(新教材)2019-2020学年外研版英语必修第二册提分作业文档:Unit 6 Earth first Period 4 课时作业(五)

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《(新教材)2019-2020学年外研版英语必修第二册提分作业文档:Unit 6 Earth first Period 4 课时作业(五)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《(新教材)2019-2020学年外研版英语必修第二册提分作业文档:Unit 6 Earth first Period 4 课时作业(五)(7页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、课时作业 五 基础训练 单词拼写 1 The surroundings in the 餐厅 have also been improved 答案 canteen 2 Today police began a 宣传活动 to reduce road accidents 答案 campaign 3 The car runs at an 平均的 speed of 100 miles per hour 答案 average 4 There s plenty of space for all the usual kitchen 家用电器 答案 appliance 5 Stress is a 造成 fac

2、tor in many illnesses 答案 contributing 单句语法填空 1 I urge them stop polluting our river 答案 to stop 2 The only thing I m concern about is your blood pressure 答案 concerned 3 Everyone should save food by not waste anything on the plate 答案 not wasting 4 The volunteers saved them starvation in the floods 答案

3、from 5 They were hunted almost to extinct 答案 extinction 用括号内所给词汇 写出一个语段 remove contribute take into account urge reusable 答案 The environmental problems urge us to take the protection of environment into account and remove the pollution problems We should contribute ourselves to environmental protect

4、ion and use more reusable materials in our daily life 思维训练 完形填空 Lauren Singer has produced almost no waste in the past two years It proves that a waste free 1 is possible Lauren studied environmental science at NYU and it was during her student years that she began working towards a zero waste 2 Tod

5、ay she has learned to 3 all of her own everyday eco friendly products such as toothpaste shampoo kitchen cleaner and the like She also 4 her own eco friendly company The Simply Co through which she plans to 5 her homemade products Lauren regularly writes about her 6 of a zero waste life on her blog

6、She 7 that the past two years haven t been 8 I stopped buying 9 products and began 10 my own bags and jars to fill with products at the 11 she explained I stopped buying 12 clothes and shopped only second hand I said no to plastic or paper bags at stores Although the journey has been 13 her zero was

7、te life has been well worth the 14 She says that she now 15 a lot of money simply because she is 16 when she goes shopping and does not buy things blindly She also eats healthy food because she 17 fresh organic 有机的 fruits and vegetables instead of packaged foods The girl has become a n 18 to many Sh

8、e s giving 19 in schools and colleges and also conducting more and more 20 about her zero waste lifestyle on TV and the radio worldwide 篇章导读 本文是一篇记叙文 Lauren Singer 的故事告诉我们 零垃圾 生 活方式是可行的 1 A dealB lifestyle C systemD activity 答案 B 通读全文可知本文讲的是 Lauren Singer 的 零垃圾 生活方式 lifestyle 生活方式 故选 B 2 A job B gam

9、e C goalD competition 答案 C 根据空格前的 she began working towards 可知 goal 目标 符合句意 故选 C 3 A collectB make C avoidD mend 答案 B 根据本段最后的 her homemade products 可知 她自己制作日常生 活用品 make 制作 故选 B 4 A expandedB decorated C renewedD founded 答案 D 根据后面的宾语 her own eco friendly company 可知本处应填 found 创建 故选 D 5 A sell B check

10、C classifyD improve 答案 A 前文说 她自己制作日常生活用品 此处成立公司自然是 销售 自制的产品 故选 A 6 A productsB difficulties C experiencesD ambitions 答案 C 根据下文谈她过去两年的情况可知 她在博客中写的是她的经历 故选 C 7 A admitsB complains C arguesD regrets 答案 A 根据下文介绍自己具体是如何做的且坚持在做 可知本处意为 她承认过去的两年不容易 admit 承认 故选 A 8 A differentB fair C successfulD easy 答案 D 结

11、合生活实际与 Lauren Singer 具体所做的事可知 两年坚持下来 不容易 故选 D 9 A packagedB particular C freshD recycled 答案 A 根据下文 买东西时自己带着包 瓶子 可知 Lauren Singer 不 买包装好的食品 packaged 包装好的 故选 A 10 A emptyingB purchasing C possessing D bringing 答案 D 结合上文 本处意为 自己带口袋 bring 意为 带来 符合题 意 故选 D 11 A houseB restaurant C supermarketD office 答案

12、C 本句提到买东西 故此处指去超市 故选 C 12 A goodB new C expensiveD beautiful 答案 B 根据下文 shopped only second hand 可知本处意为 不再买新衣 服 new 新的 故选 B 13 A longB popular C hardD dangerous 答案 C 句意 尽管这一过程很艰辛 hard 艰辛的 故选 C 14 A effortB reward C respectD praise 答案 A 句意 尽管这一过程很艰辛 但是她对于 零垃圾 生活方式所 做出的努力还是值得的 effort 努力 故选 A 15 A lacks

13、B lends C borrowsD saves 答案 D 根据下文 她不盲目地买东西 可知本处意为 节省了很多钱 故选 D 16 A hurriedB prepared C excitedD frightened 答案 B 根据下文 when she goes shopping and does not buy things blindly 可 知 她购物前都准备充分 故选 B 17 A storesB chooses C harvestsD serves 答案 B 根据前文 She also eats healthy food 可知 她是 选择 有机食品 故选 B 18 A compani

14、onB manager C honourD inspiration 答案 D 根据后文 in schools and colleges 和 on TV and the radio worldwide 可知 她的行为对很多人是个 激励 故选 D 19 A sighsB smiles C talksD presents 答案 C give talks 意为 作报告 符合本处语境 且与后面的 接受电视 采访 呼应 故选 C 20 A interviewsB contests C experimentsD ceremonies 答案 A 根据后文中的 on TV 可知 她接受了电视采访 故选 A 阅读

15、理解 Steven Stein likes to follow garbage trucks His strange habit makes sense when you consider that he s an environmental scientist who studies how to reduce litter including things that fall off garbage trucks as they drive down the road What is even more interesting is that one of Stein s jobs is

16、defending an industry behind the plastic shopping bag Americans use more than 100 billion thin film plastic bags every year So many end up in tree branches or along highways that a growing number of cities do not allow them at checkouts 收银台 The bags are prohibited in some 90 cities in California including Los Angeles Eyeing these headwinds plastic bag makers are hiring scientists like Stein to make the case that their products are not as bad for the planet as most people assume Among the bag mak


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