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1、注释与参考文献格式要点 1. 注释格式要点1.1夹注 In-text Citations转述、阐释、总结他人主要观点、引用某些引文或所依据的文献无须详细注释者,以夹注的形式随文在括号内注明。夹注与“参考文献”结合,形成一种方便、快捷说明引用出处的注释形式。夹注的构成形式有以下几种情况:1) 来自英语文章、专著的直接引语,作者姓名在文中已经出现:格式:出版年份:页码例: Rees said, “As key aspects of in the process” (1986:241), 2 ) 来自英语文章、专著的直接引语,作者姓名在文中没有出现:格式:作者姓,出版年份:页码例: The unde

2、rlying assumption is that language is “bound up with culture in multiple and complex ways”(Elli, 1968: 3).3 ) 来自英语文章、专著的间接引语,作者姓名在文中已经出现:格式:出版年份:引文页码例:According to Alun Rees (1986:234)夹注直接放在被引者后面, the writers focus on the unique contribution that each individual learner brings to the learning situat

3、ion. According to Alun Rees,the writers focus on the unique contribution that each individual learner brings to the learning situation (1986:234). 夹注也可以位于引语的最后4 ) 来自英语文章、专著的间接引语,作者姓名在文中没有提到: 格式:作者姓,出版年份:引文页码 例:It may be true that in the appreciation of medieval art the attitude of the observer is of

4、 primary importance (Robertson, 1987: 136).5)来自汉语文章、专著,间接引用,作者姓名在文中已经出现: 格式:作者姓名拼音夹注(出版年份:引文页码)例:Wang Datong (2002:111, 2005:191) believed that; 6)来自汉语的文章、专著,间接引用,作者姓名在文中没有出现:格式:作者姓名拼音,出版年份:引文页码例:It has been found that these learners confuse the uses of passives and unaccusatives in their interlangu

5、age (Wilson, 2005:211;Zhang Shan, 2003:19)7)引自互联网文献引用网络资料时如网页上标有页码,基本格式与上述同;如无页码,标段落(par 或pars)。例:Therefore, as Fang Wenli argues, in the English class, we dont have to completely copy the ideal and natural language acquisition environment (Fang Wenli, 2005: pars 9-11).8)对引语文字的更改直接引语如出现在正文中间,使用引语的句子

6、不得违反英语语法,不得出现“句中句”。为了使含直接引语的句子合乎语法,往往有必要对引语的文字作一定的更改。如果要删除引语中个别词句,可以用省略号(ellipses“”)取代删除的词句。如果要加入或者更改个别单词或者词组,则可以将需要加入或者更改的单词或词组放在方括号(square brackets“ ”)以内。例如:删除词句:He stated, “The placebo effect, . disappeared when behaviors were studied in this manner” (Smith, 1982:76), but he did not clarify which

7、 behaviors were studied.添加词组:Smith (1982:276) found that “the placebo effect, which had been verified in previous studies, disappeared when his own and others behaviors were studied in this manner.” 无论删改还是添加字词均不得变更引语的原意。 注意:如果删除是在句内,应该空一格以后再加省略号。如果删除是在一句整句以后,则应在该整句最后的标点(句号、问号或惊叹号)不空格直接加省略号。省略号应该用三个句

8、点。综合例子:Recently, the history of warfare has been significantly revised by critics (Higonnet et al.,1987: 334-35) to include womens personal and cultural responses to battle and its resultant traumatic effects. Feminist researchers now concur that “It is no longer true to claim that womens responses

9、to the war have been ignored” (Raitt & Tate, 1997:2). Though these studies focus solely on womens experiences, they err by collectively perpetuating the masculine-centered impressions originating in Fussell (1975) and Bergonzi (1996).However, Tylee further criticizes Fussell, arguing that his study

10、“treated memory and culture as if they belonged to a sphere beyond the existence of individuals or the control of institutions” (1990:6). Similar critique comes from scholars in mainland China(Wang Datong, 2002:111; Zhang Shan 2005:19; Li Shi,2005:par 6).1.2脚注 Footnotes(尾注 Endnotes)脚注(和尾注)主要用于:对有关问题

11、、论点做补充说明;提供有一定重要性、但写入正文将有损文本条理和逻辑的解释性信息;提供因篇幅过大不宜使用括号夹注注明的文献出处信息;等。用英语撰写的论文,如需要夹注以外的注释说明,本实施细则要求统一采用当页脚注形式。具体要求:打开word“脚注与尾注”功能,“编号格式”选择带圈数字();“编号方式”选择“每页重新编号”,其余按照word软件默认的格式。 2. 参考文献格式要点2.1参考文献 References 如本小节开头所言,夹注中出现的所有引用文献必须与论文最后的参考文献中的具体条目,如作者、时间等形成一一对应关系,才能形成符合学术规范的注释体系。参考文献里的条目必须实事求是列出,即所列出

12、的每一项必须是在正文中直接或间接引用过的,不允许罗列未在论文夹注中出现过的所谓参考文献!例如: Katan, David. 2004. Translating Cultures: An Introduction for Translators, Interpreters andMediators. Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Educational Press.参考文献中出现以上条目时,正文中就应该有类似如下的含有(David)Katan信息的引用(学生和指导教师都可以用word “查找”功能验证):The concept of “culture”

13、is something we intuitively know but rarely care to define; this is because, as David Katan puts it, culture is a “notoriously difficult” word that defies definition (2004:16). 2.2 英文参考文献的排列规范 2.2.1 著作类文献:1).专著基本格式:作者的姓,名.年份.书名(要斜体).出版地:出版商.例:Chomsky, N. 1981a. Lectures on government and binding 书名或

14、杂志名称的大小写问题:一律采用“第一个单词首字母大写,其他单词小写(除了专有名词外)”的方式。. Dordrecht: Foris.Chomsky, N. 1981b. Theory of markedness in generative grammar. Pisa, Italy: Scuola Normale Superiore. 注意:例子中的1981a 和1981b指一篇论文中同时引用了同一作者两本以上同年出版的参考书,请勿乱从他人的参考书目中生搬硬套;如果论文只引用该作者的一本书,则不要做a,b,c 之类的标示。一个文献条目如有第二行,则须缩进4个英文字符。注意每个信息间的标点符号,输

15、入时注意中英文输入法的切换。)2). 编著基本格式:作者的姓,名,ed.年份.书名(要斜体).出版地:出版商.例:Hall, David, ed. 1981.The Oxford book of American literary anecdotes. New York: OUP. Hall,David & Julia Mess, eds. 1981. (两位以上主编,用eds. 在“&”后的第二位主编/作者按“名前姓后”顺序) Hall,David, et.al., eds. 1981. (多位主编,用et al.)3).机构作者(格式:各项信息的排列顺序基本同上):例:American library association.1983. Intellectual freedom manual. 2nd ed. Chicago: ALA.4). 翻译著作(格式:各项信息的排列顺序基本同上):例:Calvino, Ian. 1986. The uses of literature. P. Creagh Trans. San Diego: Harcourt.2.2.2 期刊类文献:1) 期刊文章基本格式(注意标点符号): 作者的姓,名.年份.篇名. 刊名(要斜体)刊物的卷号(刊名与卷号之间不用标点,空一格,此为可省项,即原期刊无卷号的就不必标出), 期号:文


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