外研版英语九下《Unit 2 Knives and forks are used for most food》ppt课件

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《外研版英语九下《Unit 2 Knives and forks are used for most food》ppt课件》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《外研版英语九下《Unit 2 Knives and forks are used for most food》ppt课件(20页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Module7Eatingtogether Unit2Knivesandforksareusedformostfood Reading Lookatthephotoofawesternmeal WhatthingsdoyouseeatamealinChina andwhatthingsaredifferent Readthepassageandanswerthequestions 1 Whoisthepassagewrittenfor A AWesterneatingaChinesemeal B AChinesepersoneatingawesternmeal C AChineseperson

2、eatingaChinesemeal D AWesternereatinginaChinesehome 2 Whatisthetoneofthepassage a Serious b Conversational c Formal d Strict 3 Wheremightyouseeapassagelikethis a Inatravelmagazine b Inadictionary c Inaninstructionmanual d Inanewsmagazine CompletethecolumnintheWestwithnotes LaterthanChina Lunch after

3、midday sometimesat1o clockSupper around7p m orevenlater TheFrench BonappetiteTheItalians BuonAppetitoTheEnglish nosimilarexpressions Manmanchi Birthday around7 00a m Lunch around12 00Supper around7 00p m KnivesandforksForkinlefthandandknifeinrightAspoonFingers chopsticks Helpyourself CanIserveyou I

4、msorry Ican teatthis No thanks itwasdelicious butI vehadenough FewerthanChina SuibianchiHaiyaoma Wochibaole MorethantheWest Youshouldn tleaveassoonasyoufinisheating ThesameastheWest Theforkisheldinyourlefthandandtheknifeinyourright andthefoodisheldwiththeforkandcutwiththeknife Answerthequestions 1 A

5、ndwhenyoueatwesternfood doastheWesternersdo Sohowshouldyoueat Enjoyyourself Ifyouhavebeengivensomethingyoudon tlike 2 Butthere snosimilarexpressioninEnglish SowhatdoyousayinEnglish 3 I msorry Ican teatthis Whenmightyouwanttosaythis InChinatoomuchfoodisoftenserved 4 Itisn tthoughttobesoimportanttooff

6、ertoomuchfood WhatdoesthissuggestaboutmealsinChina 5 Finally it ssometimesdifficulttoknowwhenthemealisover HowdoweknowthatamealisoverinChina Whatmightbedifferentinawesternmeal Ifeveryoneisfull oreveryonestopseating themealisover There sasaying WheninRome doastheRomansdo 有一句谚语 入乡随俗 在该句中 doastheRomans

7、do的意思是 像罗马人那样去做 其中 as表示 正如 像 例如 Whileinthechemistrylab doasIsay please 在化学实验室 请按照我说的去做 Languagepoints AsImentionedinmylastletter I llbebackinTianjininJune 正如我上封信提到的 我将在6月份回到天津 2 Noonewillbecross 没有人会生气的 这里cross是形容词 表示 生气的 例如 Theoldladywasreallycrosswhenthe boy sballbrokeherwindow 那个小孩儿的球打破了老太太的窗户 她很

8、生气 Allright youtwo don tgetcrosswitheachother 好了 你们两个不要互相怨气了 我们还学过cross用作动词 表示 横穿 穿过 交叉 例如 Ittookthemtwomonthstocrossthedesert 他们用了两个月横穿沙漠 Shewassittingonthefloorwithherlegscrossed 她盘着腿坐在地上 3 Herearesomethings that which youmaywishtoknowabouteatingtogetherintheWest 当定语从句所修饰的名词或代词 先行词 指物并且该名词或代词在定语从句

9、中充当主语或宾语时 应该用that which代替先行词引导定语从句 当that which在定语从句中充当宾语时可以省略 E g Theletter that which Ireceivedfromhimyesterdayisveryimportant b Itisn tthoughttobesoimportanttooffertoomuchfood It是形式主语 真正的主语是动词不定式tooffertoomuchfood E g Itispossibletolearntypewritingveryquickly 完成句子 我叔叔想周游世界 Myunclewantsto 2 MP3是人们用来播放音乐的 MP3is music 3 你做错了 因为你没有按照老师说的去做 You vedonewrong Justbecauseyoudidn tdo 4 孩子们 请随便吃些水果 Please somefruit mychildren 5 这些孩子希望为这位老人做些事情 Thechildren somethingfortheoldman travelaroundtheworld usedforplayingbypeople astheteachersaid helpyourselvesto hopetodo Homework 1 抄写单词2 预习UNIT33完成相关练习


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