(新教材)2019-2020学年外研版英语必修第一册提分作业文档:Unit 2 Exploring English Period 1 课时作业(一)

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《(新教材)2019-2020学年外研版英语必修第一册提分作业文档:Unit 2 Exploring English Period 1 课时作业(一)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《(新教材)2019-2020学年外研版英语必修第一册提分作业文档:Unit 2 Exploring English Period 1 课时作业(一)(8页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 2Exploring English Period 1Starting out & Understanding ideas课时作业(一)基础训练单词拼写1He studied ancient paintings and _ (雕像) for many years.答案:sculptures2She was praised by our headmaster because of her excellent _ (举止,行为) at school.答案:behavior3The _ (对立的) armies were preparing for war.答案:opposing4Her

2、brother might look a bit fierce, but actually he is quite _ (无害的)答案:harmless5Our newspaper aims to _ (反映) the views of the local community.答案:reflect6We need to realize that the issue isnt lack of c_ or technic.答案:creativity7It is a fact that everyones fingerprints are u_.答案:unique8My new a_ clock w

3、akes me up every morning.答案:alarm9Please fill in your name and t_.答案:title10It is obvious that what he said at the meeting was quite c_.答案:confusing单句语法填空1Last night the building was on fire and burned _.答案:downburn down为常用动词短语,意为“(建筑物被)烧毁”。2I wish I could do something more _ (create)答案:creative此处是形

4、容词作后置定语,修饰不定代词something。3(2017天津高考)The passage can be seen as the authors _ (reflect) upon a particular life experience.答案:reflection名词所有格后接名词,故填reflection,意为“反映”。4When we look out _ the window that day, we saw a group of children playing on the grass.答案:oflook out of . 为固定短语,意为“向外看去”。5Do you think

5、English language is the same _ Chinese language in grammar?答案:asthe same as . 为固定短语,意为“和一样”。思维训练完形填空People always say that the earlier one learns a language, the _1_ it is to do so, and in theory it is that. In my opinion, _2_, that refers to spoken language. Capability to practice some essential (基

6、本的) _3_ of a language and read between the lines can only be trained through proper reading ways and hard work _4_. So spending money to help _5_ learn English may _6_ up with disappointment. It is likely that the more you _7_, the more you are let down. The daughter of one of my friends _8_ English

7、 in primary school, _9_ her foreign teachers blindness _10_ psychology. She did not want to go on _11_ English until middle school, _12_ a college student studying English slowly _13_ her interest in the language. It is better to have the child learn Chinese than to have some difficulty _14_ learnin

8、g English for several years. Having been engaged in English education, _15_ find that despite their excellent _16_, many students have _17_ command of English words and phrases. So I suggest that children _18_ classical Chinese prose (散文), rather than _19_ them to learn English hurriedly. Otherwise,

9、 they may _20_ the best time to improve the language ability of their mother tongue. 篇章导读:本文是一篇议论文。人们一般认为,孩子从小开始学习一门外语,对他们今后的语言学习是有好处的,但一直从事英语教育的作者建议孩子们应背诵一些经典的中国散文,而非急切地去学英语。否则,他们会错过提高母语学习能力的最佳时机。1A.easy BdifficultCeasier Dmore difficult答案:C人们总觉得学习语言越早,学习起来就越容易(easier)。结合“the比较级,the比较级”的用法可知,此处需要用比

10、较级。故正确答案为C。2A.but Bhowever Cthough Dyet答案:B人们觉得语言学习越早越好,然而(however),在“我”看来,那只适用于口语学习。but意为“但是”,不需要用逗号隔开;though意为“即使”;yet意为“然而”,通常用于否定和疑问句,均不符合语境。故正确答案为B。3A.opinions Bregards Crequests Dexpressions答案:D由语境并结合选项分析可知,此处指练习语言的基本表达(expression)能力。故正确答案为D。4A.step by step Bright awayCat once Dquickly答案:A获得语言

11、表达的能力和领悟句子的言外之意的能力需要合适的阅读方式以及循序渐进(step by step)地努力。故正确答案为A。5A.people Bgirls Cchildren Dboys答案:C结合下文的“to have the child learn”可知,有些家长会花钱帮孩子(children)学习英语。故正确答案为C。6A.begin Bstart Cfinish Dend答案:D这件事情也许会以让人失望告终(end up with)。end up with为固定搭配,意为“结束;以告终”。故正确答案为D。7A.pay Bget Cbuy Dtake答案:A结合上文的“spending mo

12、ney”可知,钱花(pay)得越多,你的失望可能也越多。故正确答案为A。8A.loved Bliked Cdisliked Dlearned答案:C结合下文的“She did not want to go on”可知,“我”一个朋友的女儿在小学时不喜欢(dislike)学英语。故正确答案为C。9A.because of BbecauseCinstead of Din case of答案:Abecause of “因为;由于”,通常后接名词(短语)或相当于名词的词;because “因为”,通常接句子;instead of “而不是”;in case of “万一”。上下文之间为因果关系,且设空

13、后为短语,故正确答案为A。10A.of BatCin Dto答案:D结合文意可知,她的外教老师不擅长(blindness to)心理学。blindness to为固定搭配,意为“对不擅长”。其他几个介词均不可与 blindness 构成固定搭配。故正确答案为D。11A.learning Bto learnCwith learning Dfor learning答案:A结合文意可知,直到中学以前,她都不想再学习(learning)英语了。go on doing sth.为固定用法,意为“继续做某事”。故正确答案为A。12A.while Bwhere Cwhen Das答案:C设空处引导非限制性定

14、语从句,指代先行词middle school,在从句中作状语,所以用when引导该从句。故正确答案为C。13A.introduced BpractisedCexplained Ddeveloped答案:D结合文意可知,一位学习英语的大学生慢慢地培养(develop)了她学英语的兴趣。develop ones interest为固定搭配,意为“培养兴趣”。故正确答案为D。14A.in Bto Cat Dof答案:A结合文意可知,与其让孩子艰难地学习英语还不如多让他们学习一些汉语。have difficulty in doing sth.为固定搭配,意为“做某事有困难”。故正确答案为A。15A.He BI CShe DThey答案:B结合下文的“So I suggest that”可知,多年从事英语教育工作,“我”(I)发现了一些问题。故正确答案为B。16A.pronunciation BphraseClanguage Dwriting答案:A结合上文的“tha



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