyzed 瘫痪 from the neck down She couldn t 22 But her biggest 23 wasn t whether she would walk again but was whether she could try out for a show called American Idol As the days went on feeling on

4、her left side 24 but she was still paralyzed on the right We weren t sure how much of her 25 would come back A friend brought a microphone and put it on her bed Every day Kendall tried hard to pick it up It was more 26 for her to pick up that microphone than a spoon or fork Sometimes she had to bite

5、 a toothbrush to take her mind off the pain We all cried because of the 27 we witnessed But on the day only three months after her 28 we cried full of joy when she sang 29 she didn t enter the Top 24 of American Idol When she was a little girl she asked me 30 it was she that had tics My heart hurt b

6、ut I told her Kendall you have a pure heart a fantastic voice a strong mind And you are a beautiful presence 16 A danced B sang C jumped D painted 17 A never B sometimes C seldom D always 18 A During B Before C After D Until 19 A useful B exciting C meaningless D terrible 20 A farther B nearer C hig

7、her D lower 21 A lay B sat C stood D landed 22 A move B sing C eat D think 23 A problem B worry C dream D plan 24 A stopped B remained C returned D disappeared 25 A movement B treatment C achievement D entertainment 26 A interesting B important C helpless D dangerous 27 A microphone B toothbrush C j

8、oy D pain 28 A failure B show C tic D accident 29 A though B because C if D so 30 A who B when C why D what 答案 BBADC DABCA BDDAC 解析 16 B 细节推断题 女主人翁喜欢唱歌 17 B 从下文的get worse 推断出一开始她的面部抽搐并不严重 18 A 在治疗期间 她也继续唱歌 后一句也可以证实 当她唱歌时 她的面部抽搐消失 了 侧方面证明出并不是治疗后 19 D However 转折 说明发生不幸的事情 20 C 从前一句的 he bent lower 可以看出

9、她跳的比预期的更高 21 D land on 着陆 22 A 因为瘫痪 自然推断出她不能动 23 B 但她最大的担忧不是她是否能够再次行走 而是她是否可以参加美国偶像的选拔 24 C 她左半身恢复知觉 但是右半身依然瘫痪 25 A 我们不确定她的行动能力能恢复多少 这里用movement 合适 26 B 比起能够拿起汤勺和叉子 对她而言 能拿起麦克风更加重要 27 D 因为我们见证了她所承受的疼痛 28 D 从事故之后的三个月 我们第一次因为喜悦而流泪 29 A 尽管她没有进入24 强 30 C 她问我为什么是她有面部抽搐这个疾病 苏州 二 完形填空 共10 小题 每小题 1 分 满分 10分

10、 11 请认真阅读下面短文 从短文后各题所给的A B C D 四个选项中 选出最佳选项 Sometimes choosing where to eat in Suzhou is something of a challenge No matter how 1 the food tastes at a chosen restaurant one may always wonder Is there anything better on the next street However I ve found the 2 to this question When I m asked to name

11、my favourite place to eat in Suzhou I will reply 3 Song He Lou Restaurant Why is Song He Lou so special 4 hundreds of restaurants Well for me it comes down to a perfect balance of delicious food pleasant atmosphere 氛围 and a near perfect location Before coming to Suzhou I was 5 by my friends from oth

12、er cities in China that the food could be too sweet For the first few months I chose to eat in Sichuan or Hunan style restaurants instead of eating much 6 food However after falling in love with the city I came to realize that the food is so closely 7 with its local culture 8 I asked a local friend

13、to recommend the best place to try real local style food She came up with the 9 of Song He Lou For a first time visitor Song Shu Gui Yu and Xie Fen Tofu are excellent 10 Suzhou has slow become my home and I have a lifetime to enjoy each and every dish on the menu 1 A bad B hot C good D cold 2 A atte

14、ntion B excuse C answer D distance 3 A right away B in surprise C at most D over there 4 A between B against C among D beyond 5 A changed B warned C encouraged D supported 6 A fresh B local C Chinese D frozen 7 A connected B covered C compared D charged 8 A Or B But C Yet D So 9 A suggestion B way C

15、 money D design 10 A conditions B habits C challenges D choices 答案 1 C 2 C 3 A 4 C 5 B 6 B 7 A 8 D 9 A 10 D 考点 日常生活类 解析 分析 短文大意 文本以松鹤楼饭店为例说明了饮食与当地文化的关系 1 形容词辨析和语境理解 句意 无论选择的餐馆的食物味道多好 有人可能总想知道 临街还有更好的吗 bad 坏的 hot 热的 good 好的 cold 冷的 根据 Is there anything better on the next street 可知此处指食物多好 故选C 2 名词辨析和语

16、境理解 句意 然而 我已经发现了这个问题的答案 attention 注意力 excuse措辞 answer 答案 distance 根据this question 可知此处指答案 the answer to the question 问题的答案 故选C 3 短语辨析和语境理解 句意 当我被问道在苏州吃最好的地方时 我会马上回答 松 鹤楼饭店 right away立刻 马上 in surprise 吃惊 at most 最多 over there 在那里 根据 答语 Song He Lou Restaurant 此处指回答的速度快 可知是马上回答的 故选 A 4 介词辨析和语境理解 句意 为什么松鹤楼饭店在几百家饭店如此出众 between 在 两者之间 against 反对 among 在 中 指三者或三者以上 beyond 超出 在 范围 外 根据hundreds of restaurants 可知 among 符号题意 故选C 5 动词辨析和语境理解 句意 在来到苏州前 中国其它城市的朋友告诉我这里的食物 可能太甜 change 改变 warn 警告 提醒 encourage鼓励


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